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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 4002c0d9dfd6b1f⋯.jpg (185.75 KB, 575x389, 575:389, chess field.jpg)


The essay below explains that the white race is the aetheric light in the universe whose existence is necessary for the light of God to be present in the universe. Whites are the center of the universe and all creation. Before it gets into that it explains some basics of creating a Whiteland.

Racial Chess: A Game of Ethnic Cleansing

The world is a racial chess board where races compete to dominate a territory, in some cases eventually cleansing a territory of races who are not them through economic and cultural warfare. Ethnic cleansing is the name of the game of life.

White people are the children of God, but that will be discussed later in the essay.

Each person on the land is like a chess piece with different abilities. A different station.

Imperialism is code word for colonization, what starts as an empire can eventually lead to territories being ethnically cleansed of "natives". This is why the British empire was forced out of India. Gandhi realized that since high caste hindus were forced to sit in trains with blacks and low caste hindus, that high caste hindus would likely not be assimilated into the the future India if it stayed a British possession, and if India was ethnically cleansed in that future.

High caste Hindus would have collaborated with the British and stayed in the empire if the British had decided to make a distinction between high and low caste, high caste Hindus would have helped Britain cleanse India of low caste people.

A "go" board might be a better analogy because it involves pieces of one color isolating and surrounding an opposite piece and removing it from the board.

This is how leftists ethnic cleans conservatives: isolate, surround, harass, and eliminate.

It is also how racial ethnic cleansing works, Through collective harassment. Leftists and Jews on the internet can be neutralized by collectively verbally harassing them.

A race is a collective biological organic entity that competes as a whole for land and resources against other racial organisms, against other races. Each race is a single organism. A healthy land is one of a single racial group.

White leftists are behaving properly, except they have been implanted with ideas from Jews to turn their natural instincts against themselves, whereas these instincts should be directed against Jews.

Leftists are mentally incompetent White people who believe Jewish lies. They are the weak among us.

Verbal harassment is the main weapon humans use in ethnic cleansing, also boycotting, shunning, and ignoring.

The whole planet does not need to be White, but Whites need to work to take possession for themselves alone of an entire landmass, pushing racial outsiders away. Non-White people have to be classified as outlanders.

White people are the center of the universe. Outside of the white race there is no world, and without white people there would be no world. A non-White person is not worth the fingernail clipping of a White person, white people are the treasure of the earth and Gods' gift to the world.

A white person should worship his or her race as being the physical embodiment of the light of God on planet earth. The Jews would then be the physical embodiment of the force of darkness which has sought to eliminate that light. A white nation is like a city upon a hill that provides a light to the nations. White people are a light to the nations.

Whites are not the hebrews of the Bible though.

The darkness of an entire room is destroyed by one candle. The Jews have no power over us. The White sages are the sun of the white race around whom the white race revolves; by being, thinking, and observing the white person of knowledge creates light in the aetheric realm that illuminates the minds of whites of the other social classes.

We don't need a white planet, but we do need a white nation, it can be called: Whiteland. There is no reason to want to be a part of any community that is not White. Whites are the entirety of the universe.

Only white people are valuable. White people are the children of God. White people are the White pieces and Jews are the Black pieces. Jews are goblins.

There are white hispanics, hispanic is not a race. We also have allies in India and elsewhere. That being said there is a time and place to emphasize "purity".

The Jews as a collective are Satan. Jews are The Devil, and they seek to elimate Whites to bring about a kingdom of Satan on planet earth, this is what the Lord of the rings was talking about in reference to Sauron tring to take over.

Jews have been promoting gangsta rap to turn blacks into footsoldiers in the war on whites.

All jews are evil because most jews are evil and the good ones contain seeds that produce bad ones. All jews should be shunned.



part 2:

Whites can form alliances with other races to combat the Jews. Jews use "people of color" as a banner to ally against whites. Whites can use "christianity" as a banner to ally with other races against Jews. Whites don't need a huge territory, we can respect other racial groups having their place, we need our place though, it doesn't have to be huge.

Being a race traitor is the most despicable thing there is.

White paganism is good too. Stephen Kings' Dark Tower is about a wandering Jew trying to destroy White people, represented by The Dark Tower, The Dark Tower being what connected the world to God, White people being what connects the world to The Light of God. Asatru and Hellenic paganism(Hellenismos) are good, as well as Christianity.

An attack on white people is an attack on God. We are the chosen race, chosen to be a light to the nations. We are not the hebrews of the bible, we are the real chosen ones.

by The Ethnic Cleanser


File: 927f459f8356d22⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 590x715, 118:143, Goyish Sages.jpg)

An pastebin of the essay



mundane & cringepilled


Decent attempt…

You're on the right track.

Try to be less stereotypical though.

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