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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Two nights before I had awoken abruptly and precisely at 3:33 AM

Day after was playing video games and had a stack of 3,333 of a single item in my inventory

This phenomena has been occurring for a few years now but never with such frequency. I had some dealings with 'Kek' and chaos magic when I started noticing these occurrences, and have distanced myself since, but the syncronicites continue!

What does this mean? Any with similar dealings? Please help a noob out!



Without getting into details can you tell us if there is some life stage you are in now?

Here is what I know about number three:

Often a affirmation or prayer is said three times "third times a charm"

Three is the number of a man, woman, and their child, hence three is associeted with fertility and birth

3 3 3 is 9, and it takes 9 months for a baby to be born



Thank you for the reply

As for life stage I am unsure what you mean

I will be graduating from education soon

I am struggling with vice and struggling to make amends

I am begging to tread the magical path but I know nothing



Haha maybe stop smoking weed and looking at coincidences or else you will just go insane.



Oh no!



What are you even doing here? Oh right, it's a disinfo shill trying to play on peoples insecurities. "Don't think that or cool people will think you're uncool!"




> 06/15/19 (Sat) 20:33:33 No.132328



follow the #'s




It means nothing. Synchronicity have meaning, if this has no meaning just ignore it unless something occurs to you.


thinly veiled dubs thread



My dude… I'm not a shill nor a disinformant.. if anything I'm the least that, what you wanna talk about? Annunaki, reptilians, or numerology and sacred geometry? Haha project blue book or interdimensional beings? Well damn


Synchronicities are not a code. If anything a personal code. Use dream logic to interpret them. Don't fall for shit like >>132328

Their meaning is not absolute and it's not universal. Look at your life like you would look at your dreams and don't go blabbing about it to other people. In time it will start to reveal itself to you.




check this out and see if it applies to you.


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Synchronicity show that the veil between normal reality and the astral is thinning.

Like somebody wrote before, any meaning is something that YOU must interpret. It is totally subjective to your reality. You'll even notice it acts like an all-powerful mind that can answer to your thoughts.

To reach that you just go through the threshold, continue doing your stuff, even make some chaos magic ritual in which you clearly state I WANNA SEE DAFUQ THIS IS

Then you prepare for the ride. The experience is called "psychosis" by western medicine, but the mythical is more useful and you'll be descending to the Underworld.

Just take care and try not to do this shit while you live with your parents or anyone that may put you into psychiatrical custody if you act weird a couple of days. If you don't have a safe home, better wait until you do.


3 is obviously for trinity. All 9 numbers have special meanings. The first 7 and 0 have been thoroughly explored. Correspondence with the planets even


> 13:33:33 No.1323






I simply don't understand. How can I exactly take the next step? How can I prepare the ritual? How can I induce psychosis?




but why



Is there a need to ask that? Why are you on this board?


File: ec2272a0212abc0⋯.jpg (904.44 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Paderborner_Dom_Dreihasenf….jpg)

i wouldn't think to much into it. your life should be boring again soon.



Enlightenment for the sake of enlightenment is not enlightenment.

No one should be helping hedonists.


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If you do chaos magick you should already know how to do stuff by yourself. Not that this shit can be spoon-fed anyways.

You may just ask reality. If there's weird coincidences this means reality is somehow "alive". Treat it as an entity, maybe, ask it to show you what's behind that veil?

Also this: http://openmagick.com/index.php?accion=ver&lang=en&importancia=1&catid=7&idelemento=5



The fuck is it supposed to be for then?



Everything is a tool that is to be used for some purpose.

Using a tool for the sake of it is abuse, and when you abuse a tool you are the one that get's used.

Anyways, so if you are getting synchronicities it means the universe is trying to tell you something.

Some say that there are different kinds of synchronicities which can mean there can be different kinds of energies/messages that you may be receiving, but I think that even that is just over thinking it.

Generally it means the universe is trying to give you a clue. Get a clue man, do you really need a clue? Wake the fuck up. What do you want out of life? Get a life dude.

Read this if you want, it could help. It is of course Carl Jung that described this first properly. He's really big into archetypes, and analytical stuff like that is what he is famous for. I would advise getting an understanding of archetypes, ideal forms, and how what we experience is something that emerges from very abstract things that we can't directly access and couldn't know about without developing some skills or perhaps some way to extract some understanding in whatever way possible, ie chaos magick.



Also Jung talked about frog Gods in his Red Book, might be related to all the Pepe memes and the God of Kek from the Egyptian Ogdoad

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