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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: af0947a76e64c6e⋯.png (184.8 KB, 1026x1193, 1026:1193, 1541556333026.png)


Being a reactionary/conservative Discordian absurdist doesn't go so swell on twitter or any other social media platform.

Looking for relatively active groups or accounts to check into for cool cult-esque imagery and certain taboo things.

Also looking for likeminded individuals to start a cult with.


Being an Erisian I'm going to need a definition on "going so well" as that could mean anything from the perspective of a chaos magician.


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Well, my twitter feed is usually filled with "orange man bad" and "fuck brexit", so I'm getting kinda tired.

Looking for people that are above petty politics.



Kerry Thornley was a guns and dope primeval back to the caves type who hung out with Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary (socialist libertarians and bane of Nixonite/Reagonite right wingers). There are pretty much no Discordian communities that are a safe space from politics.. I know a couple right wingers and left wingers in each Discordian enclave so you're welcome to troll whatever in any Disco community, but of course you'll get trolled back. But /eris/ is relatively politics free. The closest you'll probably get is maybe /eris/. Hope this helps.


Follow Nydwracu, isn't he the exact same as you?


larping mundane. I hope you get cancer and die normalfaggot.



This. Fuck off with your cringey anime psyop crap.


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I believe Malaclypse the Younger to be thoroughly misunderstood.

He actually pledged the most work into the Principia, perfecting its details.

I browse /eris/ just looking for more activity.



fuck off


File: d73fbab34a1780e⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 555x720, 37:48, d73fbab34a1780eb2592d30a83….gif)


LOL cringehurt



Im a discordian also and I've been posting on this new imageboard. I actually found it because it was shilled here. Chen2.org. I'm not going to tell you about all the cool ass features because I don't want this to be seen as advertising or whatever.

From one discordian to another, I think you will HIGHLY enjoy the website. It is very small only been around for like a week but it has like almost 40000k posts at this time. Theres something special about it.



>Being a reactionary/conservative

By the way, have you seen Carlylean Restorationist's latest blog?

It's a critique of capitalism from a right-wing, authoritarian position.

Check it out:


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