those of you who have not seen it yet, Tom updated the E-Mail Q&A with 100+ new entries.
I have seen his articles posted before in pdf format. How to do this?
Of interest to me and probably some of you guys:
"No, by itself astral travel does nothing to make you more knowledgeable, enlightened, or spiritual. That is because you only tend to encounter layers of the astral planes and beings who are equal or lower than you in consciousness/vibration.
Mostly it’s a waste of time, and can be dangerous if you are under negative entity attacks. They can pull you out of the body and sever the soul connection to the body if they are strong enough, and then they can take your place. People who astral travel too much seem to lose parts of their soul slowly, like it wears away.
I think it’s only safe if you’re already an esoteric initiate, well trained over your mind and emotions and are spiritually balanced. Then if you’re that high, and you astral travel to attend some meeting in the higher astral planes, sure you could gain from that. But most people just going exploring or flying around, no that’s not good. Astral travel isn’t something you do to become more enlightened, it’s something you can do more safely near/after becoming enlightened.
Lucid dreaming is safer. Any positive being that can teach you anything, can do so by projecting itself into your dreamscape if needed. You don’t leave your body (that much) and therefore cannot be taken away and replaced."
"I’ve known others who did a lot of astral projection and the effects reminded me of what happens to heavy LSD users, in that a part of them seems to get lost, and worse, something else takes its place."
"It’s actually better to go the other way — work first on the heart, throat, and crown chakras — if you want to do chakra work. Because those then allow you to do the lower without experiencing the unpredictable side effects of the lower."
"Perfection means having none of the flaws of mortal man, none of the ignorance, biases, selfish drives, shortsightedness, temper, egotism, foolishness, etc. and instead being as close to godlike and angelic and powerful as possible without losing your individuality… having accumulated as much wisdom as can possibly be gained by an individualized soul. Strong, steady, aware, balanced, wise, understanding, poised, and free from limitation."