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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Elemental spirits are beings who are consciousnesses of trees and rocks and so on. Everything in nature has a corresponding elemental spirit.

An elemental spirit is brought to light by the interaction of human consciousness with something in nature. For example by a human paying attention to a tree, a tree spirit is brought to light. Would the tree spirit have existed if a human had not payed attention to it? That's a question.

People have said that elemental spirits resemble humans, a tree spirit has human like characteristics. I don't know if that is true or not though. What is the purpose of humanity?

Humanity is a sort of midwife who was created in order to help bring to light the personality of nature. The light of human consciousness helps to animate tree spirits and rock spirits, creating a living community of beings in nature, all of whom have characteristics that are similar to humanity.

But it is not only natural things that have elemental spirits. Cars have consciousnesses too, as do computers. We can talk to everything as if it were a human, and by doing that what is talked to responds by projecting energy back at us that can be sensed on an intuitive level by us. We can just talk in English to rocks and trees and so on because the words we say carry the emotional intent behind what we speak, the energy of what we say and our intentions is wrapped up in our words.


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>Elemental spirits are beings who are consciousnesses of trees and rocks and so on. Everything in nature has a corresponding elemental spirit.

True. As far as im aware, the spiritual manifestation of each elemental is as follows:

>Air - Sylphs

>Water - Undines

>Earth - Gnomes

>Fire - Salamanders

>Humanity is a sort of midwife who was created in order to help bring to light the personality of nature. The light of human consciousness helps to animate tree spirits and rock spirits, creating a living community of beings in nature, all of whom have characteristics that are similar to humanity.

Agree they are intrinsically connected to us and exist in a kind of etheric symbiotic relationship to mankind.

>Cars have consciousnesses too, as do computers.

This is something a bit different in my opinion. These "spirits" seem to be a product of modernity and some of the first solid recorded information regarding this phenomena seems to date from WWII (specifically RAF engineers who would find inexplicable faults with the aircraft machinery they were working with and pilots would report strange phenomena happening whilst in the air. They came to term this phenomena "Gremlins" (it's where the saying "gremlins in the system" comes from)

I cant source it but I recall reading an account of a pilot who's aircraft was badly shot up but he managed to land without incident and he credited the "gremlins" with helping him out on this occasion. They seem to have mischievous natures more than a malicious ones.

It seems machines are capable of generating (or at least) attracting spirits of their own. I woundn't personally class these as elementals though. I think they are something else & a phenomena that warrants further discussion and exploration.



>I woundn't personally class these as elementals though. I think they are something else & a phenomena that warrants further discussion and exploration.

Why not? I'd classify those as elementals in the Bardon sense of the term.



Which specific element would you associated them with then?

I can't think of an archetype to encompass them which is why I opine that they are not elementals (in the traditional sense) but something different & a product of modernity. Something akin to "machine generated egregores" perhaps…


Does the same thing apply to animals? Is this what created the assorted mythical animals mentioned in old writings?

If I tell my animals they're well-behaved, will it make them more likely to try to embody that sentiment?

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