Doomsayers like you are nothing but fools pissing in an ocean of piss. There have been literally hundreds of your type spanning the ages since at least the 1600s,
Life is filled with all sorts of suffering. Wars countless among human history, and with it comes violence, anger, and cruelty in its rawest form. Even in times of peace, assholes without empathy will still shit on you. Dindus and trashbags shit on you any chance they get to satisfy their fee-fees, and the trashbags on top of corporate ladders use it to try and strangle you with signed documents and lawyer folders.
Furthermore, people just wanna live their life rather than, you're outnumbered millions to one. You just wanna be the next Nostradamus, even though he only became famous after we was dead. You should rethink your life choices.
But the truth is, if it would really happen, you would immediately regret everything you said about thinking this would make you feel better about yourself.
You'd panic and freak out, probably do something stupid that would make you feel ashamed of yourself.
You'd die in a puddle of tears, wishing to live again. Just like a morbidly obese landwhale on the true verge of death.
life is hard, but you can absolutely powergame it. Why do you think we're here on /fringe/ in the first place?