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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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You can call upon the spirits of aborted babies, and invoke their aid in order to curse or bless people. They will appreciate the fact that someone is working to help materialize their existence.

Whether or not you think abortion should be legal, you can call upon the aborted unborn souls in order to curse the political left. That is if you wish to place a curse upon the left. Perhaps you are a leftist, if that is the case then this advice is not for you.

You can also make a doll and ask for the soul of an aborted baby to come and possess the doll, and by doing that you can give that aborted soul a life on this planet.


Spirits of dead babies realistically have no reason to stick around in the aether. If they were denied life the most likely thing they'd do is reincarnated. Babies don't have the mind for grudges.

Sounds like what you're doing is creating a baby-shaped thoughtform and using your emotions regarding abortion to empower it. This is an effective method for cursing, but you aren't using actual human souls.



t. educated occultist



This thread is not worth continuing, but I have a question if I may.

Some of my friends perform some astral journeys where they meet other entities.

This has never been my area of expertise, but I've always had a doubt:

Is what their are interacting with a truely autonomous soul from time-space or is it just a part of themselves that claims to be autonomous.



> If they were denied life the most likely thing they'd do is reincarnated.

Don't you think it's possible that a soul that was denied life to be reincarnated as the baby of a friend of the one that denied it life before?

So an aborted baby would be born as another baby which would grow up in the vicinity of the one that aborted it and eventually get revenge?

Do you think murderers were firstly souls that were denied life who killed the ones that denied them life?

Or, women that sometimes are victims of criminals are women that had abortions?



>So an aborted baby would be born as another baby which would grow up in the vicinity of the one that aborted it and eventually get revenge?

I have never once seen a vengeful baby so I doubt that happens

>Do you think murderers were firstly souls that were denied life who killed the ones that denied them life?

Nah, there's lots of other good reasons for murder.

>women that sometimes are victims of criminals are women that had abortions

Karmic thoughtforms (guilt feelings) are a big cause of misfortune sure. Big thing though is karma only applies to you if you believe it does.


I am pretty sure that babies don't have spirits (as the general rule).

I think a body has to reach a certain stage of development before spirit becomes incarnate. There is no specific age for this. I am sure that even adults might not have spirit in them, in some cases (spiritless humans phenomena).

There is probably a rudimentary and undeveloped soul, a shade, of the baby though. That could be worked with.



Literally every thing has spirit. The universe is made of spirit. This search for a 'god spark' by people like montalk is just a way to try and explain the existence of agency, trying to make new age mundanes feel special. Even atoms exhibit rudimentary agency.



Spirit has as its main and defining attribute self-awareness.

Not everything has this.

I know for a fact I didn't always have it.

Children aren't born self-aware. They don't even know they exist. Not until they are old enough do they even become aware of their own existence.



Spirit is breath - air. Elemental air. Air is movement, life. We know that earth(stability) is air(movement)+fire(expansion)+water(contraction). And we know that all materia, that is, Malkuth, is of stability, earth. And therefore is of all the elements, including spirit, air.



Whatever definition of spirit you're using is not the definition I'm using so we're talking about two different things.


Hue hue




isn't that what abortion clinicians do,well the corrupted ones?




After reading these two posts I thought to myself,

>"Is this not all mere speculation, anyways?"


Why would the aborted baby's soul not be the soul Created for the pre-birth intention?

Do you think that the soul is stuck as a baby and can only rationalize as a baby because that is the only body it inhabited during its time in the matrix?

Perhaps if anything you might say that the peace of the soul that is with God is like that of a baby.

However, I'd reckon that the soul has the being and characteristics of that which God would have intended in the pre-birth intention.

This may sound like "predestination", but I cannot say that predestination or free will negate one another.





I'm curious about these "spiritless humans". Seems like they've been rediscovered as "NPCs". How could humans that are not a vegetable not have a spirit?


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If you've ever experienced zoning out and suddenly 2 hours (arbitrary, could be any length of time) are gone in an instant and you've gone from Point A to B with no recollection of anything happening inbetween? Somehow during those 2 hours you managed to navigate a city, to talk or do any necessary actions, but you weren't there.

Think also of the sleep walker phenomena. They're not all there; some parts of the cognition are typically impaired. Yet they manage to walk about a house and sometimes open a fridge and do all sorts of things without that core being present.

Something else - read up on MPD. I think it's mentioned in Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley and some other books in the library maybe the Holographic Universe Theory book too. MPD is basically a case of multiple spirits switching places in and out of a body.

Look also at animals and young children for they have no core, no self.

Science has tried to demonstrate the presence of this self through the mirror test. That is there way of testing for sentience.

>Very few species have passed the MSR test. As of 2015, only great apes (including humans), a single Asiatic elephant, dolphins, orcas, and the Eurasian magpie have passed the MSR test. A wide range of species have been reported to fail the test, including several species of monkey, giant pandas, sea lions, and dogs.


It is unfortunately not a perfect test for sentience.

I am convinced that there are empty humans. I just am not sure how we'd discern their emptiness with 100% reliability. Even montalk mentions there are also spirited humans who are just very damaged or inhibited that appear like an NPC and yet are not.

I think maybe Walter J. Kilner's book on The Human Aura might yield clues on how to objectively and properly discern the presence of spirit in another. Other than that it might just be a feeling we get where we know someone is an empty meat wagon running purely on genetic + environmental programming without the presence of spirit.

It's hilarious to think this bird here could be the most sentient non-ape on the planet.


>You can also make a doll and ask for the soul of an aborted baby to come and possess the doll, and by doing that you can give that aborted soul a life on this planet.

Do they really desire this? Being stuck not only in this shithole matrix that most of us are trying to escape in the first place, but also in a barely moving plastic toy. It's even worse than being in a human body of flesh. I already have a negative oppinion on getting children normally and bringing souls in here, but having them stuck in a doll seems like extra torment. I wouldn't call this "life on this planet". It sounds like a cruel punishment.

I'd rather have them be free and far away from this hell. Also I think that if I ask a baby soul to come into a doll what will really come in instead of the baby is some vile parasite from the astral.



>I am convinced that there are empty humans.

I'm convinced too. Not everyone has a "spirit", but everyone has a soul. Having a soul makes you just an animal but you cannot be anything higher than that without a spirit. Some people here probably have different understandings of the meaning of spirit so I'll say that in my theory spirit is what makes you self-aware, makes you think about your situation and allows for higher thought and desire for more than the mundane. It's hard to explain but if you feel it and have it yourself, you'll know what I mean.

Without a spirit you are just a animated golem, a zombie and a true NPC. A golem just acting out their programming and nothing more. They don't ever strive or care for something higher or any kind of truth at all. And I've seen a lot of those people, who seem to run completely on autopilot and be 100% immune to all attempts of enlightenment. I don't need some MPD-like test to tell who is a NPC, it is rather easy to tell just from observing casually long enough. I have no idea if you can get or develop spirit sometime during your lifetime, but I don't think so tbh. Either you have it not. Some animals seem to have a spirit like some cats, but most of the animals are golems on autopilot just like most humans.

I think the aura test is complete bullshit since a golem will have energy and a soul too, therefore also an aura. If you are alive you have an aura, hell even just merely being created is anough to let you have an aura hence why some people can even see aura on inanimate objects like stones and household objects. Being merely alive, created and animated doesn't mean you have a spirit tho. The spirit is something else entirely than normal living energy of this created world. Unlike matter energy, body and soul etc, the spirit is not created.

When you start realizing this and you find that your loved ones, your family members etc are all mere golems and you are basically alone surrounded by animated spiritless golems hell can come to your mind. It is hard to deal with being alone, but it is even harder to deal with the fact that people you care for are npcs.

If someone has a sleeping spirit, it may be awakened with a little bit of help. If all attempts prove futile then you are dealing with a NPC





No guys, it's never okay to actually conclude that someone is spiritless.

However, it is absolutely futile in trying to help certain kinds of people.

I can even imagine mapping out all the kinds of people that appear spiritless and figuring out how to manifest some sort of expansion of consciousness but that is not very effective since it's much easier to pretty much do anything else and honestly I would think requires a full understanding off free will since it would be immoral to violate the will of someone else but at the same time people are brainwashed precisely because their will has been manipulated and hijacked by first manufacturing their consent, so yeah. I think it's better to go after the hijackers, so to speak.


everything is aware, but not everything is aware that it is aware.

terms like sentience, consciousness, awareness, etc even in academia are not understood let alone standardized at all.

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