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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 7142ceb57f61257⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 600x722, 300:361, Angra Mainyu Zoroastrianis….jpg)


>Angra Mainyu related

Ever since my ex told me about how much she enjoyed aborting my baby, I can't stop getting off to/loving her more for how cruel she is. What happens if I stop being mad, just give in and love her for what she is and did, maybe by accepting and showing my love for a sinner I can purge this evil inside her eventually? Or do i just make her worse and betray my child?

Can good nullify evil this way? Can they coexist/enrich/destroy each other?


You're a fucking retard if you think you should keep being involved with that degenerate.



>how much she enjoyed aborting my baby

She’s either being an edgy liar to try to hurt you (and most probably in emotional turmoil herself), or she’s not human at all. In any case, you’re being looshed hard. What you’re experiencing is not love, but lust, an uncontrolled and unhealthy version of it.

I’ve known women who’ve had abortions, and all of them have experienced it as something traumatic. Some more, some less.



This lol



You are in a bad relationship, OP. Have you ever heard the murder stories of women who thought they could "purify" a bad-boy-tier criminal?

Love as a couple is about enjoying each other for who you are with no strings attached, if your partner has hurt you, you both reconcile and heal. Relationship dynamic is meant to be mutual and for the benefit of both.



hahahah holy shit man I went through very similar shit to a slightly lesser degree though and I can tell you no, the bitch is evil, and you can not love evil, you must turn from evil.

Abort her.



>Love as a couple is about enjoying each other for who you are with no strings attached, if your partner has hurt you, you both reconcile and heal. Relationship dynamic is meant to be mutual and for the benefit of both.

No. Not this bullshit. Love god only. A couple should reflect god in their relationship. If it doesn't and the relationship keeps them straying from god further and further every day, radical action must be taken. God is the only valid object of love.



>A couple should reflect god in their relationship. If it doesn't and the relationship keeps them straying from god further and further every day, radical action must be taken. God is the only valid object of love.

but why not both?



No you can't love both.

When you love god, you feel immense love for everyone and everything godly around you, and for that only. You still feel wrath towards their sin. It's an unchanging and pure love. That is what is so great about loving god only. What love is apparent than for your spouse is godly love.



You're on the wrong board, laitycuck. What you're describing is emotional slavery to your notion of god (the demiurge), or more specifically your god's rules, then you walk around with a brown smile about it, proud that you've immunized yourself against any thought more complex than the simplest yes/no heuristic. You then call that 'love' and suppose that by declaration alone, it maps to anything resembling real empathy, which you would hate to recognize because it would involve taking your tongue out of the demiurge's sphincter.

Oh well. So long as you're down there, might as well pucker up and smile!

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