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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Racial self worship is to make your race your god. When your race is the sacred and the holy, this orients the moral compass in a certain way. All that is evil is defined as that which is bad for your race, and all that is good is that which is good for your race.

Under this moral compass the devils are that which are the enemies of your race. The racial enemies. The trolls. In the context of the white race, the jews would be the trolls, the devils. They are the forces of darkness. Light means knowledge, so preserving the white race means preserving the minds and the awareness of whites. The very act of a white person gazing on the world brings light, it is the light of their sight. The eyes are the sun of the head.

It is not only awareness that is light, but so is lore. Part of racial self worship is awareness of the words spoken and written by people of the past, history and folklore, and more. Racial self worship also involves worshipping the white woman and the white man, the living white man and white woman, the living white girl and white boy. Worshipping the physical white race, and venerating the ancestors.

It is also important to worship the old gods. Praying to "God" is okay, but this does not mean one has to be a christian, jew, or muslim to pray to God. Zeus or Athena are better than Jesus by the way, Mars and Jupiter, The Morrigan and Freya.

This is a battle between light and darkness. The jews are the forces of darkness and the white race, its preservation is to preserve the light of the world. It is our moral duty to preserve and worship the white race, and venerate our ancestors and worship our offspring and descendants. To worship the young and the old is important.

We also must hate those devils who have been plaguing our race and pray for God to curse them and pray for God to bless our race. We must make and venerate idols to the old gods, and learn the old folklore and myths. These trolls have no right to destroy us. We must love ourselves and worship our race. This is morality. We are the light of the world, and hating the darkness is morally just.

The tree is a metaphor for our race, by venerating the roots, the ancestors, we connect with that tree and that tree reaches into the sky. Oneness with the racial tree helps us channel the light of knowledge into the world. The trolls would seek to destroy that tree, but they will not succeed. Stephen Kings The Dark Tower was about The Wandering Jew seeking to destroy the racial tree(Dark Tower). They cannot be allowed to do so.

Down with the jews.

Long live the white race, may the white race live forever.


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White people should worship their race, whites should worship the white race. The white race is holy.



The story of Abelard and Heloise is about French intellectuals who overcame the monastic taboo against reproduction and learned to love each other and have offspring. The love between a white man and white woman is the most important thing there is in the world.


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The internet is a manifestation of whites out-evolving jewish control of the media which was being used to try to destroy the white race. The very purpose of the internet then is to utter curses against the jews and to wage a war of words against the jews, to speak against the jews.

This is a racial holy war, a war though that is not physical or militaristic. This is a war of words, and a spiritual war too. The jews must be prayed against. The jews are devils who should be exiled from white lands.

The picture of Ogmios depicts that people are enslaved to the media, they are thralls, enthralled by, to who they listen to. Zombies are a metaphor for white leftists. The white left are jewish polluted zombies. Every white man is a knight.






Is there any good reason not to be a shapeshifter? Turnabout is fair play, after all. White people can pretend to be jews just as easily as the inverse.


This is what's properly known as an idol, fetish, or obsessional. A very simple filter or lens by which the world is categorized, without understanding categorization itself or how to leverage that to improve mental mechanisms and tendencies themselves.

These are fun while you're in them, and if you want to be a cult leader or a porn star or something, they're fantastic. But, they aren't the way up. Once someone sees what direction is actually intended by "up," they will of their own accord discard material and limited categories like this.


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<racial solipsism

The jews love and worship their race more than any other, yet look where it has brought them.

The proper order of things is to be found in God, not in the self.

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