Why thank you very much anon my dear
Rhyming is easy if you do not fear
Sounding retarded or risking a tear
Though it depends, 'tis easier with beer.
But you have to be here
And trust your self to hear
All those bits which are more than mere
Coincidence, so relax, for the sheer
Amount of nonsense one can sear
Into your mind and your gear
Can overwhelm your inner npc and make you queer
But if you do can do it, you'll be a highly-ranked peer
Something Shakespeare something King Lear.
It comes with practice. I literally just think of the last word and try to find all the words that rhyme with it and go from there. It might sound retarded but I literally just take the sound and go through the alphabet. Dear, -ear -ear -ear, beer, -ear -ear -ear, fear… etc
Rhyming to me has a certain mischevious "demonic" quality. Like you're trying to dazzle someone with the pretty sounds to distract them. Also I think, because of the pleasantness of the rhyme, it makes the conscious mind more accepting of whatever is said, thus making it have more impact on the listener. And while the conscious mind merely retains the rhyme itself, the sub-conscious takes in fully the meaning, the sigil if you will. A lot of the oldest texts that come from oral traditions rhyme and I don't think that it's just to make it easy to remember, but that they actually do have certain "mind-unlocking" qualities to them, related to the sub-consciousness' archetypes.
My will is the universe
At my pleasure they all rehearse
I am the master of my fate
As a wizard I am never late
But if I am, it is because I smelled the bait
Or because I myself had to wait for my date.
Bitches ain't shit but all men are dogs
Both anger and love are useful for clearing the fogs.