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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 90f7589aee1cacd⋯.png (615.49 KB, 850x698, 425:349, freemasonryjohannislodge.png)




The Grand Lodges of #Freemasonry are wholly Jewish.  Freemasonry is based on the secret Kabbalistic teachings of the Judaic Craft.  Judaism is Masonry and Masonry is Judaism. The Invisible College is a collective past man of European ancestry inherit, a dying history now only seemingly relevant in conspiracy theories and digital media.  Our blood memory is a primer to awaken the species from evolutionary stasis. 


Secret societies seem to have become obsolete once the internet evolved. I bet going through the trouble of becoming a high-ranking Freemason wouldn't net you a single piece of knowledge that couldn't be found by downloading some occult books off of libgen.



Probably, but without any sense of guidance, you're liable not to even know what you're looking at or how to apply it. Part of the reason teachings are graded is to refine the titanic infodump that constitutes occult studies. You could audit a course on advanced physical chemistry if you wanted to, but if you had never taken the earlier courses, it would be gibberish.


File: 97900308b294f08⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 512x288, 16:9, when-you-realize-black-mag….jpg)

The Jews that you refer to, are not Jews in any real sense of the word. They're primarily Phoenicians who have disguised themselves as Jews. This is also true of Freemasonry, other secret societies, etc.

They are Satanists, from elite bloodline families. If you're not one of them (which is obvious because you're here, talking about this and not in the know already), then you will never be more than a useful idiot to them.

So yeah, definitely don't bother joining any magickal orders or secret societies for that reason. Any perceived knowledge/power that you receive, I guarantee you'll be giving them more in return. You'll get stuffed full of implants and be worse off next lifetime.

One of the biggest mistakes people make in /pol/ terms is to conflate regular Jews with the crypto-Jews that are actually in charge of the Deep State.

Of course, that's exactly what TPTB want, to promote racism and divide us against each other - easier to control that way.

"Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World. In doing so, they have been able to control and degenerate humanity (Satanism in practice) while hiding behind Judaism and Christianity." - Swami Satchidanand

Don't fall into the hate trap. Look past the designated scapegoats. It's Black Magicians in general you should be concerned with, nothing to do with any particular religion.

Also, kek at the idea of needing moar knowledge. How about getting rid of your implants so you can think without being mind controlled? How about gaining enough energy to break out of their traps?

Until you've achieved that, /pol/ is just another distraction.

More info:


Spirit Whirled is a good book on this topic as well.



I don't understand why Swami Satchitanand can't just format a book or a website correctly. He desperately wants to get the word out but his work comes across as poorly formatted and a money grab. It will continue to be written off until such a time as he can present his ideas in a less retarded way.



Related: “Saturn Death Cult” and “Robert Sepehr Sin”

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