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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I want to accumulate in this thread all the rules about what unconscious understands and what unconscious doesn't understand.

Post linguistic formulas from your traditions, from NLP, from psychology, anything you know about right wording.

For make it easier to compare let's imagine we all want to resurrect Lenin.

My try: "It Is my will Lenin not dead anymore" (here's I obviously point to the most famous rule that unconscious doesn't understand "not", "no" and things like that)

Ironically my linguistic english is pretty bad, bad i pretty hope you understand what I'm trying to communicate.


File: 2faa2b0547a0acd⋯.png (4.35 KB, 128x128, 1:1, epyccoin.png)

Well I'm glad someone knows how to make interesting threads around here. Sometimes it's the simple semi-Wiccan crap that's the more fun /fringe/ stuff to read.

Alliteration actually alleviates an astoundingly ancient arbitrary alignment ailing any animal alive.


(Rule 5)
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It is my will that Lenin and all of his communist spawn will burn in perpetual torment.


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But by the might of the alt-left's spite your will was defiled and this thread derailed to OP's lament.


(Rule 5)
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"Lenin lives."


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File: bb542a42c9fd87e⋯.jpg (107.53 KB, 466x496, 233:248, Shakespeare.jpg)

Fucking communistic faggots

Trying here their 2 bit spells

They know not that truth and power

In a real wordsmith dwells.

Laugh at them, the brainless wordlets

Lacking image, lacking world

They're bereft of both the powers

Of the speech and of the sword.

Hear them, as they whine like women

Thinking that will get them shit.

All it does is drive them closer

To the dirt from which they're knit.

In the name of God's glory

Let us smite them far and wide

Such that once, now, and forever

We shall end their vile tide.


File: f7d54c884c3088e⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1266x950, 633:475, Scientism 021.png)

The world doth rhyme and so should you

But rhyme itself don't make it true

What makes it true is God in you

Who speaks both in and through you too.

Like all good actors I stand on the stage

"Open Sesame", thus opens the cage

I sing songs of power, put myself through a rage

To take his place after slaying the sage.

Fuck commies and fashies, mindless traitorous drones

Serving men too afraid of dirtying their hands

To hell they go for the ice in their bones

Burn they shall for putting man into trance.

Some men, good with numbers, others with words

But those good at feeling, them little hurts

Some good at seeing, they rarely go blind

Others good at smelling, their desires will find.

As Billy-boy said, the word is the Law

(((they))) act like it is theirs, this claw

'tis not, 'tis ours, those with sickle and saw

Those whose souls, by (((their))) machinations were left raw.



Making spells rhyme is a good idea. I haven't made any yet though, I might work on making some rhyming affirmations.


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Actually it makes them sound retarted


Stop being a nazi


That will delude you in believing it's 1917



Your english skills are impressive


Rhyming doesn't sound any natural for me. Thought I've heard people in maniac state of mind start to talk in rhymes, so may be there's more reasons for rhyming beyond that it's easier to remember.

I think the best way to formulate an affirmation is to catch what you are actually saying to yourself and change it.



Why thank you very much anon my dear

Rhyming is easy if you do not fear

Sounding retarded or risking a tear

Though it depends, 'tis easier with beer.

But you have to be here

And trust your self to hear

All those bits which are more than mere

Coincidence, so relax, for the sheer

Amount of nonsense one can sear

Into your mind and your gear

Can overwhelm your inner npc and make you queer

But if you do can do it, you'll be a highly-ranked peer

Something Shakespeare something King Lear.

It comes with practice. I literally just think of the last word and try to find all the words that rhyme with it and go from there. It might sound retarded but I literally just take the sound and go through the alphabet. Dear, -ear -ear -ear, beer, -ear -ear -ear, fear… etc

Rhyming to me has a certain mischevious "demonic" quality. Like you're trying to dazzle someone with the pretty sounds to distract them. Also I think, because of the pleasantness of the rhyme, it makes the conscious mind more accepting of whatever is said, thus making it have more impact on the listener. And while the conscious mind merely retains the rhyme itself, the sub-conscious takes in fully the meaning, the sigil if you will. A lot of the oldest texts that come from oral traditions rhyme and I don't think that it's just to make it easy to remember, but that they actually do have certain "mind-unlocking" qualities to them, related to the sub-consciousness' archetypes.

My will is the universe

At my pleasure they all rehearse

I am the master of my fate

As a wizard I am never late

But if I am, it is because I smelled the bait

Or because I myself had to wait for my date.

Bitches ain't shit but all men are dogs

Both anger and love are useful for clearing the fogs.


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These rhymes are contrived pseudo-intellectual condescension manifested into words. Definitely more bullshit than magic in this diarrhea of shitty poetic turds.

I don't want to read your verbose walls of text.

Quit using jarring words that leave readers vexed.

This is /fringe/?

More like /cringe/.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n (rule 5)



Jealousy is a bitch that's mad,

With grief, leaving you in a ditch of sad.

I've read your stuff E p y c [BECOME AN AUTHOR] and it's whack.

Not my place, but still, I think you lost yourself on the track

Already that face, screaming ill, showing your heart of black.

Verbose and pseudo is any wizard's knack.

How else are tourists kept away,

If not by telling them "it's all fake and gay"

A faggot by day, and by night a worm,

Gone so far astray, confusing eye with the storm

Leave be the play of those on good term

With their minds, who lay with the master of form.

Diarrhea your practice and madness your tea.

Behold, the one with thick rhymes, me.

Bold, to live in sick times and not flee,

But stay and learn how to set oneself free.

Condescension and confidence, not the same thing,

So sit down you clown, and maybe I'll let you kiss my ring ;)



layered information. Metaphor.

Stories within stories is the classical method. Layering up to about 7 times. I think that is about all the unconscious mind can juggle, but that's just a premise based on the fact that you can only fold a piece of paper in half 7 times.

Grant Morrison calls it "hypersigil" with his comic stories.

Pick up artists understand the metaphor. Talking to a girl about a seemingly innocuous topic while loading the conversation with pumping heat juice wet flowing gasps of unrestrained pleasure about riding bicycles or some shit.

You have to be specific about which lenin/lennon, and what specifically you want to not be dead. People are complex. You may resurrect Lenin only to discover he was a closet furry with masochistic tendencies and that's what drove his. political ideology.

Operating above the verbal i.q. level is directing and receiving specific emotions/ideas/concepts. This can put you into a schizophrenic state. Information overload. Like a perpetual bad mushroom trip. Reserved for dreamtime, and for obvious good reason.

Back to the layered information: Write out some key words that represent your goal, then deliberately use those words during normal conversations with others.






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Too long did not read;

you missed my point dweeb.

Fancy meaningless words,

are best left to weebs.

I find your edgy words inferior,

before [redacted], the superior.

You see my simplicity,

is the true complexity.

You, like /fringe/,

are still, /cringe/.

Magic's fake,

you dickache.

However, fake is real.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n (rule 5)


File: 6b265c556a4fe6a⋯.jpg (119.22 KB, 1000x950, 20:19, one_of_many.jpg)

There he goes, thinking he knows

All the good shit, he thinks he's got wit.

What kind of a man must it take

To sign all your posts, what a fake

He could have chose wisdom years ago

To merge with the hive mind, make a post, the let go

Expect no recognition no glory no fame

We are the wise ones, we just post, that's our game

And if the Gods are pleased with our work

We pass on the wisdom to those who still lurk.

Until that fine day when they take our place.

The power of Anon, one mind and no face.

Our posts are eternal trough caps and trough dubs

Ours not a place for vainglorious scrubs.

Though every village may have its fool

Here is the locus where clowns do not rule

They make their sad posts, once, twice, then they're gone

Absorbed by the power, and the wisdom of Anon.


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I have used negative sentences in sigil statements and they have worked. What’s up with that?



>write out some key words that represent your goal, then deliberately use them with others

I like this idea. It’s like a reverse synchronicity.



An example please?

The purpose of statements is to focus our minds on the desired state/outcome.

If we say "I am not sick" we tend to think of sickness and then arises all these thoughts of sickness in our mind.

If we think "I am healthy" or "Health is coming my way" or simply "health" we think of health, hopefully, unless we're really depressed and end up thinking of sickness.



"I don't get sick" has worked pretty well for me for the last 8 years.


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Yes, I understand what you’re saying and I agree it’s a good rule of thumb. However, the words are just a vehicle of your intent and it depends a lot on how the person thinks, the way their culture and language works et cetera.







>tfw you're so magically advanced your wizard duels are also online rap battles


word, form, will

bird, worm, kill


File: 8133927ed4783cc⋯.jpg (99.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 8133927ed4783ccc165c2dce3e….jpg)

ibble, bibble, queeble ribble

wee wee pee pee, feeble dribble

rot and snot, blood no clot

death to chad, cuck, kike and thot

fabble, drabble, normies babble

naught but prattle, till death rattle

may my mind make mindful matter,

or matter mindful make mind matter




Nice. Just very nice.

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