I'm not a religious person or a Christian, but I have spiritual proclivity and over a decade of experience. I've read that if you ever feel attacked by a malevolent entity, you can evoke the name of Jesus Christ they will recoil and go away.
I recently felt some kind of presence in my room attacking me and putting a feeling of weight on my chest and difficulty breathing while I was trying to sleep. My normal closed eye visuals of swirls were replaced by apparitions and some vague faces that looked demonic and threatening, plus an insecure general feeling of malaise. I said clearly and firmly in my mind "Jesus Christ please help me, in the name of Jesus Christ help me" and I instantly felt them recede.
I am partly skeptical because it could be placebo, and frankly this type of thinking seems like a feedback loop where the more you believe this works, the more these imagined "problems" manifest themselves. Like you are inviting the problem only to have a solution. With that said I can't help but feel like something about this is real and it's making me question if my more general spiritual beliefs are wrong and there is something to the story of Christ and maybe I am wrong.
Thoughts? Please don't flame me.