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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 25b78ae4f6923a8⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 700x400, 7:4, jc.jpg)


I'm not a religious person or a Christian, but I have spiritual proclivity and over a decade of experience. I've read that if you ever feel attacked by a malevolent entity, you can evoke the name of Jesus Christ they will recoil and go away.

I recently felt some kind of presence in my room attacking me and putting a feeling of weight on my chest and difficulty breathing while I was trying to sleep. My normal closed eye visuals of swirls were replaced by apparitions and some vague faces that looked demonic and threatening, plus an insecure general feeling of malaise. I said clearly and firmly in my mind "Jesus Christ please help me, in the name of Jesus Christ help me" and I instantly felt them recede.

I am partly skeptical because it could be placebo, and frankly this type of thinking seems like a feedback loop where the more you believe this works, the more these imagined "problems" manifest themselves. Like you are inviting the problem only to have a solution. With that said I can't help but feel like something about this is real and it's making me question if my more general spiritual beliefs are wrong and there is something to the story of Christ and maybe I am wrong.

Thoughts? Please don't flame me.


Pretty sure what's happening here is you're creating a thoughtform which has a sole purpose of driving away demons, and by evoking the name of a god and forming the thoughtform in the image of that god it's easier to add to its potency.



Thanks for weighing in, sounds about right. There is no question as to the power of the name "Jesus Christ" as a spiritual egregore, sounds like I was "hijacking" that potency as a vehicle to repel whatever was ailing me.


>I've read that if you ever feel attacked by a malevolent entity, you can evoke the name of Jesus Christ they will recoil and go away.

Yeah I heard that too. I even tried it when in the presence of a very malevolent entity that had a dread aura around it. The entity even called itself by the name of Satan. Satan just ignored my babbling about Jesus and continued to give me his speech calmly and then went away.

Mere calling upon the name of Jesus Christ did absolutely nothing.



Oh important note: I was a pagan at the time and merely testing out what a baptist minister had told me I ought to do. I don't feel emotional about Jesus or think there is anything special in a name. It was just words to me. It might have effect if you actually believe it will or have a thing for Jesus.



What did Satan tell you?



He told me go to British Columbia.


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Did he give a reason? Does BC have any significance to you? It may have just been your subconscious blabbering at you.



It had zero significance to me at the time.

Strange things did happen though with someone else I know going there years later.

I think instead of saying "subconscious blabbering" it would be better to suggest "it may have been pure noise". The subconscious communicates to us things from the superconscious plane of mentation.


File: 33d07a3dbef65e8⋯.jpeg (117.08 KB, 1024x783, 1024:783, ED27FB1A-186B-472F-A0EA-F….jpeg)

Fuck off christcuck your "religion" forbids all magick



Imagine being so naive



If you are looking for a actual explanation of this stuff you should look into actual Christian accounts. The Catholics have over 1000 years worth of writing, and the church accepts the presence of demons (they have exorcists). Obviously as a Christian I believe in the power of Christ's name but as a warning it is probably best not to place yourself in positions where demons would harass you.



Except that he's completely correct, which anyone who knows anything would be aware of. Unless you meant the guy in the picture?


It seems that an egregore makes the most sense (given the popularity of his name over the centuries), although I've heard many stories of people trying to use his name against some entity and it didn't work, so results will vary.

This probably should have gone in the question thread.




Im driving so archive it yourself.

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