*faggot goggles
*faggot mechanical monocle
*faggot monocle
*faggot (probably unearned) war medals
*pocket watch
<clock armband
<"utility" belt
Trench coats, top hats, leather boots and evil villain facial hair are pretty cool even if they scream LARP at the top of their lungs.
>contagious aphrodisiac
oh my fucking god, I love this retarded timeline
>pro-White magick-imbued gear
White in capital letters. As if you had any respect for that type of idea and aren't just trying to cater to esoteric hitlerists.
Is this how the harvest will happen? Based on fucking fashion choices?
Also OP
>catering to potential "lefties", "righties", and "anarchists", as well as to the inherent need for people to feel superior by calling a dissenter "mundane"
Look you're clearly either a spook or someone who got rejected by magic and is now trying to compensate for his hurt ego. Either way, if you actually knew even a little bit about magic you would know that fashion means little to nothing. No catspaw, no pendulum, no crystal ball, no necklace, no sword you can buy is ever ever ever going to surpass the quality of a selfmade item with the same function. If you did know that you wouldn't push your consumerist divide-and-conquer shit. Fucking neoliberals pushing their "you are free to do as we tell you" agenda down everyone's throat. Atleast the fashies stand by their fascism. You people are worse than everything anyone's ever accused the jews of being. I was told you people glow in the dark but damn. contact me I need a job