Kind of. Masturbating to porn is a very low state. Random spirits attracted to this are going to be sad and drag you lower and down when you feel good. If you persist in this, and leave yourself exposed, all the developments of your mind and soul can be turned against you. Suddenly it's very developed and vivid negative impulses, milking you for all you're worth. Like lifting weights to build a stronger punch, then punching a brick wall. Experiencing this will probably make you quit porn at least. Though, these spirits are not what they seem and you can help them escape their hell, but it's difficult to be mindful and not fall into their nightmare in such a state.
Going the other way, inviting a soul to help you climb out of hell, you can't love two people this way, can you? So it complicates life here. I'm not sure what to do. This place has mattered so much to me, especially the demographics issue, but I'd burn the world down before I hurt them or corrupted them for such a scheme and retarded game.
Porn by itself is very damaging to your soul. It has a weeks long hangover if you use it. It's painful. You'll experience this if you start listening to God or Angels or whatever as they guide the development of your soul.
Try praying to God. It's free advice from higher beings, at least. Maybe it's God himself, I don't know. I just stumble blindly in pain, trying anything to escape. Prayer seems to allow them to insert ideas and impulses that will carry you out of your darkest times. That's when I remember to pray anyway.