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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Saint Paul was also known by his Jewish name Saul of Tarsus (Hebrew: שאול התרסי‎, translit. Sha'ūl ha-Tarsī). THIS DUDE WROTE A LETTER TO ROMANS TELLING THEM NOT TO CURSE ENEMIES. Quote:

"14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."



Saul is a jew who changed his name to Paul(jews change names to sound more goyish, like those jewish actors who take on WASP surnames), he wrote a letter to the Romans, the same people who were crucifying his people, the jews, and he told them to not hate enemies. Who were the enemies of the Romans? The jews were. So you think maybe a jew has a hidden motive when telling Romans to not hate Jews? You think he is doing it for the best of the Romans, or is he telling that for the benefit of the jews? The guy is obviously just trying to help jews out. He probably doesn't even care about Romans.

OK so he based that teaching on a verse from A Song Moses sang, but he totally took it out of context. Here is a few verses from that song.


"39 “See now that I myself am he!

There is no god besides me.

I put to death and I bring to life,

I have wounded and I will heal,

and no one can deliver out of my hand.

40 I lift my hand to heaven and solemnly swear:

As surely as I live forever,

41 when I sharpen my flashing sword

and my hand grasps it in judgment,

I will take vengeance on my adversaries

and repay those who hate me.

42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood,

while my sword devours flesh:

the blood of the slain and the captives,

the heads of the enemy leaders.”

43 Rejoice, you nations, with his people,[e][f]

for he will avenge the blood of his servants;

he will take vengeance on his enemies

and make atonement for his land and people."


In the above quote Moses is speaking in the manner of an Oracle of Delphi, he is speaking on behalf of the tribal god in a form of a prophecy. In The Roman World a prophecy was seen as a political act, a act of exerting psychic influence through spoken or written word, or perhaps thought itself, in the service of a political end.

The Romans outlawed prophecying against Rome because they saw its magical potential. The book of revelation was a veiled prophecy against Rome, the books of prophets are all prophecies against the enemies of the jews and prophecies in favor of the jews, imitating the manner of pagan oracles.

JEWS DEFINED LOVE AS HATING ENEMIES AND LOVING YOUR KIN. Paul was just making up some random bullshit to feed to the gentile Romans who the Jews were enemies of because HE WANTED THE ROMANS TO STOP KICKING THE BEHINDS OF THE JEWS. It's not that flipping complicated.


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FROM Eyrbyggja saga

Snorri was middling in height and somewhat slender, fair to look on, straight-faced and of light hue; of yellow hair and red beard; he was meek of mood in his daily ways; little men knew of his thought for good or ill; he was a wise man, and foreseeing in many things, enduring in wrath and deep in hatred; OF GOOD REDE WAS HE FOR HIS FRIENDS, BUT HIS UNFRIENDS DEEMED HIS COUNCILS COLD.


The guy gave GOOD ADVICE TO FRIENDS, BAD ADVICE TO ENEMIES. Rede means advice. When we are reading we are being advised by rede's. A rede is an advice. We are programming ourselves by reading.

The Jews were just trying to get the Romans to stop kicking their behinds, its not complicated people. The jews cursed the enemies of their people all the time. Read psalm 109


6 Appoint someone evil to oppose my enemy;

let an accuser stand at his right hand.

7 When he is tried, let him be found guilty,

and may his prayers condemn him.

8 May his days be few;

may another take his place of leadership.

9 May his children be fatherless

and his wife a widow.

10 May his children be wandering beggars;

may they be driven[a] from their ruined homes.

11 May a creditor seize all he has;

may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.

12 May no one extend kindness to him

or take pity on his fatherless children.

13 May his descendants be cut off,

their names blotted out from the next generation.

14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord;

may the sin of his mother never be blotted out.

15 May their sins always remain before the Lord,

that he may blot out their name from the earth.


Some christians try to act like God is always nice to everyone, but the Jews have been praying to God to curse people as well as to bless people. These psalms and prophecies of the bible are simply runes.

In the Finnish language and certain Norse traditions a rune is a song. It relates to the word run, as in running water, flowing water. It relates to words flowing, that words are similar to rivers. Sentences are like rivers. The word sentence also means judgment. So a judge sentences people in judgment. Similarly in the Bible, the prophets were writing sentences upon the enemies of Israel in the form of "prophecies"(curses). They basically used "God" as a figure they could ascribe prophecies too, and then wrote of all the bad things they wanted to happen to their enemies, and did that as an act of magical warfare against their enemies.

Much in the same way pre-historic cave paintings were images of successful hunts as a form of magic to influence the tribe to have successful hunts, or people would carry around statues of pregnant women in the hopes of a woman getting pregnant. Carving runes is basically carving your affirmations onto something. The prophecies of the bible predicting success upon Israel and failure upon enemies are runes, they are the jews writing their runes, their will, their songs, their affirmations, their prayers, their predictions. Its all the same, its using words to create reality.

The concept that words create reality is the occult meaning of the book of Genesis where God creates the universe through words. The runic alphabet is simply an alphabet that is use to write affirmations and make talismans with, written prayers upon objects for talismanic purposes. But any alphabet can be used for that.

PRAY FOR THE ENEMIES OF YOUR RACE TO BE CURSED AND PRAY FOR YOUR RACE TO BE BLESSED. A troll is basically someone who is cursing, in internet culture it is someone using words to create a negative psychic influence. We all have to balance the inner troll with the inner opposite of troll. Balance good and evil. Bless friends, curse enemies. Speak kindly upon your friends, praise your friends, compliment your friends.

THE TALMUD SAYS NEVER TO PRAISE A GENTILE UNLESS IT BENEFITS JEWS. Therefore as a gentile: never give any jews any compliments unless it benefits white people.

PAUL USED A SPELL(WORDS) TO BIND ROMANS(handcuff) into not being able to speak curses against the jews. DUDE: PAUL DIDN'T STOP BEING A JEW. He engaged in propaganda warfare against Romans on behalf of jews. Our whole damn culture has been founded upon us having been snookered by The Jews. This is embarrassing.


If you do magical rituals please don't sacrifice animals in doing them. You can pour wine offerings to as a way of making offerings. Wine libations. The greeks did it all the time.


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The above written with more clarity:


Saul of Tsarsus was a Jewish man who later changed his name to Paul, perhaps to better fit in with the gentile world just as Jewish musicians and actors have been known to change their surnames to Anglo-Saxon sounding surnames.

He lived during the time of The Roman Empire and was responsible for spreading christian propaganda through The Roman World. The Jews were the enemies of The Romans, The Romans were engaged in a long cold war with The Jews. Not surprisingly in Romans chapter 12 "Paul" advises Romans to not curse enemies.

He bases this advice on a verse from Deuteronomy 32 where Moses is cursing the enemies of Israel, and Moses is saying that vengeance belongs to God, and he is prophecying doom upon the enemies of Israel, as well as prophesying blessing upon Israel. In this way Moses is functioning similar to an Oracle of Delphi claiming to speak on behalf of his tribal God.

Paul took this phrase "vengeance belongs to God", and then used it to tell Romans to not curse the enemies of The Romans. So a Jewish guy names Saul was telling Romans not to curse Jews and he is justifying that by taking a phrase from the old testament out of context. This act could be understood as an attempt to psychologically bind The Romans into a state of helplessness with regards to their enemies, by preventing the Romans from fighting their enemies. In other words, an enemy of The Romans was handcuffing The Romans. The Jews were attempting to bind the hands of The Romans so to destroy them.

The ancient world understood prophecy as a means of blessing people or cursing them. A certain type of prophecying was done for those purposes, attempts to influence the future. The book of revelation had to conceal a prophecy, made by Jews against Rome, behind symbolism due to it being illegal to prophecy against The Roman Empire. the book of revelation was an act of magical warfare against Rome, a cursing against Rome. The Bible uses God as a deity invoked to both curse and bless, in prayers.

The Romans then exported christian propaganda to the rest of Europe, working to emotionally castrate Europe. In normal spiritual practice people pray for the sake of their race and they pray against the enemies of their folk. The New Testament advising people to bless enemies has resulted in family strife because if people are kind to enemies that gives them pent up anger which they may take out on family members. Praying against enemies is a means of venting anger on enemies in a manner that is compatible with peaceful civilization.

In a Icelandic saga called Eyrbyggja Saga it talks of a man called Snorri who would give good advice to friends and bad advice to enemies. Saul was a Jew giving bad advice to the enemies of his people. There are a set of verses in 1 Corinthians 13 that talks about love being always kind and patient. But Saul was Jew, according to the tradition he came from love was not always kind. Love would have been kind and patient to family and love would have been hostile to the enemies of ones folk.

In order to understand Christianity you have to understand Roman-Jewish relations. When you see a Jew telling things to Romans you have to understand that he is speaking on behalf of Jewish genetic interests, these interests would involve making it so the Romans are helpless, because Jews were in a state of war against Rome. Christianization was a act of Jewish war against Rome, and then Romans spread their christ-insanity to the rest of Europe. Jews wage war through the mouth, they fight with words.

In the modern world we have to understand that words are the means through which people fight, in prayers, and in public speech. Words are also tools to comfort. It's important we balance both kindness towards our folk with hostility towards enemies.

Christ-madness then attached itself to West European tribes and tribes in Western Europe enforced this madness upon each other, like the spread of an illness, in a manner similar to modern Europeans trying to enforced radical leftism on Russia.


Don't blame Paul, blame the cucks who put the material together and said "there, that's it, we're done with the book, this is holy, everything else isn't."

I'm not saying you're wrong, Paul was a shithead, in fact most of the early fathers of the church were by today's standards nut-chuggers. However, Christianity happened to get in big with the Romans because they were stupid enough to make it hip and underground by outlawing it. Everyone thought the early Christians sucked ass because they were the SJWs of their day, constantly begging to be martyred in the name of God. Seriously, look this shit up, they would try to show balls by declaring themselves to be Christians and if local rulers just said "yeah fuck off pleb" they would insist upon making a song and dance of how they were violating Roman law, until they actually did get arrested, at which point their fellows would publicly cry about their oppression.

My point is mostly that Paul would have been a footnote if not for the council of nicea sucking shit. There were way cooler Gnostic sects around at the time, and they might have stuck around for a while if fucking laity didn't get their hands on the "official" truth that killed alternatives dead. No wonder the early bible thumpers had to scramble to declare all other Gnostic groups heresies, because everyone with half a brain knew their canon was a big load.



*Nicaea, fuck you phone.





You are right.

Any other sneaky figures like this in the NT or is it just Paul?




Well, that's great and all, but Christianity is something one has to adapt to now as all the Churches are Christian and if you want to get married all the viable women are Christian. So we got to just pretend to be Christians I guess until we can somehow make pagan temples.



>something one has to adapt to now

t. early medieval pagan

>as all the Churches are Christian


>all the viable women are Christian

Lol what

>make pagan temples

Is paganism outlawed or ostracized or some shit in your country? Paganism is experiencing a revival everywhere in the world. Hellenists are growing in numbers, as are druidic celts, and norse pagans. Granted, most of them are somewhat cucked especially the norse ones apparently but all mass-religion is cuckery by definition.

What is stopping you from making a pagan temple? Most people are actually supportive of this type of stuff if they aren't hopelessly trapped in christian and "muh western" dogma.



>that flag

You wouldn't know what half of the original greenpill references even mean, but thanks for the laugh anyways. What board did you crawl here from to play pretend?



I've been here from the start.


What is stopping me is the fact that all the pagans in my area would end up being druggies, depressed, mentally ill, criminals, etc. and and at same time all the based and redpilled Christians would ostracize me.

I'm a hellenist at heart but the Bible is here to stay, for now. We will just have to subvert Christians gradually over a long period of time until they drop it all and become full on Pagan.



I sort of agree with the idea of deconverting christians, but at the same time I'm thinking that it keeps them trapped which is more or less advantageous for pagans.

>based and redpilled christians would ostracize me

They're really NOT based and redpilled if they would ostracize you for merely being a pagan and calling gods those beings they call angels and demons. Infact, in my view, that makes them retarded and an enemy to the progression of mankind. Because honestly what the fuck does it matter whether you call a higher being a god as opposed to an angel? People have gone to war over shit like this and humanity is better off without those semantic brainfuckeries. Fuck 'em.



Dionysus, patron god of wine and party?

>mentally ill

Dionysus, patron god of madness?


Hermes, or literally any other god with no faux pretense as to morality?


A man's faults are taken from his epoch; his virtues are wholly his own. - Goethe

>based and redpilled Christians

<worshipping a middle-eastern tribal war god while claiming pure love and benevolence

Very based indeed, not at all two-faced/schizo/slave-mentality, mhm.

And in any case, you can and should mingle with and teach these people if you want to add momentum to the archaic revival. Don't be a bitch and stand up for your gods. If they truly are your gods, they will provide.



You have a funny way of showing it.

>All the churches are Christian


>I want to bang Christian girls



There's no 'we' here. You are (or are roleplaying as) a proselytizing type who wants society to mimic his taste because he still buys into social proof. You measure success by how many strangers say things that reinforce your positions. You're just laity that got lost and confused.

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