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Hey /fring/os

I've been having a semi recurrent event right as I wake up, it happens every month or so, sometimes more frequently than that, sometimes it doesn't happen for half a year or so. I wake up in the middle of the night, stand up from bed and see a shadowy figure standing there, sometimes in my hallway leading to the rest of the apartment (last time I saw it right in my room). Whenever it happens, as I'm not fully conscious yet, I react stupidly, like I do in my dreams. I just scream and maybe throw a kick or punch or something.

It strikes me as odd that right after it happens, I'm not super scared or anything, just startled with my heart pounding full force. So I don't usually have any trouble going back to sleep.

How do I know whether this is the "shadow people" people keep bringing up, or simply hypnopompic hallucinations?

And how do I make it go away?


I should also add that I usually have too much caffeine before going to bed, and this usually happens when I go to sleep at a time I don't usually sleep at.


You're having the onsets of severe sleep paralysis. The shadow men are a commin theme, and have taken the lives of many who suffer from this chronic condition. Don't be fooled, these entities are real, and they feed off your fear. You MUST burn sage or another cleansing incense and perform a well executed and planned out banishing ritual. I used to have the same issue as you when I was 16, which set me on my spiritual journey. That was 14 years ago, and I still am setting the demon at bay. I wish you luck, don't give it a single drop of loosh.



>How do I know whether this is the "shadow people" people keep bringing up, or simply hypnopompic hallucinations?

Hypnagogic hallucinations ("hypnopompic" refers to audible rather than visual hallucinations) are simply your "other" senses opening up. So your question is incorrect. They are not exclusive.

Shadow people are parasitical entities trying to feed off your fear. There are many ways to get rid of them depending on your skill, affinities and age of your spirit.

Do banishing rituals on yourself and your room and apartment at large.

The few times I've experienced these sorts of visits, I've either reacted the same way you did, which didn't get rid of them for some nights in a row, or tried to eat them instead, growling and ravenous. It feels great, and they fuck off really quick. It's in my nature to feed off energies, so that works great and I didn't even have to think about it when it happened.

In a way this is good, because it will force you to learn about your nature as a spirit, and to explore and learn. So get cracking. Time to be all you can be.

Also don't drink caffeine before going to bed and you'll have more manageable nightmares instead of sleep paralysis, bakka



I…. see

Can you drop me a link with an easy way to perform this ritual?



> or tried to eat them instead

Sounds pretty metal. How do I do this, though? They usually only appear for like a split second, I don't have enough time to try anything. Also I'm pretty unconscious when this happens. My body moves but I'm still in a dream-like mind state so I can't think properly.



I just have that instinct. Like a wolf, a crocodile or… a dragon? I don’t know. I don’t think clearly either. It’s metal, but I don’t do anything. It’s just an aspect of me. You’ve got to know yourself.

Do you do any kind of magic? If you’re so inclined, work with some entity and ask them to help you find your way. You gotta figure it out for yourself.



I don't do any. Basic psionics is as far as I got.



This except I just would stay still and wait for it to pass, indifferent in myself, but feeling dread as something external out and about and through me, but not in me. Eventually it tires and at worst I get some weird electrical burnings / lashes.



Recommended reading on the subject of shadow people, pretty comprehensive as to the variety of experiences and theories about them, yet brief.


Something else btw that has helped me with avoiding negative entities was sleeping in a different part of the house and painting all the floor underneath me white. Never had anywhere near as many issues as when I was sleeping in a different spot of the house.


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Ghosts are called Shadows in Greco-Roman thought, sometimes, shades. Shadow beings are likely ghosts; the ancestors or ghosts of the dead of the land where you are.


shadow people are ghosts



not true


seen the shadow people myself a few times and even other shadow shaped creatures, fox, wolf, hawk, cat.

I wondered about their meaning and intent as i scanned them and theyhad no intwnt to harm. So i left them alone.



Learn the banishing ritual of the pentagram. Practice it for a few months in all earnestness.Soon your subconscious will start using it in your dreams where you see the pentagram and it shoots outward from your third eye while it also expands.

This is from personal experience, in your waking practice you work hard to see the pentagram in your dreams it shoots forth quickly with ease, without need for god names. It works every time with such ease it is impressive. It quickly and completely removed all of my nightmares and night terrors and unwanted guests. I did not have many of these and I didn't start doing the banishing ritual for this reason, but after understanding its use in the astral realm I understood the reason for its existence.




Just to be more clear, israel regardie is a good source for the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.

When used in the dreams it the pentagram is consciously visualized and cast forth. In practice of the l.b.r.p during waking states I struggle to visualize the pentagrams I cast and hold them in place as I draw others.

I originally would use the pentagram in waking states when really negative energy in the form of others would come around me. I live in a major metropolis and take subways and constantly deal with the public. I used it sparingly and as a completely defensive type of white magic defense, like a hedge of protection, a magically way of demanding leave me in peace. I am very down to earth and I truly felt as though this worked. The more I was aware of it and practiced it, the less this overt negative energy would approach me through others.

At this point of use in my waking state it became natural for me to use it in a dream state when I was not lucid out a pure habit. However the effect of using it in dreams would sometimes make me become lucid because I would become aware of the unusual power the pentagram wielded in the dream state and my ability to see it so clearly.




How do they look like to you? I expected a shadowy 3d figure but when I saw one it was on my wall/ceiling and I eventually broke out of paralysis and was able to move slowly in the dream/projection


> or simply hypnopompic hallucinations?

You mean self-projected as opposed to merely attracted?

All thoughtforms exist on an objective plane of reality called the mental plane. It is only a matter of tuning in to them to see them. It's like many radiowaves and if you're both tuned in you can receive the same impressions.

For me I personally got rid of them by moving to another area of my house, painting the floor white, and not feeding them any more dread energy to live on. There's a part of my house that is really infested with negative stuff but I put a whole bunch of plants and grow lights in there and other than that don't sleep in or spend much time in there and it's basically just abandoned now. Who knows if there's still lingering bad energy.



Stressing and relaxing releases or tenses your astral body and phases you in and out of states where you are receptive to seeing thought impressions.

It could be fasting, rigorous exercise, extreme emotions, dying, etc. it wouldn't matter they all shift you.



This works too. I actually grow sage and other herbs in my garden now and maybe an hour ago I just ate a sage leaf.


OP as far as i know shadow people are a real thing and there is much research done on them….they are similar to "Jinn" in Islamic culture which are thought to be evil or malicious entities

it appears that "shadow people" may be something distinct from "Jinn" however… i hear they appear differently

there used to be a really good lecture on YouTube on this subject by a famous British guy who researches shadow people…i can't seem to find it anymore



>they are similar to "Jinn" in Islamic culture which are thought to be evil or malicious entities

Wrong. Jinns are good and bad and neutral, just like humanity.


I just told the one that was bugging me to fuck off and he actually did.

The absolute madman.


Psychologist here. This is sleep paralysis. Shadow people are very common visions. Theres a netflix documentary on this bizarre phenomenon.

Its also thought to explain alien abductions as people standing over you while you sleep is a basic fear.

While their is no "treatment," no one dies of sleep paralysis. The best thing you can do is keep your eyes closed until your brain stops dreaming. The sense of fear that accompanies the sensation is yout parasympathetic nervous system coming on (feels like an adrenaline rush). Basically you are waking up too soon, and you're concious when you shouldnt be.

If waiting it out doesnt work, maybe try to learn lucid dreaming.


That's it, pack your shit, guys. Netflix did a documentary about it.



>psychologist here

>netflix documentary




<No one dies of sleep paralysis

>People die in their sleep of heart attacks all the time.

<N..no, that's not connected at all. We know from our scientific study involving bored college brats that nobody dies from sleep paralysis.

And how do you explain the consistent nature of the "hallucinations"? Suggestion right? Well, my first experiences were in the pre-Internet age, and I was a good Christian boy who'd never so much as seen a scary movie. How do I wind up with precisely the same shared experiences? Cmon, you could use such a solipistic argument to debunk anything, including everyday reality. It's just worthless. The most you can say scientifically is "Yeah, we're not sure".

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