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Esoteric Wizardry


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For those of you who have not seen it yet, Tom updated the E-Mail Q&A with 100+ new entries.

I have seen his articles posted before in pdf format. How to do this?

Of interest to me and probably some of you guys:
"No, by itself astral travel does nothing to make you more knowledgeable, enlightened, or spiritual. That is because you only tend to encounter layers of the astral planes and beings who are equal or lower than you in consciousness/vibration.

Mostly it’s a waste of time, and can be dangerous if you are under negative entity attacks. They can pull you out of the body and sever the soul connection to the body if they are strong enough, and then they can take your place. People who astral travel too much seem to lose parts of their soul slowly, like it wears away.

I think it’s only safe if you’re already an esoteric initiate, well trained over your mind and emotions and are spiritually balanced. Then if you’re that high, and you astral travel to attend some meeting in the higher astral planes, sure you could gain from that. But most people just going exploring or flying around, no that’s not good. Astral travel isn’t something you do to become more enlightened, it’s something you can do more safely near/after becoming enlightened.

Lucid dreaming is safer. Any positive being that can teach you anything, can do so by projecting itself into your dreamscape if needed. You don’t leave your body (that much) and therefore cannot be taken away and replaced."

"I’ve known others who did a lot of astral projection and the effects reminded me of what happens to heavy LSD users, in that a part of them seems to get lost, and worse, something else takes its place."

"It’s actually better to go the other way — work first on the heart, throat, and crown chakras — if you want to do chakra work. Because those then allow you to do the lower without experiencing the unpredictable side effects of the lower."

"Perfection means having none of the flaws of mortal man, none of the ignorance, biases, selfish drives, shortsightedness, temper, egotism, foolishness, etc. and instead being as close to godlike and angelic and powerful as possible without losing your individuality… having accumulated as much wisdom as can possibly be gained by an individualized soul. Strong, steady, aware, balanced, wise, understanding, poised, and free from limitation."



What do you believe what happens when you die?

First is an out of body experience. You might see your life flash before your eyes as the etheric body separates from the physical. Then you find yourself hovering over your dead body and maybe get to move around a bit.

At that point things start to vary.

Some people eject from their etheric body straight away enter straight into the light which they should see somewhere above them. That takes them into the astral and spirit realm where they undergo a more thorough life review for some time.

Otherwise, if they continue sticking around the physical environment, the etheric body starts disintegrating within 3-7 days. If they were particularly dark in life, they could be solicited by demons during this period. At that point it’s possible for them to suck energy from living beings in order to keep their etheric body from disintegrating. Then they become ghosts or phantoms, Earth-bound spirits. They can also attach themselves to animals of vulnerable humans and become spirit entity attachments.

Otherwise their etheric body dies and they increasingly lose touch with physical reality and begin “dreaming” as they shift from the etheric to the astral body and start entering the astral planes. So things become more dreamlike for them, which eventually becomes the more thorough life review.

In the astral planes, they run the risk of being ensnared by astral predators pretending to be priests or tribal gods or whatever appeals to their belief system. These are demons and other negative discarnate humans. If they died with heavy emotional baggage, psychological addictions, or programming, they can get stuck in these make-believe astral plane environments that appeal to that. There they stay until their astral body is sucked dry and shrivels away and they awaken like from a coma into their deeper, true, more impersonal spirit-centric consciousness. Then they’re free to finally move into the spirit realm.

In the spirit realm, having awoken from their previous stupidity, they have the foresight to plan for their next life and I guess get counsel or meet with other spirit beings. They see what more needs to be done and learned, and feel the call to return to do it right. So they are born again as humans eventually. Only, in many cases, to screw up again, and thus reincarnation keeps repeating.


Has anyone gotten a response from Montalk before and if so how long did it take? I am tempted to share something with him and ask him about it. He says he received 5500 emails spanning 4 years and has only now posted the responses to 100+. I guess he would respond to most without posting on his site, but if he receives so many, it would seem unlikely the majority would get a response and those that do would take a while


Holy shit this is a major update.

[Montalk Reading Intensifies]


I got quite a few responses from him on his youtube channel.



Thanks. His answer to your question about the Higher Self is quite interesting


What do you think of his opinion on astral projection, since that is where most of your time is spent (I think)? Surely it is safe for you considering your power, but is time well spent if it is used used as a method of mere exploration on Earth? Some of your logs make it seem a spiritual waste (playing computer games, random exploring), however the details of your explorations of other planets and the life there are very interesting. Are you still attempting to find books and extract information from entities in the astral? It is unfortunate you stopped posting logs


how can he know so much and be so right?

who is he?


I've been e-mailing him for more than 5 years now. He replies to 90% of e-mails and is very friendly/clear about what he says.

Response time is usually under a week, though sometimes it has taken at most 2 weeks.



>astral travel is dangerous

I think that's correct. I've read some stuff by teachers and advanced magi.
They say that *proper* astral projection can easily lead to death if the astral cord is severed or if there's some trouble during the separation phase. That's why they train hard before gaining any "magic power", they need to, so that they can be safe and in control of what they're doing. They warn people about "casual" astral travelling and mainstream books like "mastering ap". We've got to keep in mind that before the internet was a thing, few people knew about this stuff.
I think Montalk is right, lucid dreaming is safer, and even then, it's better to use the free time you get in your dreams to train yourself in meditation and other stuff so you can properly perform the advanced magic later.


that feeling when he replied in ten minutes

Why can't there be more posters like Montalk on the internet. Most 'fringe' people seem retarded in comparison


Because there's a lot of them who want to make money off of others or who are genuinely incredibly shortsighted and mentally impaired that they don't realize that they're hurting fringe instead of contributing to it.


"I read some stuff"
[citation needed]


Muh masters said
forgot flag


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Actually the guy who runs Northern Runes Radio is in agreement with Montalk on AP, though he doesn't call it that since he mostly works within the Germanic paradigm

The practice of Seidhr, which is roughly means "fairing forth" is a form of trance magic whose main function is to travel to the other worlds of the Germanic cosmology, so it's basically AP.

I listened to their podcast on Seidhr, and the host strongly advised you meditate and connect with every rune before you try Seidhr for similar reasons Montalk mentioned. They differ in that Montalk dismisses AP as mostly pointless and not worth the danger it poses, where as the NRR is all for practicing Seidhr once you've got a good grasp of all the runes and can handle any problems that may arise.

Here is the podcast for those interested


Thanks for this. I'm glad to see that the Northern tradition covers all of the mystical bases as it were. I love NRR.


>implying his hallucinations give him any authority over anything


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*tips fedora*

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