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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c2dd3ae220eaa0b⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 696x464, 3:2, angel of love.jpg)


Want to make something very clear.

Even though you may receive messages that you are a star being and a high elder, seer, oracles, etc. etc.

Do not get lost in the story of it and allow it to entitle you and make yourself better than anyone else.

Yes you may be those things, more then likely you WERE those things. But it does not mean that is who you are in this very moment.

As you progress in this spiritual growth many of you will feel you have been Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mary Magdalene, Etc.etc. Because the truth is…Yes you have been all of them.

But for the benefit of the life path you chose in this physical existence showing you those specific images or feelings, supports your souls expansion. So there are those souls that then get lost in the story of Oh I am Jesus, or OH I AM Buddha. But why would you even limit your self to being just them?

Don't you want to take the game even further to see what you can do now that you remember you were those beings? To use that as a solid foundation to build upon and see what else we are capable of?

Don't limit your self to these beings, They were just examples of what is. But We are even greater then what they represented. They were just a bookmark in a page, within a chapter of the book of our evolutionary expansion.

Now there are those who will become disillusioned to the story of star family and believe if they are in "trouble" will call upon the ships to take them away. This is infact a disillusion. Why? Because you are not witnessing and being present with the emotions it is offering you in the present moment, rather you are acting like a victim and something is happening to you and requesting an outside thing to support you and magically take you away.

You are much stronger then this, and require no protection. We are the awakened, we are the truth, when you stand in truth nothing can ever harm you because you are expanding your light, your heart, your radiant love.

To think someone is attacking you and sending spells upon you is to allow it to occur in the first place, allowing a kink in your armor for it to seep through. It's always a choice.

Remember dear ones that you create your reality. Never forget this. All is created to benefit your own individual awareness.

-The Water Magister


You sound like a faggot.



Thank you.


Are you Mossa? You remind me of someone who went by Mossa for a while


No I am not.




oh. Khan or Tipp?





huh, ok. Checks out


I like the decor to the pdf, real pretty


Thank you. Now apply it. :D>>130439


File: a85c5879da4c5a3⋯.jpg (659.17 KB, 1297x587, 1297:587, Save Me.jpg)


Ad hominem at its finest. Can't attack the message, it must be Mossa or Khan or Tipp that wrote it so I can feel better about guessing why I don't have to pursue spirituality.

Most people here haven't even accessed infinity and what is beyond, don't expect them to understand their "past" lives.

It's not so much about who you were, but what you learned from it. It's not so much about who you think you are but who you want to be.

No one is left behind lest they want to.


Exactly brother. >>130456



I know that it is no coincidence that I should find myself to find a thread as this, when I have felt such desire to "awaken". I have felt the inward pull, the desire to remember. There are brief moments every now and then where I understand everything I wish to understand, but they only last a fraction of a second. It's blinding, like I have spent my entire life with my eyes closed, just opening them for brief moments. I have been progressing along this very path with intuition alone until now. I must thank you dearly for your help and pdf. Are these brief moments what it is like to be awakened? I don't remember much from those moments, but I do remember understanding that this life is just a dream, and that if I so desired, I could alter the manifest like in a dream. I don't remember how or even fully understand it in this moment or anything like that, but it felt pretty good. I also remember love. A powerful, burning and seemingly eternal love. I feel like I'm so close to awakening, remembrance, whatever it is, but it seems so far too. Like what it feels like to have a word "just on the tip of the tongue". I have such anxiety and anticipation for it. Also, how does this relate and/or compare to Nos? Are they the same thing? It's really weird being both a Neophyte and not a Neophyte simultaneously, so please forgive me if my questions are the wrong questions or "stupid" questions. Also, I have a intuitive feeling that there are a lot of other people like me in the same place. I don't know who you are, or your order, but I do know this, you clearly know your task and purpose. I have one too, but I have not remembered it. I have not even remembered my name. O, how it gnaws at me that I have not.



Where does one find this PDF?




There will always be questions that arise but the truth of it all is even though there have been countless books written on every possible subject.

It is only wen you pause to go within utilizing breath work or other tools available to us that we can truly receive the answers we seek.

No guru or teacher will be able to shine light on that for you.

Look into automatic writing as it is a very very powerful tool of awakening because i it you write a question and you keep writing what ever first comes to mind even if it sounds silly.

I go by the water magister, but it is just a title gifted to me.

You can find me through youtube as well.

I am grateful for people like you that truly want to explore their hidden nature and the abilities and gifts we possess.

Because we are more than the stories we tell ourselves and it just takes a shift in perspective to unlock what has always been there, but we chose to forget.

The process of re-remembering what we already know.



I thank you for your answers. In truth, some part of me knew that only I could find my own answers, but I could not help but ask. I will try your advice. I look forward to the day that I remember. Once again, thank you for your assistance.

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