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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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This thread is for discussing theories of how immortality potentially works for your consciousness, upon your brain/body death.

I am having a great deal of trouble finishing a beta framework for a new philosophy I have been working on and that's because I can't figure out the capstone -a logical explanation of immortality.

If immortality were to work for consciousness, then the consciousness would have to be transferred by some unknown mechanism to a safe harbor. I currently have theoretically concluded, at least for myself, that this harbor would be a Hivemind -a categorical boundary of collective consciousness which exists nebulously across multiple minds at once, coexisting along other Hiveminds which are formed around cultures, sexes, races, fandoms and so-on to the degree people collectively focus on said things. The latter notion of a Hivemind I believe I can argue in a scholarly setting -though via an uphill battle of intense philosophical argumentation. However, the transferal mechanism of individual consciousness to hivemind consciousness upon death, I simply cannot reason without ignorantly saying "it just happens." I need to know how consciousness gets transferred from the individual into the hivemind, or else I have no logical argument for immortality. And further, I need some form of logical argument that not merely work, but feels accurate to reality as to how the individual consciousness is safely transferred out of a person's body.

This is made further difficult by the vague definition of consciousness as "unified experience," the difficult to discern difference between consciousness and the electro-chemical reactions between neurons which produce/embody consciousness, and the interdisciplinary hard to pin-down nature of studying consciousness.

The transferal of consciousness from the individual mind to the Hivemind is imperative to forming a logical argument for immortality -without knowing what, how, and why such a transfer should, could, and would occur, there is no argument for immortality.

Thus, /fringe/, I leave it to you all to discuss your various theories on how the immortality of consciousness works, as well as why and how and what evidence/logic there is for this if any.


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Your idea fails fundamentally. Losing your boundaries, going from one to many is death itself.


Can anyone on /fringe/ present a theory of immortality for consciousness that could dare to try sating me?

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n (Rule 5)



one moment pls…

I will


Nah, I wasn't able to.



No. Just fuck off.


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It's almost like some people (conservatives) are very hasty to push their dogmatism and their upbringing on others without actually being able to attain true counsel from the Universe, though some of their life's experiences are diverse.


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Surely SOMEONE on /fringe/ of all places has a proper fucking theory of immortality?


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Not a proper theory by any standards but I see it like this: considering the almost ubiquitous presence in all world cultures of the concept of reincarnation aswell as the same specific symbols denoting very similar concepts it would seem that, even if immortality in itself was patently false and the materialistic view of yolo holds true across the board, it would be safe to assume that this concept is deeply rooted in our subconscious nonetheless. There are reports of people having these memories flashback to them, enabling them to speak and act perfectly like someone at that time would without any prior knowledge of said culture. As to how such a mechanism would work I am unsure but I suppose it is similar to astral projection and remote viewing, only that there is no host body to go back to. Or rather, there is only a way back if your soul, or the hivemind you go to, to "rest" or something, decides to send you back into a new body. There are meditations designed to make you at one with the universe (that is, give you the feeling that you are truly at one with it). I imagine the "hivemind" state you mention to be more or less that, a sort of blissful sleep where the subconscious fully takes over. Kind of how you can feel unified with a tree or another person, only on a much grander scale. The part of you that remains, your soul/true will/acausal nucleus, is like a cloud-downloaded OS onto whatever hardware is chosen.

Does that satisfy you in any way?



It is information that could be useful, but not yet the satisfaction I seek. Thank you for the insight though.


(Rule 5)
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Dark room enlightenment supposedly is one way to achieve immortality. Take this with a grain of salt though, as the author has his own spiritual agenda he want to pull people into, of course.


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You're well over complicating things.

Consciousness is self-evident. The need to fit it into a box is the result of the intense focus we have on the physical body's waking state. It appears to be in a box, but it is not. It's like a cup in the ocean.

'Immortality of what?' is a better question. It's obvious that we are infinity itself, but existing as a particular for however long we choose is the real issue. Limitation engenders creativity, the flavor we all enjoy from an individual perspective, rather than the broad all-in-all. It isn't wrong to want the individual to continue however long, I think; but how can it be done?

Idk bro, walk the path.



Appropriate image for this thread.




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