>all those incredibly dogmatic delusional fedoras
Just found out these people pushing the fedora narrative also believe the holocaust actually happened exactly as the mainstream narrative said.
All of them just defend and adhere strictly to the mainstream narrative and are intensely bluepilled or superkikes.
Anyone here checking this out / want to help out?'s some bluepilling kike in there calling the holocaust "historical fact" and pushing fedora shit everywhere.
>>13041I'm afraid time is being wasted. There are not truth seekers, but consumers of truth. Consumers of truth are passive projectors, when confronted with levels of tautology above their direct observation, they fall upon what is known to them, nothing.
Perversely they have wound this void into a belief in nothing, which serves no purpose besides destruction / interference in the creative feedback process of exploration of our own conscious universe.
In order to break someone of a morality like this, an interference must be made. There logic is insulated into their own reinforcing circuity. The only way for absorption in their self logic to a dynamic understanding is to inject a personal experience. They must come to a higher understanding themselves through outer reflection whether intentional or accidental.
>>13047I got a lot of wizardchan tabs and just spent a fuckload of hours straight trying to greenpill. I guess you're right though. I should just close all the tabs, I am losing sleep over this after-all, and just go to bed and get back to practising magick and finishing writing about magick to make new threads on here.
>>13084An ounce of planning solves a pound of headache. Potentially instead of engaging adhoc; we compile a soundbyte type of message easily digestible. Composed at the core of a philosophy with Socratic method. The goal of which is one small step in positioning of the opposition at a time.
First step: Atheism to Agnosticism
Open people up to the idea that they in fact do not know there is necessarily no god or greater consciousness / universal mysterious logic. Work in small steps the first goal should be reorient in absolutes to doubt.
>>13096I think it's most effective to have multiple people working them from different angles. It's help to have one person shocking them with full greenpill, while another slides them over a grade from something like atheism to agnosticism, and another hammering away at their beliefs in a different way.
I spent all of five minutes reading that thread and had to close the tab because I was starting to feel ill. There's something about their depressed nihilistic materialism that feels horrible, like a disease. They would no doubt scoff at this, but I think many there do need help.
>>13027it sounds like you're the asshole in that thread, man.
Please leave our board alone. We have done nothing to you.
Why should we help THEM?
"Do not cast pearls upon swine."
"Milk for babes; meat for strong men."
"Wisdom is for those who listen"/"Wisdom is for the ears that listen"
"Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off"
and finally
"Don't waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice." [Proverbs 23:9]
(by the way I am not Christian)
At-least if you guys do, do not respond negatively to their negative responses or ideas. Simply post green-pill ideas..and things (like the monks that go without breathing, food, etc.), and that one guy that can retain a normal core temperature in a FREEZING environment.
Tell the illuminati I'm suspending my duties as a Bodhisattva until I get my pay rise.
>>13126(still me)
also.. almost forgot to mention that you could say to read the Kybalion. Say it is a philosophical book that they should look into. If they say it is 'fringe-bullshit' then simply say that the reply is logically flawed, because of ad-hominem or some shit. This goes for anyone that actually clicked the link to this thread from wizardchan.
fockn forgot some of my periods in those quotes..shiet
I've been thinking of compiling a small picture or guide that would light the curiosity of mundanes, preferably revealing some technique they could try out themselves.
Energy-work is something easy to do, but would it be sufficient? I would imagine they would dismiss it as a mere physical sensation.
>>13126Yes, posting pictures and texts could be great. While some of them they might dismiss, most of them are too amazing, (the yogi who ate an overdose of medicine, and wasn't affected them at all, or the yogi who stayed underwater for hours.)
You would still need some people to argue there, answer questions patiently and explain our views.
Now that you quoted that, here's Isaiah, 44:18, "Such stupidity and ignorance! Their eyes are closed, and they cannot see. Their minds are shut, and they cannot think."
Yeah that was cool he ate like above normal dose and it had no affect on him. I remember it said that after an hour he just smiled at the guy that gave it to him. It was said to be 'medicine' to the yogi, when it was indeed LSD. Unless of course you think LSD is medicine (most people would think that it is not), but.. you should say the exact substance/molecule.
ehh I do not like that quote, because it says "them". When it says "them" I think that it means non-believers and is referring to that. There is another quote from the Christian Bible that says similar only it is like "they do not know" or something (could be the same quote in a different translation).
Also I should have typed that my first three quotes are from the Kybalion (I noticed someone from the wizardchan thread would quote the Kybalion and put it in bold print).
Another good quote is that Buddhist quote about doubt being bad.
Why don't you just fuck off and leave wizards alone? Kthxbye
>>13132>Why don't you just fuck off and leave wizards alone? KthxbyeYeah.. THIS exactly.
This is what I am saying. They want to be left alone and are not accepting any new ideas. They can not simply talk about the topic.
>>13129damnit…fuckn forgot something in my post again… probably should have reread your post before posting (don't want to spam the board).
>Energy-work is something easy to do, but would it be sufficient? I would imagine they would dismiss it as a mere physical sensation."As above so below; as below so above"/"As within so without; as without so within"
Things that are fringe that they believe to be true they will probably label as science, but in essence we are all right, just a different perspective.
>>13125You've tried to exclude me from a community I've been part of from the very beginning for having deviant views on metaphysical issues. So that's something you did to me.
>>13132>>13134…because I'm from /v9k/ and just adopted /fringe/ views after seeing they are truthful and am now being ostracised from my own board for it. I will continue to object to you fedoras spewing bullshit on the board I browse whenever you do so. If you don't want it to happen, don't make metaphysical claims, don't say there's no afterlife or that death is the end or that we have no freewill and are purely material beings. If you do, expect to be challenged. If you don't want to discuss those things, don't bring them up to begin with. If you don't like it, then thanks for the loosh, but I'm not going to be silenced by any of you just because you begin perceiving me as an outsider when I'm not. 99% sure I have been around longer than all of you who are trying to caste me out.
>>13126It's not "upon swine", it's "before swine".
…and I don't care about tone at all.
>>13128It's like you didn't even the thread. I gave them about 12 links throughout it and responded to hostility with hostility and sincerity with sincerity. I simply mirror themselves back at them. That is me expressing the water element.
>>13135Whether something is easy or not to do depends upon your related skills and your mentality. If you think it's going to be hard it will be hard. If you don't have certain skills related to it already developed, that too makes it tougher. All these various meditational/trance/suggestion/thoughtforming/energywork/ etc. stuff goes hand-in-hand with each other, each practise strengthening all the others.
>>13151No. You're just a retarded shitposter.
File: 1418685082926.png (79.42 KB, 702x434, 351:217, Screenshot from 2014-12-15….png)
>fedoras do nothing but shitpost in the thread contributing nothing of value
>I demand they put forward real arguments
>I get banned
>fedoras go on posting unmolested
File: 1418685108025.png (51.99 KB, 451x666, 451:666, Screenshot from 2014-09-15….png)
>>13166You're a retarded shitposter.
>>13167Hmmm not sure but the fedora might have actually been banned too. If that is true and we both got a ban then I'm happy for our argument was going nowhere anyways.
>posts trufax
>mod dislikes post
>gets deleted
All this because saying the world doesnt function as some sort of rationally logic clock.
NYPA fuck off.
>>13169Nevermind, looks like the other guy got some of his posts deleted, but didn't give a ban. Unless he's lying. If true though, the mods are being biased pricks who give fedoras a free pass on shitposting.
>>13178Lurk more shit head.
>>13167Oh you got banned for 15 minutes. Boo hoo.
>>13202You trying to steal my loosh there?
>>13151>because I'm from /v9k/Yeah, sure you are
>If you don't want it to happen, don't make metaphysical claims, don't say there's no afterlife or that death is the end or that we have no freewill and are purely material beingsHow about YOU don't bring that shit up instead, or maybe contain your bullshit to one designated thread?
>>13212I was on /v9k/ since its very inception and have seen it all and can narrate the history of /v9k/ to you. I had posts on there back when the total post count was less than 1,000.
You on the other hand probably weren't around back then.
>How about YOU don't bring that shit up instead, or maybe contain your bullshit to one designated thread?I never brought it up. Every single time it's YOU fedoras bringing it up and I just reply. Maybe other posters are bringing it up, I just respond to people that make metaphysical claims anywhere, be they fedora or not. Don't want a conversation? Don't make a claim about god/afterlife/reincarnation/will/existence/aliens/spirits/etc.
Can /v9k/ stop raiding /fringe/ please?
>>13220Why must you do this to us /v9k/? What have we ever done to you?
>>13216>>13222You stop raiding /v9k/, first.
>>13215I swear to god, I don't know what I will have to do but I will convince the moderation to start banning that sort of bullshit even if it's the last thing I do
>>13216You're fucking joking, right?
Delusionfaggots vs Fedorafaggots.
Entertain me apprentices!
>>13310By that logic wouldn't fedorafaggots be fighting themselves?
>>13225I ain't a fucking /v9k/ raider I'm a /v9k/ native!
File: 1418789030478.png (72.52 KB, 701x320, 701:320, Screenshot from 2014-12-16….png)
[chadmin moderator oppression of KV NEET intensifies]
>>13310*Special Snowflake Faggot Detected*
>>13227People clearly want to discuss that shit, albeit heatedly, or they wouldn't even bother to post in such threads. How about instead of being censorious faggots we just let such discussions happen and if you don't like them yourself you stay out of them by not making any comments pertaining to those subjects?
>>13228You guys have been raiding here forever, tipping your fedoras, and causing trouble. It's probably how you even ended up with any wizards on your board … /v9k/ers coming over here to stir shit up and a few getting greenpilled in the process.
I knew you fucking niggers invaded(I'LL ADD A WIZARDCHAN FLAG FOR YOU!)
Get the fuck out of wizardchan fringekikes(>implying you wizardchanners don't come here and take back what you learn to your place)
I've noticed an influx of wizardchan users today. Do you mind linking me to whatever threads are getting greenpilled at present on wizardchan?
>>14474It appears as though wizardchan is dead.
Calling in back up here! Greenpilling on /pol/!
>>13145>can't even tip it properly