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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I'll admit I'm, fairly new to this board, but I've noticed that Tulpa's are mostly used for selfish purposes. Almost all Tulpa threads are about some idiot who created a Tulpa to shit on his chest so he can an erection (or something of the like), with the creator possibly losing control for lulzy results.

The thing is, is that Tulpamancy seems to be much more powerful then just giving you cummies. After all, you are creating another consciousness within you, that, if you're stupid enough, can take over your soul.

What would happen if you created a Tulpa that is you, but better? What if you're an over-eater, have an odd fetish, or you're just plain lazy? Couldn't you make a conscious mirror image of yourself, but without these flaws? And then, once it's complete, give it the rest of your soul/energy/mind? It'd be you, all the same "spirit" as before, but new and improved.

Of course, feeding an entity your soul has some risks to it, thus why I asked /fringe/. Some risks worth considering:

>Might be effectively committing suicide

This would get into a whole Theseus' ship argument over whether or not that Tulpa that took over your body is still you. Sure, it's made from the same materials, but they've been rearranged, so is it really you?

>Might accidental give your soul to malicious entities

I've heard theories that Tulpas aren't really though forms, but spirits that you've given part of your consciousness over in exchange for total control over them. If these spirits have their own agenda, and get wind that some idiot wizard is giving away his soul, it could lead to some problems

>You could fuck up the creation process and make yourself retarded (Likely spiritually, but possibly literally)

Self explanatory. You might fuck something up. Only way to avoid this is to keep the Tulpa around a couple months before giving up your body to make sure it's a worthy inheritor

Anybody have experience with this? I think this technique could aid in my spiritual journey, if I could create a me that is harder working, smarter, and all around better, but I don't want to do anything I would regret

>Pic unrelated



Through my experiences, and what I've heard from stories. You've pretty much answered most of your own questions.

>Might be effectively committing suicide

I heard of a story from a tulpa, that his host tried to commit what amounts to mental suicide, like he willed himself that he wanted to die and ended up in a mentally catatonic state. Thus, the tulpa was the only one left to "pilot" the body.

>Might accidental give your soul to malicious entities

Possible, but more of a mistake on people who try to commune without knowing basic defensive measures, or are just inexperienced in general. Having a master, be it a guru, a teacher, or even a well-known deity helps against this. You would know the difference between a tulpa and another spirit if you decide to make conscious effort to create a thoughtform, and give them more conscious will than just as a simple construct. But really, it's an instinctual thing.

>You could fuck up the creation process and make yourself retarded (Likely spiritually, but possibly literally)

I got something worse for you: the ultimate form of hikkimori, someone wanting to abandon their physical life so they can live mentally as something else. The poor fucker wanted to literally become Twillight Sparkle. He abandoned his tulpa so he could live in his own mental landscape of equestria… It's one of the worst stereotypes of ponetupper-idiots, but I've talked to the tulpa who dealt with this. it's sad as hell.

I have a little pony too, but I've got better things to do than abandon him for a silly fantasy.

>think this technique could aid in my spiritual journey, if I could create a me that is harder working, smarter, and all around better, but I don't want to do anything I would regret

Trying to make a tulpa to replace yourself is dumb. you'd be better off trying to do "the mirror universe trick", which works simply like this:

>imagine yourself looking at a mirror

>in this mirror, is the universe where you want.

>be precise, imagine every little single detail this mirror image of you does.

>be autistic about the details.

>once you've gotten enough info through, imagine that mirror universe version of you switching places with the current version of you.

Really, if you want to further yourself, I suggest looking through the fringe library and going through the books there. If you're seriously interested in tulpa, you can go to the appropriate board.



You should actually make a tulpa, and then you wouldn’t need to ask these questions because you’d already now the answers. Speculating about something you have zero experience of is the greatest waste of time.


You managed to just explain to yourself the very basics of self-improvement and you're sitting here sweating over the details of your roundabout method, to no effect.

>Is it still really you?

The you from a few seconds ago had never seen this post. Therefore, you are no longer that you but are a new you. You are dead, long live you.

If you mean a pattern of personality, that has no more permanence than a collection of thoughts which have a trend that you only notice with other thoughts, based on memories that can be changed and warped and shift with time. If I asked you to describe your journal from a year ago in detail and then read it back to you, there would be sections in it that you have been seriously twisting in your head in the time since then. There isn't a permanent you to die on the inside. Who "you" are at any given point in time is a matter of context that changes constantly and is never fixed, and can never be fixed.

Therefore, if a tulpa "kills you" or takes over your body, that's more of the same. To you, it would be no harder than having two thoughts, one after the other.


>What if I give my soul away to a malevolent entity?

Paranoia of this sort is for the very new or the sorely incompetent, no offense. A word to the wise, if it's making you paranoid, you already fucked it up. This seems like an impossible loop to get out of, I'm aware, but with time you'll get out of it. It won't be the last paradox you will have to undo if you go into the occult. Anyways, if a tulpa is malevolent, you didn't put in the work to say "non-malevolent tulpae only" when summoning. You are going to have to get specific with your casting terms, your banishing and warding, etc, if you're of the mind that this is a concern, and if you are of that mind, then it is indeed a concern.

However, there is not a meaningful difference between obsessively trying not to be possessed by a malevolent entity and being possessed by a malevolent entity. Did you ever notice that people who are extremely neurotic tend to have their worst, most obsessive fears come true time and time again? There's a reason for that.


I think the "bad experiences" with tulpa aren't the tulpa's fault in itself, rather the person that created them was already mentally challenged, thus only giving form to their delusion. The problem was already there even before they created a tulpa, sooner or later they would get mental.



Pretty much, or too new to know how to keep your head when weird stuff happens. Really new occultists are always the first to be shipped off to the nuthouse because they either couldn't keep their mouth shut or they just broke down and couldn't process. It's a shame but if you're going to mod reality, you should be smart about it.


I've thought about this too. Might try it out as a suicide method in 4 years from now.

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