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Esoteric Wizardry


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….In favour of some form of idealism. I don't know if there are any people here that are dualistic idealists, but it certainly fits into the gnostic narrative. I usually try to tell them about the dichotomy between what we can see about the brain as a seemingly material thing, but how the experience that arises from this is not "livable" except by the "conciousness" which is located in this material thing. While we can change this material substance known as the brain to change the perceptions of the brain, the consciousness is still fundamentally inaccessible from a pure stepping-in perceptive point of view. This means that the fundamental substance is not one, but that something else "attaches" to this substance and becomes this substance, that this substance is a "gate" between the two substances. While the material substance then has the mundane, purely perceptive basis the idealistic one is the bigger, even if dependant upon the material the "greater" substance rises from the lesser substance and gives rise to the idealistic world of the mind.



Why not holism?



Pretty much everyone is into non-duality, why would you not be?


It really seems intuitive to me that a fundamental unified reality must account for things. Any duality has to be united at a deeper level. I don't know why anyone would support duality as such, non-duality makes more sense.


> 2014
> dualism
>not monism

it's like we're both atheists and i just believe in one less god than u lol :^) *tips fedora*


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Gnosticism is a dualistic philosophy. The material substance is evil, and the ideal("mind-relating" or "spiritual) substance is good.



Nice try, schlomo!

> implying it's not all an emanation from the Absolute which is fundamentally Void


gnosticism is black and white thinking. I prefer holism


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There is matter, and there is spirit. All that is matter is evil. Matter is a different substance altogether from spirit. The absolute is UNKNOWABLE, which means that you cannot make that claim. Jude.


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It isn't black and white, can you explain why it is? Only reason i could think is because it states "Matter = evil, Sprit = good). All is rational, as Gödel said.


Though not all gnosticism is manicheist, it shares most of its principles, despite being greatly diverse in its schools.

In the end it becomes b&w compared to holism.


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>still hating the material world for being material


Lol'd. This is entirely accurate, except instead of a twisted ankle it's more like "no girl wants me," "my parents were mean to me," "I haven't accomplished anything worthwhile because I spend all day playing video games," etc.


It's funny how the mundane definition of "failure" can actually produce far more "success" than "winning" the materialist game.


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I think Matrix is a pretty cool guy. Eh maintains physicality and doesnt afraid of anything.


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It's more like.. Realizing that you are not your body, but your soul/essence/divine spark etc. and that spark has unlimited potential for growth and power, passed the material realm. You realize that you are trapped in samsara. The more you learn, the more you begin to resent the material prison and it's architect, the jailer, the demiurge until you finally realize that you can in fact act as an opponent of this tyrant and end the cycle of suffering that befalls us all by birth.

Try to think about things.
/fringe/ and all of it's resources are useless without the ability to philosophize and look at the world objectively.


I did that. I am a material monist now. Have you realized yet that there is no proof whatsoever of idealism being true? Only materialism is tenable, as only material things can affect us. Therefore, as we are never asked to prove a negative, we can discard idealism because it has no proof.



He's a top tier GM now, that's for sure.


>muh proof

*tips fedora*


I find reverence in the physical and the synchronizations that come into play.

to wholly reject one part of life is to dismiss duality.


True gnostics are rigorous, only new age fags accept shit on intuition.


Go read (1909) the life beyond death by William Walker Atkinson and come back to post about it in this thread when you're done.

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