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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have some retarded clients who want to buy “red mercury” (which doesn’t really exist) for 70k€ a gram so I wanna take the opportunity to scam them. If there’s anyone good with chemistry and can somehow synthesize red mercury or know how to color it, leave your kik. You get 50% of profit. Also, various tests are done on the sample (it has to repel garlic, not stain clothing, color doesn’t wash off, etc…). Brokefags who know a thing or two about chemistry can think of this as a way to pay off their college debt or get out of the NEET life and buy an Avendator.



You could potentially use an amalgam of Iron Oxide and Mercury to fake it.

The challenge is getting amalgamation to occur without decomposing. You'll need another ingredient or process to make that happen, which is the million dollar, or €70k question.

protip: The magnetic moment per iron atom increases at 275 K, allowing the iron to form a metastable alloy with mercury, which decomposes at about 360 K.

If you wanted something that would pass for 'real' (or perhaps is the real red mercury) then Hg2Sb2O7, DuPont produced this under CAS: 20720-76-7 is a red-brown color. You can buy a copy of the patent #2036149 for this from SoyuzPatent. Promecologia in Ekaterinburg was the only state licensed producer, but they are long bankrupt.

Also: All of this is extremely, extremely toxic.



You sound like you know what you’re talking about and I think it’d be better if we discuss this over at kik. My username is : flamingdirtbag

The buyers are still interested. Also, it doesn’t have to be a specific formula or complex alchemy. If you somehow know how to color mercury red and keep it that way (can’t wash off under any condition) then it’d be just as useful.




Don't you reckon you should be using a more secure medium of communication like tutanoa or protonmail?

Why the fuck kik? Kik is used all the time to bait criminals for some reason.



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It is used to bait pedophiles because of how many retarded boomers use it. I don’t live in a country where i’d be put on a watchlist if i used Kik to talk about this, so i think i’d be fine.


Anyways, since you guys are worried about safety. My protonmail is flamingdirtbag@protonmail.com


Offer is still up.



Find someone with a science/chemistry degree. You're on the wrong board and in the wrong place, dumb-dumb!



>implying there aren't chemists here


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I hope [redacted] from [redacted] isn't here.

(Rules 8 and 5.)
Post last edited at



There's nothing wrong with pedophilia though. Children can consent.



It's not about consent, retard.


Too much hassle for too little money. If you were going to sell a kilo with intent to sell more I can get it to you, but for grams I dont think so. Also, you would have to pick it up in Croatia as Im not gonna risk. maybe mutual pick up



mercury and iron will never amalgam. it wont amalgam with transitional metals except copper. iron cups can store mercury. chemistry 101.



/fringe/ has become so pathetic



then what is it about?

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