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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 92fadf8c38158df⋯.pdf (820.31 KB, Book_Of_Aquarius.pdf)


Anyone ever know what happened with the book of aquarius, or tried it out?

The authors forum disappeared, and the book got pulled from from forgotten books. Some people said he retreated to a secret form, or that he was making a revised version, or that he wrote a new book called Alchemy deciphered. Anyone got the full story?




File: 32a48daabcd1141⋯.pdf (5.93 MB, PhotographicEvidence.pdf)

File: 600f6c798e7102d⋯.pdf (728.29 KB, TheBookofAquarius.pdf)

File: 2030ba8a0e7af81⋯.pdf (3.23 MB, AlchemyDeciphered.pdf)


Bump for interest.



I think I heard an anon a year ago saying that The book of aquarius method failed because it involved too many calcinations?


I was reading along and everything seemed quite agreeable but then I came to the part where the guy reveals that the 'secret ingredient' is your own urine. It seems rather comical, if I'm honest n(although if immortality and grand magical powers can be acquired by distilling your own pee I'm all for it).

I'll finish the book before giving further comment, but so far it sounds a bit ridiculous.



ive heard this idea thrown around a decent amount now (not sure if the other people who say it are using this book as a source or what) but it is supposedly to do with the stem cells that are present in urine. sounds like it could be potentially true with that in mind even though it is off putting.



>stem cells in urine

You’re shitting me



But I thought the whole point it was destilling lifeforce in it perfected state creating a subtance that is in the threshold of unmanifestation , if i remember correctly blood or semen can also be used, nothing to do with stem cells i think, but more with pure life-force concentrated.



I finished the book (I must admit, I skimmed the latter parts of it when he starts talking about the NWO and all that) and I don't quite know how to feel about it.

First of all, boiling my own urine 24/7 for 3 years straight is not something that's tenable for me right now, so it's difficult to verify the instructions given in the book.

The guy also fully admits he hasn't actually created the stone yet, so for all we know he's just some idiot boiling his own piss for years on end.

The only thing that really gives this whole thing credence is all the textual references -but even then, I feel like there's some 'textual pareidolia' going on. The fact the urine is the 'secret ingredient' is supposedly affirmed by all these quotes along the lines of: 'the secret is right in front of you, but it's in the form of a vulgar substance'. That's all fine and dandy, but that could be a number of things. 'It's right under your nose' is a completely meaningless phrase.

Now he does say, that it does not necessarily have to be urine; anything with enough 'life-force' will theoretically do (like semen, or blood) but that's just too vague in my opinion.

He's also very adamant that there's nothing 'spiritual' about the whole process and that's it entirely physical when of course it can be both. 'Non-physical' faculties can certainly effect the 'physical' world. Energy manipulation can certainly have a tangible effect in the world through, for example, telekinesis and the likes. The author is already operating under a framework that includes 'life-energy' and 'yin and yang', etc. so why not consider that angle as well?

All in all, it's somewhat interesting but ultimately inconclusive.


File: 3b88116e4e99e7e⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 340x316, 85:79, 340px-Cinnabar09.jpg)


He admits he never got passed the "black" stage yet still claims to know in detail how to complete the work and how the results will turn out. That should set off some suspicions.

Also, I'm not sure that urine is a good basis for the stone. Boiling urine will get you phosphorus:


Some people who have presumably gotten farther in the work start off with cinnabar (an ore containing mercury). Mercury has the atomic number 80, being "one" proton extra from Gold (with the atomic number 79) .

Anyway, it's an interesting book, but read it with a grain of salt. Sources mentioned in the book can be more valuable than the book itself.

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