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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Will be the time the great American Civil War takes off.


Because you said so, right?



I even know which state it will start in.


Not going to reveal any too specific details that could compromise the revolution just wanted to be among the first to break the news it's coming is all and that you all have but a very little time of peace left in this world before everything you've counted on and thought would endure your whole life is destroyed overnight.

You're free to doubt, not believe, etc. but it's already a done deal and the ZOG is toast. The ZOG is so hardcore fucked it's hilarious what a slaughter it's going to be for them. You can start counting the days now if you but I'm personally spending all my money on preps and have my own plan fleshed out on how to make the most of the transition from the former power to the new one.


Other important details:

1. It won't be a kosher controlled op vs a kosher controlled op, it will be the real deal.

2. It won't be according to the set narrative. There will be attempted mass censorship and media silence. They will not want people talking about this at all and will try to keep everyone completely unaware for as long as possible. Even if the ZOG has to nuke an entire city to crush the revolution, they will make it illegal and punishable by death for anyone to even mention a city got nuked.

3. It will take the whole world by complete surprise.

In short this is the real deal. The ZOG has already lost and if they're at all clued in then their leadership and important jews are already heading to New Zealand or somewhere else, in order to hide in their doomsday bunkers. America has finally found a way to no longer be a slave.




I don’t believe you



That is perfectly fine. It actually will make my esteem feel all the better that you don't believe me now, because really the purpose of me making this thread, is so that you can all share in the excitement of knowing about what is about to take place, before it did happen. I can't think of a reason for me to want you to believe me, unless you were, unbeknownst to me, someone I cared about and who in giving this knowledge I could help them somehow.

Important to me personally considering I might not live to see 2020 (despite being better prepped for this than the vast majority of the populace) is to thank god for all that he is, all that he will do, and to beg him for his mercy and his glory.


File: 81a7e1d608eb69f⋯.png (67.43 KB, 403x448, 403:448, ClipboardImage.png)

>muh zog


>America has finally found a way to no longer be a slave.

by voting trumpkike?


File: 8dc937f5f49e11b⋯.pdf (6.54 MB, 13349957.html.pdf)




I'm assuming that this is the guy from pol who claims to be leading a Christian natsoc cult.



>beg him for his mercy and glory

Ever wonder why they call you christcucks? If nature has taught us anything, then it is that rights are never given, always taken. The first sperm to win the race takes the right to be born, a man ejaculating into a woman takes the right to create a child, a woman aborting a baby takes the right to end that child. And so on. Maybe it's just the nature of the kali-yuga, but if you have to beg for mercy from the dude who made all of this happen in the first place, then you might suffer from something called "stockholm syndrome".

I appreciate you trying to warn us tho. Good on you for that.

I still have to ask where you got that information. Is that a date given by the Qanons? Haven't lurked there in a while but that seems right up their alley. Are you an insider? Do you have insider friends or sources you trust with that? Is it a higher source than that perhaps? An angelic being, a vision, a dream? I'm not mocking you, I'm genuinely curious.



Doomsayers like you are nothing but fools pissing in an ocean of piss. There have been literally hundreds of your type spanning the ages since at least the 1600s,

Life is filled with all sorts of suffering. Wars countless among human history, and with it comes violence, anger, and cruelty in its rawest form. Even in times of peace, assholes without empathy will still shit on you. Dindus and trashbags shit on you any chance they get to satisfy their fee-fees, and the trashbags on top of corporate ladders use it to try and strangle you with signed documents and lawyer folders.

Furthermore, people just wanna live their life rather than, you're outnumbered millions to one. You just wanna be the next Nostradamus, even though he only became famous after we was dead. You should rethink your life choices.


But the truth is, if it would really happen, you would immediately regret everything you said about thinking this would make you feel better about yourself.

You'd panic and freak out, probably do something stupid that would make you feel ashamed of yourself.

You'd die in a puddle of tears, wishing to live again. Just like a morbidly obese landwhale on the true verge of death.

life is hard, but you can absolutely powergame it. Why do you think we're here on /fringe/ in the first place?



>Doomsayers like you are nothing but fools pissing in an ocean of piss. There have been literally hundreds of your type spanning the ages since at least the 1600s,

I'm not a doomsayer. The world isn't going to end or even become shit. Just a few fuckheads are going to die and the parasites will be deported or killed if they resist and life is going to get a lot better after.

>Furthermore, people just wanna live their life rather than, you're outnumbered millions to one. You just wanna be the next Nostradamus, even though he only became famous after we was dead. You should rethink your life choices.

I'm not a prophet and this information is not to be taken as a prophecy. If what I says "comes true" it's not because of some psychic ability, it's because I know something (through purely mundane ways) the rest of you don't. The only thing psychical concerning this is my confidence in the revolution to succeed.

>But the truth is, if it would really happen, you would immediately regret everything you said about thinking this would make you feel better about yourself.

Why? I'm not regretting anything and just because you haven't conquered the fear of death and project this onto me doesn't mean I haven't. Dying is not bad at all and the all-consuming fear of death can only really be present when you're nowhere near death, when it's actually happening, there is no fear. Besides, I wouldn't even be a target, unless I decide to join in the uprising. This will be a war purely between the government and some revolutionaries. After the government is overthrown there's no need to kill anyone else.


I guess you could call me an insider. I have nothing to do with the Q LARP though.


Can't wait to mock you 3 months from now.



So what's the piece of information that confirms for you that something will happen in that time frame


File: fe960e3acf2a808⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 320x240, 4:3, i know something i won't t….mp4)


>Civil War

>i know something i won't tell



File: 485f23d11170d50⋯.jpg (17.98 KB, 474x355, 474:355, burger.jpg)

It's pretty soon isn't it?

Wow, who tought amerifats had still enough intelligence and will left to rise up and kill ZOG. That sure is surprising.

You know…the image of a horde of burgers rising up, rushing onwards on their segways to fight for what's right…pretty inspiring stuff. Just make sure you let us non-burgers know when it starts.

And good luck OP.



It doesn't seem like there's anything close to a happening, 45 days left I guess


Well… we're waiting…



Don't worry it's happening. I myself am just putting in a large order of ammunition (at least a thousand rounds) and some more guns. Antifa also is going apeshit lately in my area. The mentality where I am right now is such that everyone is just putting all they got into arming themselves and fortifying everything.



>a larp will change the world order



File: 4cfd0a4c8d77f4a⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 490x360, 49:36, where do you think you are.mp4)

lol don't doubt the fact a revolution is coming but it's simply too soon, I give it 2-3 more years of slow shit stewing in the background before it will hit it's tipping point and SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN.






>posts on fringe to talk shit about somebody having a opinion different from the mainstream

>mp4 related

Beyond getting paid to shill in one of the lower traffic boards, do you suck penis in your "free" time?

Your breath smells like matzah and cum, go wash it out with bleach, k?



>mundie thinks he isn't mainstream


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