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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 66246619d41b0d2⋯.jpg (69.33 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, fred-perry-laurel-wreath-2….jpg)


ITT we share different fashions that a fringe wizard would wear

What do you wear on your nonethereal body?

I'll start off with this semi-casual mage gear. With this you can blend in with the mundanes while still be prepared for mage school training.


if you care about that shit harry you're a faggot not a wizard


File: 15e71ad5063987e⋯.jpg (101.06 KB, 652x762, 326:381, steampunk.jpg)

Here's some semi formal steampunk gear that can be worn in meetings and festivals with fellow wizards and other greenpilled individuals.


File: d4e2c2f4adfa6ca⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Screenshot from 2019-04-17….jpg)


Thanks for the loosh mundane.


File: 26f4ff4a8a3949c⋯.jpg (85.22 KB, 652x762, 326:381, Skinhead.jpg)

Over here we have casual working-class skinhead gear with enchantments by Space Nords to assert an aura of white pride and radiate strength and dominance in neighbourhoods infested with non-whites.

Warning: Because this gear also emits an inordinate amount of toxic masculinity, it may have the effect of a contagious aphrodisiac attracting all females around you of all ages and races like a powerful magnet. Some wearers of this gear have reported issues with even female family members around; exercise extreme caution when wearing this masculine pro-White magick-imbued gear.


File: 63230fd6b12f41c⋯.jpg (201.2 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, aKtNwEa.jpg)

This is my magus form.


File: 4effc1254e81711⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 202x267, 202:267, 4effc1254e8171148c24b7dc52….jpg)


>"mage gear"

>"mage school training"

<calling others mundane


>deflects negative comment

>takes no responsibility for making an autistic thread

<"hurr durr iz dah loosh!"


>magus form

>is a literal cowboy skelly

Alright guys, can you take a step back, stop acting like fucking idiots addicted to Peter Carrolls cum, and actually GO READ A FUCKING BOOK.

I fucking hate this place sometimes, and it's because of stupid kids and skitzos such as yourselves. Please fuck off forever, you charlatans and mental degenerates.



You look autistic here, bud.



i hope none of you fuckboys actually dress like this dweeb



Peter Carroll is based.


File: 0bc33e4fd2a7d44⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2523525.jpg)

File: fa0bf69ec2fe014⋯.png (100.5 KB, 593x475, 593:475, Beijing.png)

Should I transform into 13 years old girl to obtain more magic power? I would like to wear summer dress with a lace.







*faggot goggles

*faggot mechanical monocle

*faggot monocle

*faggot (probably unearned) war medals

*pocket watch

<clock armband

<"utility" belt

Trench coats, top hats, leather boots and evil villain facial hair are pretty cool even if they scream LARP at the top of their lungs.


>contagious aphrodisiac

oh my fucking god, I love this retarded timeline

>pro-White magick-imbued gear

White in capital letters. As if you had any respect for that type of idea and aren't just trying to cater to esoteric hitlerists.

Is this how the harvest will happen? Based on fucking fashion choices?

Also OP

>catering to potential "lefties", "righties", and "anarchists", as well as to the inherent need for people to feel superior by calling a dissenter "mundane"

Look you're clearly either a spook or someone who got rejected by magic and is now trying to compensate for his hurt ego. Either way, if you actually knew even a little bit about magic you would know that fashion means little to nothing. No catspaw, no pendulum, no crystal ball, no necklace, no sword you can buy is ever ever ever going to surpass the quality of a selfmade item with the same function. If you did know that you wouldn't push your consumerist divide-and-conquer shit. Fucking neoliberals pushing their "you are free to do as we tell you" agenda down everyone's throat. Atleast the fashies stand by their fascism. You people are worse than everything anyone's ever accused the jews of being. I was told you people glow in the dark but damn. contact me I need a job


File: a1a3662f1777e7c⋯.png (251.45 KB, 1080x1402, 540:701, wagiewagie.png)

But what am I saying. It's just fashion right? I, free and honest citizen #19632211 choose of my own volition and Free Will™ fashionable-set-of-accessories™ 87-11 "Demonolatry Adherrant, Wiggly Normsmasher, With Interest in Temporal Chaos", also known as DAWNWITCH™.

I love my overlords. Sometimes I get a whole day off. And sometimes they even let me smoke two! cigarettes before having to go back to work.



Your cognitive dissonance is astounding…bud.


True, but he's not the only occult author out there. I notice that alot of the mundanes here attach themselves to Chaos Magic, Jung, Lovecraft, and Evola. Others are just weeaboos with a hard-on for eastern philosophy, which is all just supressive rhetoric to keep you at the gate bars, looking in, but never experiencing it.


Thanks, lad.


Ah, I see. You're another one of those "meme magic" trolls. You're actually the first I've specifically seen here. Nice b8 m8.



>Ah, I see. You're another one of those "meme magic" trolls. You're actually the first I've specifically seen here. Nice b8 m8.

Different Anon here. Why are you saying that? He was mocking the fact that focusing on your appearance is a mere veneer of vanity, which is capitalistic in nature since it is based in the consumption of manufactured goods. I do not believe his point is invalid.



God forbid one have respobsibilty for their own livelyhood…



>Thanks, lad.

Y-you're welcome?

>Nice b8 m8

wut. Meme magic mb into real but what's the connection. As >>131352 said I was mocking OP for focusing on appearance, aswell as clearly playing the hegelian dialectic. I mean:

>mage school training

>semi-formal steampunk gear

>Space Nords

>infested with non-whites

>inordinate amount of toxic masculinity

And I am the troll? Are you retarded mr. hermeticist?

Anyone who walks around like that (especially when it is specifically worn as "muh magician outfit") clearly has the big gay and is probably an npc to boot.


Bruh. Cutting your hair and styling your hair is not the same thing. One does the former to blend in, one does the latter to stand out. OP's original outfit is not bad, I'll give you that. But imagine someone actually wearing that steampunk outfit, going around telling people about how he does magick and how they are mundane. That's the equivalent of the degenerate untermenschen pushing nazism and eugenics. What they deserve is essentially a kick to the face by the powers they're sycophanting to.


I just wear a BDU uniform.



Menstruation is not natural. It doesn't exist for raw vegans.



>Menstruation is not natural. It doesn't exist for raw vegans.

Whatever happens to vegans is the opposite of natural, leaftard.





just vegan is not "raw vegan", you dumbfuck.


File: eef635a84f5dc5a⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 500x515, 100:103, Malice-Mizer.jpg)

malice mizer is pretty /fringe/


File: e7481a4146e7da0⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2048x2043, 2048:2043, ghostemane.jpg)


File: bbf95eadaef7c1e⋯.png (328.18 KB, 1133x485, 1133:485, Screenshot_2019-07-07_10-3….png)

File: 20635bb6cf8b013⋯.png (220.9 KB, 655x438, 655:438, Screenshot_2019-07-07_10-3….png)

File: dd2ca8acc4c1aba⋯.png (140.44 KB, 376x313, 376:313, Screenshot_2019-07-07_10-3….png)




>retards decide to not eat meat for years

>mess up their health

>decide to not eat plants instead

How dumb can people be? Eat both and stop being meme fodder for fuck’s sake.



Diets are a new form of religious dogma manifesting in our time.


File: ad997705e892460⋯.jpg (177.35 KB, 929x523, 929:523, wizrdwear1.jpg)

A wizard must wear what will subtly influence the npc's mind


Caring about looks is materialistic, and therefore exoteric.

This board is for esoteric discussion.



File: f60b5178a97912f⋯.jpg (106.4 KB, 945x369, 105:41, wizrdwear2.jpg)


quality post


File: c1c3419fa319e84⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 908x395, 908:395, wizrdwear3.jpg)

File: 80dd413fb256f3b⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 371x565, 371:565, wizardwear4.jpg)


Appearance impacts the mind



The physical realm impacts the spirit.

We are not to be responsible for this, that is insidious. The physicality is the one that challenges us, we are to ascend it, not become a part of it.


File: 50dec7d30d6edc4⋯.jpg (132.2 KB, 1024x1019, 1024:1019, 50dec7d30d6edc4210f5b98eb2….jpg)


>The physicality is the one that challenges us, we are to ascend it, not become a part of it.

Some of us want to play some more



Enjoy your hell ya materialistic hedonist


File: e7b45ff06f094ab⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, alien_sunset_by_allixsenos.jpg)


I do and will continue to do so


File: 754aed93a97d635⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 634x756, 317:378, 30B3DC9100000578-0-image-a….jpg)

…i have only made about two posts in the past hour. I always have very high quality and educated posts

The internet is full of tricks and disinformation

This is my first post in this thread




>full of tricks and disinformation

>high quality and educated

I, too, am a poster of extraordinarily educating and high quality information.


File: 55fdf0c0a1ca4fe⋯.jpg (5.16 KB, 267x189, 89:63, index.jpg)

File: cda96c75c53e9b9⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 319x479, 319:479, AzathothRobe_large.jpg)

Should i wear bearsuit to protect myself from profanity of the world?



>dat manlet


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