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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Dice is a game of PK, psychokinesis. In ordinary life psychokinesis is done to give people good luck and bad luck.

We have the evil eye and the good eye. If you look at someone with hatred or just feel hatred for them, that can give them bad luck. Rays of energy extend outward from the eyes towards what is observed.

The Devil, Ahriman, Angra Manu(spirit of anger), The Dragon is the spirit of hatred passing throughout society in the form of energy transmitted to each other by eyes, words, and feelings.

In other words we all have the devil inside of us and are part of the devil, the devil is the evil of God. We also transmit the love of God to each other through love of each other, the good eye, and kind words.

Just as there is a spirit of hate that humans are a vector for, there is also a spirit of love. And through this spirit of love or spirit of hate, we give each other good or bad luck, and this is a form of psychokinesis.

Prayers are psychokinesis. We can give people good luck by praying for them, and bad luck by praying against them.

Humans are in between God and earth. The earth is the footstool of humanity, in other words humans rule the earth. God is the sky above, the aether, the pure energy of the universe, and this energy passes through all things including the earth. Humans channel both the light of God and the darkness of God(Satan) and manifest those spirits into the earth.

Through praying we can manipulate the energy of GOd to create effects on the earth.

To respect Satan means to not behave in a way to provoke the evil eye in others. This means to not embarrass people and to perhaps not make oneself seem better than others so as not to incur jealousy. Also to avoid being overly non-conformist. The evil eye can destroy people especially if directed from a lot of people. But some people can withstand it.

As humans we can harness the force of Satan, its like having a pet dragon. We can also channel the light of God. We should balance both the evil intent and good intent. We should pray for friends to be blessed and pray for enemies to be foiled or perhaps even cursed.

PK ability is the X factor that plays a role in tribal warfare. Tribes who are under PK assault and are not employing PK against their rivals are at a disadvantage. Tribes that use PK against their enemies have an X factor that they are employing.

The imagination can be used to manipulate the aether. Imagining a psychic flame upon your enemies is a means of inflicting psychic damage upon them.


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What kind of enemies can I have when I believe in magic, arent enemies byproduct of competition for limited resources?



My man have you tried doing magick? It's pretty shit and doesn't work 50% of the time lol




The comments on this are an interesting read. You need enemies to overcome, you need struggle to grow. In the same way you "break" your muscles a bit to make them stronger when doing physical exercise, you "break" some of your mental muscles to make them heal better and become more flexible and responsive and durable. Sometimes however, it is not enough to do this sort of thing exclusively internally. Someone who practices martial arts against a doll still doesn't know how good he is if he hasn't measured up against someone similarly skilled.

>limited resources

The limited resource is time and attention. You can only do one thing at once. Naturally then, forces that work to undermine the whole practice of magic, or forces that have a vested interest in you being addicted to the system you were born into, would want to distract you as much as possible so as to stop you from taking off any chains which might hurt them if taken off.


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I am a novice… not an expert…

>"If you look at someone with hatred or just feel hatred for them, that can give them bad luck."

perhaps because God is trying to take into consideration all interests?

>"the Dragon is the spirit of hatred"

not in all cultures…

itt, primitive tribal thinking



i'd say your enemies are based on forces external from yourself…

i.e…you make enemies or you make friends based on who you are and especially your actions, lass but because of the hostility of the Universe and of nature you will also have enemies for one reason or another than you cannot control (i.e… race war)


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elohi aloha el el ahkhim a rabba ra da da doo da



i have heard it said that if you overcome an enemy through the eyes then either that is half the battle or that is victory itself…not sure if true but that is what i've read concerning martial arts

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