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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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A lunatic is someone who was driven insane by the evil eye. Moonstruck means affected in a negative way by beams/rays of energy from the eyes. Evidence for that hypothesis is as follows. First the word moon is a metaphor for eyes. Secondly the evil eye was said to cause madness. Evidence below.

The evil eye was said to cause madness:

"Renaissance philosophers such as Marsilio Ficino said that sorcerers (venefici) gave people fevers and caused madness by sending out vapors from the eyes which infected the blood."



In Norse poetry the eyes are called moons:



The fact that eyes are compared to moons and that the evil eye is said to cause madness leads me to suspect that calling madness "lunacy" or being "moonstruck" is a poetic way of saying madness is caused by the evil eye: the hatred and jealousy others feel that is directed towards someone can cause them a type of brain damage that can lead them to behave in a irrational way, it can cause madness.

In ancient Greece they believed that rays of light extend outward from the eyes towards what was looked at. This is evident in Timaeus.


Evidence West Europeans may agree with this is "Heads sun" is an anglo saxon kenning for eye.


Some Greek ideas on Evil eye


Above is pliny the elder book vii chapter 2 of natural history


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>the hatred and jealousy others feel that is directed towards someone can cause them a type of brain damage that can lead them to behave in a irrational way, it can cause madness.

It's completely true and I am especially sensitive to people's psychic energies. All it requires is people to focus on me and I feel their thoughts and feelings.

This is why I take those Bible saying seriously. We have to be so careful how we think about each other. Even the people who sin against me I want to think good of them and try to be strong enough to forgive their sins so they can heal.

This thread is a good reminder for me to pray for everyone.



>Even the people who sin against me I want to think good of them and try to be strong enough to forgive their sins so they can heal

That is extremely foolish. If someone is attacking you and you heal them, all it will do is let them attack you more effectively.



Not true.

Only when I am weak in faith do I need to fight people (which is often).



'evil eye' means looking at someone through a dismembered pussy. Fun fact.


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Sure, turn the other cheek, love your enemies, etc jew propaganda. The bible thought you to be a fucking retard. How about take a stand for yourself once in your goddamn life. It's time to reconsider your beliefs, the sooner you leave this christard madness behind the better.



Ironic that you fell for the nazism psyop.


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I did not fell for any kind of psyop, let alone "nazism" lol, what year is it, 1940?

Since when did this board become such a normie reddit-tier christard trash? ugh. Carry on worshipping jew deities, im outta here.

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