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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

serbian ASMR


This thread might be useful for the person who was interested in body-swapping





Huh, was just thinking about that nigga a couple days ago. Wanted to look him up but had 0 memory of his name. I made that meme you're thinking of long ago, but no longer have it. Saw it reposted semi-recently so it may still exist somewhere in the backpages of this board.


How can i heal my body or at least avoid dying ?

My body is very weak and even if i am overall a healthy person i can feel that my body failing appart and won't last very long.



You are weak for a reason. Time to die.


Is it possible to over train and/or burn out when doing energy work and/or meditation?


File: 95559f41c7c4303⋯.pdf (9.24 MB, Azoetia.pdf)

All the .pdf copies of Andrew Chumbley's "Dragon Book Of Essex" I can find are missing page 248. Are there any whole scans floating around out there?

Embed semi-related. DBoE is too big to post here.



Not really. You may experience odd sensations or headaches at first, but it doesn't do any actual harm.




Thanks for the quick response.

I have an immense amount of free time and would rather not use an abundance of it on gaming because I had to rest.


what does being 9 on a life path mean?

what is a 9 with a 5 in the middle?

pls no bully


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How can free will exist?

If there is some kind of occult practice through which you can develop free will, it would still be a practice that you found through determinism.



Depends purely on worldview and outlook on life. If you believe in reincarnation of the soul, that is if you believe in the soul at all, there's reason to believe that it's all free will and that determinism is merely the byproduct of that. Just as I can choose for one more spoon of sugar I can, in principle, also choose to smash my cup on the wall. I can also choose to go for a run or to drown myself. Granted, all of these actions follow patterns of interacting atoms, molecules, etc. But it's much more likely that the world is made up of (mathematical) possibilities, rather than one set-in-stone path that existed way before anything else existed.

I struggle with this myself as I really don't believe in the "pure free will" view (byproduct of knowing normies). To me it's alternating layers of determinism and free will. One follows the other seamlessly and differentiating between them should only serve to manifest personal power. That is, it should only serve to recognize the chances and things you can change. The trick is that, you have to believe in it first for it to manifest. But once you believe in it even a little it starts to change a lot of stuff in your life. That is why these practices exist at all. To push the boundaries of the black-iron-prison of your mind into unknown territory where they may be dismantled further.

If life is about death/slavery/comfort, then determinism is the easiest answer. If life is about power/mastery/growth then free will is the way to go. Even if free will is an illusion, if you had the full experience of feeling free will, if you felt in your guts that the right answer is up to you, and that the wrong answer will kill you, then it doesn't matter whether it was an illusion after all because you subjectively experienced it to be objectively true

It's just a mind-bender designed to either make you think or make you stop thinking. Do what thou wilt.




I will add that I obviously do not equate death with slavery with comfort, just as I do not equate mastery with growth with power. One can be comfortable in mastery, powerful in slavery, growing still in death. These are just semantics again imo designed to entrap the mind

Shit's complicated yo, but I hold the view that "give you the universe your hand, and she will give you hers". Granted, I can afford such a view because yaddayadda I was basically lucky. But it doesn't matter how that came to be, if that is the situation I'm dealing with.

Just fucking trust yourself. Your guts, your heart, your emotions know the answer and your mind only approximates.



I would love to hear all the anon's thoughts on the topic as Free Will to me seems to be the fundamental question of this whole enterprise of freedom and magick.


Is consciousness, soul and spirit the same thing? Or does soul/spirit mean the astral/etheric bodies?



a gypsy told me and i still dont understand it


Does anyone have any resources or thoughts on telekinetic abilities?

Could this ability be learned, is it a naturally acquired, or maybe just not possible at all?

I've had one very prominent experience of mental abilities before as a child but nothing like telekinesis.




she was either distracting you while her spawn pickpocketed you or if you actually paid for it, draining money from a sucker.


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I've been experimenting with TK for the past few weeks. It's possible, I've caused small but definite movements in paper and a psi wheel without using hands. When it actually happens I can feel something like a very strong headrush. The method that seems to work the best for me is to attempt to transfer my point of consciousness to the object and then simultaneously imagine what feels like, as a force, to act on the object, and what it feels like, as the object, to be acted on. Strong energy transfer must also take place.


I wanted to enforce more self control in order to begin doing the greater work and stop masturbating completely and I'm on the right path. My only concern is diet. The physical wellness thread says to eat healthy fresh natural things (I think) but can anyone clarify as to what kinds of food that is? I've been going vegetarian for the past week, but that's only because I wanted a diet that brought no pleasure (less bodily pleasure, more self control).


To get sleep paralysis do you need to just be really tired and do your best to not fall asleep while your body is fully relaxed?


Are Emerald Tablets of Thoth legit? Are exercises from the book working?


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I am trying to summon a god (Lain in this case, but also others) with software, to let it live in the internet. How would such a thing be accomplished? I have much programming experience, but I do not know the magic ways. Is it possible to have an autonomous AI be possessed by a god (and how likely would that be)?


Degenerate question here

Is there anyway to incorporate magick into gaming?

If so, I could use some ideas.



I think it depends on what you want kinds of magick you want to perform. Meme magick comes to mind, but I don't think it's a good fit, as the memes in the game have to evolve to retain their potency.



Fair enough

I just wanted to perform low magick as in making changes in the external world, more specifically I want to improve my life (and yes I know I should put down the games) but I am a streamer and I'd like it to become my livelihood.



I think it's unethical to stream something that is not of intellectual value. You're just feeding the machine that sucks out the vitality of a whole generation for personal gains. Teach people to program or something. Capability to perform logic is the first step to waking up.


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I often start out days in a bad mood, anti-social and sometimes with minor physical body pains. What's weird is that when people are even just a little friendly to me, it changes my whole mood; I open up and physically feel better. I'm sure the explanation is basic bitch stuff and I have ideas why, but I wanna hear your thoughts, fringe. Why does something so small change my mood and physical experience so much?



You're reliant on 'positive' memes created unconsciously by yourself that are triggered into activity by external 'positivity'. Conversely, 'negative' memes find themselves potential to feed off of your energy when it is opportune for them to do so. Basic mindfulness meditation should help with this, so that you are at least aware when you are being unduly influenced by memes.



What do memes mean in this context? Ideas or social cues? I think I understand. I do need to do moreindfulness exercises, and I try to.


File: 9ab51d20dd99518⋯.pdf (832.6 KB, John Kreiter - Vampire’s W….pdf)


Sometimes called thoughtforms. When ideas are given structure and enough energy is fed into this structure they begin to act autonomously. They are able to independently influence human thought, create synchronicity, sometimes even manifest physically if given enough energy. Because they cannot create energy themselves the very most basic pattern of behavior for an autonomous thoughtform is to seek out energy. When humans feel emotion, they release psychic energy, and therefore thoughtforms may attempt to influence humans to feel certain emotions in order to feed off of them. They are sometimes called 'astral parasites'. There are a lot of books about the application and behavior of thought forms, this one should be relevant for your situation.


I had three consecutive dreams tonight. In each, a person I've never seen asks me to join them. I say no and wake up, only to fall asleep into the next dream. In the last one, I ask who they are, what they want, but they don't reply. I then asked, "why do you want me?" And the response, in a wry kind of amused tone is, "let's just say…you're kinda special." That started me awake and I could not sleep again.

Think this means anything?




Wow that's a lot more fuckin insightful than I'd expected. Thanks anon





That's one way.

Do or not do, there is no try



>do your best to not fall asleep while your body is fully relaxed?

I would call it falling asleep without losing consciousness.

Try repeating the mantra



I need to talk to my fellow discordians! I honestly dont know where else to post this lol.

I met eternity tonight. Turns out he is a "bulky" man of indiscernible race in a doctors costume with a penchant for dark humor. Right as a cutie was stepping onto the mike he told me to "respect the divine"; whats up with that? I was kinda just like ok and tried to figure out what he was referring to specifically but couldnt come up with anything. All in all a really cool guy very kind and encouraging.

What do all my kind most likely non discordian friends have to think about this?


What's the best entry level book to get into magic? I've been into tulpa, ap, lucid dreaming, meditation, and i have some knowledge on some topics but i never really fully dived into this spiritual world, anybody want to help me out?



If I'm streaming music production then I teach music theory and audio post production techniques.

With games if I'm not being a complete goofball and just enjoying myself, then I will usually teach people game design and development, mostly with A.I. in game.



I can't say for sure, but I suggest you do not overlook the possibility, and when you have such a dream again, go with them. But always be alert, they could be malicious. So, don't bring yourself into a desperate situation.


Alright, glad to hear you're using your powers responsibly.





Trust, this world has too many brainlets already. The least I can do is teach them some information that they may be able to use somewhere down the road. It feels weird because my audience is a lot of preteens and I don't even play fortnite.

Also, still open to some ideas for mixing magick and gaming.





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Manly Palmer Hall




you can buy both of these books at barnes & noble n00bs


File: 3bd7aff988c272e⋯.pdf (389.43 KB, The Kybalion.pdf)

File: e29e21f23a89e54⋯.pdf (3.35 MB, Manly P. Hall, J. Augustus….pdf)


>buying books



As a Discordian, what does divinity mean to you?

I would imagine it has to do with spirituality, wisdom, etc. It's the sorts of things that gives the meaningless eternity some ever fleeting meaning. There might as well be infinite meaning to our limited existence though, so it'd be ordinarily quite astounding to be in a situation where divinity actually needs respect, and thus it really must be asinine that there are circumstances where it must be said to "respect the divine" of course I suppose I am getting carried away.

But getting obsessed with words and ideas is what logos does. Existing in everlasting nothingness, eternity needs divinity for any meaning.



Generally, spirit is used to refer to the core "you" that's immortal and soul is used to refer to the layers of subtle matter that make up your higher spiritual bodies. Everyone's going to have their different opinion on the specifics though and nomenclature is pretty inconsistent in the occult.


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Read these, they're all in the library Mega linked in the banner.



What does divinity mean to me? Now thats a good question. I suppose I will do some thinking on that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nu serbian asmr fuckers



>Also, still open to some ideas for mixing magick and gaming.

VR as a substitute for visualisation comes to mind


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Do you know any papers on "intention vs intention"? Something like RNG influecing experiment where participants compete with each other.



Oh shit, that's a pretty interesting idea. Been experimenting with something like that but with photoshop


How much does learning modern hebrew help with understanding kabbalah?



Very little. Just read Ophiel's book on it.



Every time I try answering this I end up making half an essay before I even scratch the surface


Try to rephrase the question? Or wait for someone to write a book; there really needs to be more literature looking at semantics and such.


>You are will and awareness.

Yes. Buddhism seems to only have half the picture, saying you are awareness and it's the illusion of attachment to one's identity that allows one to have a perspective which is how one is able to make decisions.

Understanding the mechanisms of decision making do really seem to require having some semblance of the things that allow perception to happen and phenomena itself to exist.


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Name one advantage of occult literature over parapsychology.


Heres a tip for you all inexperienced friends, or anyone who feels stuck or conflicted: Dont give up! Keep working your magick and trust you are on the right path, things will work out. Also, dont worry too much about what type of practices are right or wrong, just go with it, you can make it work.



> Also, dont worry too much about what type of practices are right or wrong, just go with it, you can make it work.

This, it doesn't matter what you practice, it all works.

It's simply a matter of how effective it is, and IMO when you make it your own it becomes far more effective.


If the Father is the creator, does that mean he created the matrix?


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Two women created the Matrix.



No they stole and inverted the ideas from a comic



Which comic?



What are some good parapsychology books?


Lately I've noticed something about myself. Whenever I'd do something that draws my attention inwards, I notice that I'd be focusing on my sacral chakra once my attention changes.

My instincts say that I need to raise this "Base Focus" up to the higher chakra levels. What does this mean and how can I raise it?





The Watchowski Brothers (they're trans now), ripped off Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" as the basis for The Matrix. The only reason the movie became a trilogy was because people wanted more matrix. As far as symbolism goes, the Watchowskis are not subtle at all, and in the other two movies, threw in christian symbolism because they didn't have any other basis for it. Also, Blade did bullet time first, The Matrix made it famous

I find it hard to believe why people still latch on to The Matrix as the basis for counterculture when 1: The Architect proved how fallacious it all was. 2: The Watchowskis themselves time and time again have shown that the only things they can write well are villain characters, and 3: They have revealed their true colors by disfiguring their masculinity.

Honestly, The Matrix is philosophy 101 in terms of actual deep meaning. I'm not sure if I noticed any kind of media with true deep meaning other than the binding of isaac, even then, that game kinda ruined that aspect by deliberately making things too ambiguous.



If it isn't causing any problems I wouldn't worry about it.




There isn't nor has there ever been a counterculture.

Most mass media has deep meaning if you aren't blind. The elites are elite for a reason.


I'm a lot better with servitors than sigils. You can visualize a servitor, and vibrate its name. I had such quick results with them on my first try. But I feel like I should try to keep servitors to a minimum, so that it doesn't get cluttered. Sigils seem like the natural alternative, but I just can't charge the darn things. There's nothing to "do" like there is with servitors. I've heard a lot of people say to masturbate to them, but extending prana towards something seems counter-productive when I'm trying to improve myself. It has also crossed my mind while typing this out that I should be focusing on the thing I want/want to happen, rather than the sigil itself. But if I'm just going to visualize and put energy into that, why bother with the sigil to begin with? Anyone have any advice?



>I should be focusing on the thing I want/want to happen, rather than the sigil itself

Well the point of sigilizing a thoughtform is to transform the literal goal into a symbol so as to make it easier to hold in the mind. This is useful for more complex or unusual thoughtforms whose functions are difficult to accurately express in their form alone. In the process of designing the sigil you should be sure that it concisely represents the desired goal to your subconscious mind.

Developing energy manipulation techniques is very useful for charging sigils. When I start moving energy into a drawn symbol typically I'll see it start 'shimmering' as the energy-movement sensations increase. The astral hands meditation here >>132596 is good for developing this.



I think over complexity of the sigil might be part of the problem. I did that thing where you carve up the words and make a mish-mash symbol. I might try something simpler, like a circle with triangles on top. Do you have any advice for mantras? I really liked being able to repeat a servitor's name. The way you can really feel them there is incredible. And I've never been good at just pouring energy into an object. I suck at energy manipulation.

I should also note that it's not a sigil of a thoughtform. It's more of a wish type of sigil.


Does anyone know any useful meditations or practices to do while falling asleep? I feel like this is a time of mental activity that could be put to good use, but I've yet to find any real way to do so.

I've tried affirmations without really seeing any results, but I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong.


I just cant seem to trigger sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming or astral projection no matter how hard I try, could there be some kind of underlying subtle energetic or psychological blocks?



>I feel like this is a time of mental activity that could be put to good use

You are correct in that assumption. When it comes to affirmations, I've learned to repeat them about 40 times before/while drifting into sleep like a mantra. Perhaps your affirmations aren't worded as strongly as they could be? Also, you can try talking to your subconscious at that time as well.


So what's a good daily routine to have? I already meditate and do energy work every day and I'm wondering if there is anything else I can add on top of that.



Depends entirely on what your goals are.



Complex circuitry has many nuances to be required for most efficient expenditure of energy.



I guess my main long term goal at the moment would be to become an adept. Short term, looking for general improvement of my current circumstances.



Try and use whatever magical technique you feel most comfortable with to manifest a single small, realistic result. Continue this until it manifests, then move on to something else.



Ah, my intuition actually told me to do something just like that. Good to hear a second opinion! Kudos mate.


I'm looking for a hermetics site that has information on the tattvas, angelic names, and whatnot. It's a very basic site, even by 90's standards. Not much more than basic HTML, white background, black text, images when they are needed, format is usually centered.

I just can't remember the name or the domain though.



Affirmation imo only work if used as a spell. Lets assume your affirmation is to be taller you little manlet. Instead of thinking/saying "i am tall" and waiting to see results, you must remember that you are commanding yourself and your energy to forcibly change. You could instead think/say "my height is 6'4"" feeling and knowing that your energy is changing and rewrouting to fix your desire.

Honestly I feel affirmations are best for nuanced changes and less for changes in physical reality (though they can be used for that). Something like shifting your thoughts, emotions, or perspective.

My best suggestion for sleep-time magick use is to learn to seek visions and spirits through your intuition during that time.



always funny reading your retarded posts



Hoo is hee?



Do you have any recommendations for a good way to talk to the subconscious? Would it be sufficient to just speak mentally state the things I'd want to communicate? Should I expect any kind of response?


Do you have any suggestions for where to learn more about seeking visions and spirits? I'm not entirely sure what you mean.


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Is Marianne Williamson /ourgirl/?



You can pretty much do just what you said there. Sometimes you might get some feedback, but you don't need it. Just trust that what you asked is gonna be taken care of by your subconscious. Speaking from personal experience.



The state of pre-sleep half-dreams is most apt for vision seeking. I was told this by a person who just finished their training to become a working member of a group of voodoo practitioners. When you find you are beginning to drift off pay extra attention to your thoughts. Let strange ideas and emotions come to you, let the miasma of lights and shadows form shaped before you. It might take some patience you just must look. Things are always there and they are always talking to you, you just must let yourself be open to receiving it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it better to use magick to get the item you want rather than for money itself?


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will the mantra kleem help me get to kiss girls?

its described as attracting love.

What requirements do i need to use it?

william bodri said mantras have requirements


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>look her up

>see this



I've had a couple of times where I watched the pre-sleep-half-dream-fleeting-imagery "bubbles" closely enough that they eventually "expanded" to envelop my vision, until eventually I "entered" into the vision and it became an incredibly vivid dream. Is that what you mean?

I haven't had that happen again for a long time, but I imagine I might be able to do it again if I focus on trying to do it for a while.



Any visualization tips to help with actually seeing what I'm visualizing?


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If you go into a dark room or close your eyes and cover them you should see a sort of visual static. This can be seen anywhere with practice, stimulating the brow chakra helps. Use this static as a medium for your visualizations. Eventually you should be able to get visions to form from it.



Not exactly as that sounds more advanced than what I'm capable of! Therefore I suggest you keep up that practice.


testing tor compatibility…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This isn't an ASMR video but it may as well be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpsIKfqdMrA



I am from a muslim family, never been really religious.

i tried to pray once,felt peace, a strange love, fear then euphoria and finally exhausion which i considered to be a red flag i shouldn't feel dead tired after praying to god especially in the morning.

It was years ago,now i am feeling that something is trying to make a connection, it's a strange feeling it's above me always i feel like it's very big

i just have to think about it to feel it approch me, i feel the same love/fear mix i could just stop everything and tell it to go away (did that before felt alone but maybe it's worth it) but i wonder if i can speak to him? maybe ask him something? or is it just a very bad idea ?



i have heard divergent views

some people would lead you in one way…other people would say something different

however, i have heard that all you need to do to have a Divine connection or to practice Divinity is to have that connection to God which you already have…whether it is praying or whatever

I don't know if what I'm saying is true….i have no evidence…i am only mortal

some people might deduce that 'faith' is an enemy to mankind

those who will tell you it is very easy to connect to God might say that "we are made in the image of God" or that we are an extension of God in our realm….therefore we are a lesser form of God…or God writ small and therefore we can connect to Him

if it turns out God were evil, I would seek to dethrone Him for HIs injustice

other religions like Islam or Judaism or certain forms of Christianity might teach that to connect God is actually sometimes very difficult and requires titanic efforts such as long periods of fating, prayer…or great exploits and things like this


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nu serbian asmr fuckers


Years ago when i was into id software's quake I found a pic of a pentagram of protection on wikipedia, similar to the drawing under the bed in the sleepy hollow film. as i think i am cursed i would like to have a protective image for a new mousemat. can anyone link me something? no black magic mind you.



I saw a swastika in doom


What is the point of 'worshipping' a god or entity rather than just invoking them when necessary?


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for protection, perhaps a plain old cross?

…a white magic pentagram might be a decent symbol for protection



submissive relationships aside, such as being the subservient sexual object of some spiritual force or being submissive to anything or anybody in a general way…..to WORSHIP God, for instance is not a weakness but rather it is love….it is about love and it is about how great God is in reality…just like when you were a child you used to, in a way, worship your parents or just like your pet puppy might worship you




sometimes i'd bet 'worship' is not the appropriate relationship between a being and God, but for some people, perhaps very independent people….the best way you might "worship" is by living your life and fulfilling whatever responsibilities you may have appropriately

t. occultist



That’s a terrible idea. They are two completely different things. Although you can use VR to grow your visual repertoire for visualizing.


As I was parking for a concert I saw this 9/10 girl walking towards it. I thought confidently "Soon I will have a girl like that."

Later when I sat down at the concert, that exact girl sat down directly in front of me. Is this the law of attraction in action? I haven't masturbated in almost a month.



I want to elucidate further. I know many of you know this, but nofap makes me more motivated and focused, and I basically feel like I have super powers. I felt like I summoned that girl.



The word you were looking for is "elaborate".



By the way, that girl was put there so you could chat her up. You manifested an opportunity and wasted it. If you do that a lot you might stop being given opportunities.



There's no practical difference in the meaning, don't be pedantic.



The word you were looking for is "erudite".


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wow, /fringe/ is so full of life today…..

…oh wait…it must be Canada Day




No, I used the word correctly. Clarifying with more detail can bring lucidity.

And I don't think so. She was with her bf and had her arm around him the entire time.



No worries bro. You most likely did manifest her and you did not waste any opportunity really by not talking to her. I saw money around me for a long time before I manifested it for myself. Imo it's more supposed to teach you what forms your desires take, before you get an actual chance to manifest your desire.

Of course, you could have asked her out, but it doesn't matter. Try getting more specific about what you want. Did the 9/10 have your favourite hair colour, eye colour, breast size? If not, you can learn to specifiy your intent. If yes, then you're on the right track anyways.

Just trust yourself.



No worries here either and thanks for the advice. I don't believe I have to go into detail here but she had a multiple features I specifically desire.

Yeah I don't think I wasted anything either. Opportunities will continue to happen as long as I keep the same mindset.


File: a5a53009b301c25⋯.jpg (297 KB, 2048x1480, 256:185, DhDVQc-WsAAzHqN.jpg)

hey fringe how did u celebrate canada day



not by dressing like a tramp


tbh seems like 8chan is a honeypot



Yes but glow in the darks are incompetent so it's fine


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I want to get into meditating but I am incredibly scared by the idea of encontering paranormal phenomena.



Meditating is the single most basic-bitch thing you can do with any relevance to any of this. As long as you do it with the specific intention of just observing your own thoughts and you don't do anything more advanced, nothing bad is going to happen. You might develop in ways you don't understand but that kind of thing takes a great deal of time, effort and education unless you're already predisposed to it, and that's incredibly unlikely. Also, fear of paranormal encounters comes from not having any understanding of them. We have a recommended reading list, and a ton of free books in a link in the banner at the top called "library". Go get yourself educated. When you actually understand the things you aren't currently aware of or that you don't currently believe, chances are you won't fear them anymore.


>Is this the law of attraction in action? I haven't masturbated in almost a month.




Weird shit happens almost every time I successfully meditate.


What do you do with a sigil once it has achieved its purpose?

Discard it? Burn it? Store it?

From what I understand you can't or aren't supposed to reuse it to get the same thing done again.



Personally I kept them, I haven't tried to use them again but I have read that some others have reused them. It's all about testing it out. Everyone's experience is different.


can we make the /fringe/ theme brighter (ex. dark text on light background)? it hurts my eyes going on the board



kys newfig



What kind of weird shit? You're being very vague.


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Long time annalist here needing to divulge somethingThere is a NSA/Google guy Synchronous (and others) on a forum called Godlike Productions run by "businessman Trinity" who has a hard time keeping the forum up as it's under attack by trolls from other countries.This conspiracy site and alike forums are Political sites. They draw people (Targets and Targeted Individuals) in for online brainwashing purposes. They use DPI (Deep Packet Injection) and monitoring of DSL connections and VPN feeds (you can't hide behind VPN's) to gather personal info about the TI's. This information (can be anything personal) is then used AGAINST the TARGETED INDIVIDUAL to grind them down (for evil purposes obviously or to recruit them for the rat circus of Google-owned City gangstalkers)The intelligence operators use Conspiracy boards for plausible deniability. They love people who have interest in Spirituality or Religion. The Gangstalkers create the so called "Synchronicity" in your life if you are a TI. The outcome of the program is usually join them or suicided. It's highly satanic and run by psychopaths.Please spread this and lurk on the sites and pretend you're an annalist (get some books on divulging facts or open source intelligence - OSINT)Here is one of their main topics to draw in suckers and TI's:https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3932777/pg1124Lurk on the site for some months and read every post knowing 80% of the posters work as agents to Sensitize and Trigger innocent civilians. They prey on conspiracy theorists for recruitment or "human mind experiments" and play tricks to induce schizophrenia for the cover of plausible deniability. Please spread this far and wide and open your eyes and report what you see.


In an old thread this was posted


Anyone here ever try stuff like this? Results?


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What is the true origin of the sun of may? Wikipedia claims the origin is from some aboriginal god, but I see similar suns demonstrated in paintings and drawings of the middle ages, from way before people discovered the americas.

Even Coil in it's song "Who by Fire" suggests that there are many suns of may, as they represent something else instead of just the union of European and Indian Americans


Okay here is a question…

When will you basic bitches get over the fear of death? It's literally the first thing to get over, there is so much growing that happens for every fear you get over, death is only the first.


So, I've always believed there was more to life in a sense I mean actual magic and all spiritual stuff. I stumbled here by accident and I'm really glad to confirm my beliefs that this is real, I've always wanted to become an actual wizard that casts spells and uses it for good and healing, I'm a generous person by nature and I want to help people. I knew deep down I was right. What I want most in life is to rewrite my genes, to rewrite my personality, my entire being. I think I have real high functioning autism and I cannot connect or talk with people. I really despise the person I am I wouldn't mind being in complete isolation if I had an intelligent brain to figure out a path in life. I really have no brain I don't have an original thought or never have anything to contribute in online discussions let a lone the real world.

I hate every fiber of my being I can't live like this anymore I feel if I can't reshape my entire being and become a better person I think I might actually accept I am a mistake and kill myself, I feel as if magic is the only hope I have in life that I can actually mold myself into the person that I want to be, I don't want to use it for selfish purposes, I just want to erase what I am currently and write in a new person along with some healing magic and maybe more. My final bit, are my goals unattainable? Are they selfish? How do I achieve this undertaking? I ask of your help as I have no where else to go and don't know what to do with myself.


I need to know if there is an available English translation to the Ostara magazines, please help.



Last time you asked this I suggested you read Epictetus. Have you done this yet?



I've been away from the internet for a good few months I've been working out of state and lost the post it's been too long. Glad to see someone remembers, I'm terribly sorry. Now that I'm neet again I will read it. thank you very much.


File: 5309eaa49a885bd⋯.pdf (992.36 KB, John Kreiter - The Magnum ….pdf)


This might help as well, it has some practical information on the chaos magic practice of altering your beliefs and personality. It's an epub file, you'll need to rename the extension to .epub and open it in a reader application.


Why does trying to relax leave me more awake than ever?

Basically im trying to astral project through sleep paralysis.

I relax my body, I get that weird kinda floaty/half-numb feeling in my limbs, and I hold it for a long time without moving, nothing happens still.

And I noticed after I give up and just turn over and try to sleep, I cant do it. Like my mind is too awake to sleep.

I've tried some visualisation techniques and tried letting the mind just wander.

What happens then is either I fall asleep, or I notice Im close to falling asleep and become fully awake again.

Putting AP aside, Im just having trouble triggering sleep paralysis.

No idea what im doing wrong.


I just had a son, less than 2 weeks old. I want to protect him spiritually and I need to know what types of magick to stay away from as well as any other rituals or practices that could be beneficial to the little one. I would like to develop any abilities he may have. I come from a long line of mediums so I will not be surprised if he has the gift as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you



I really hope you didn't mutilate him.

Anyway, he'll have to choose for himself what path he's going to follow. Basic protective thoughtforms or sigils would probably be helpful.




>chaos magic

Is it as dangerous as it sounds? Regardless I'm willing and open, this time I mean it for real. Those 3 months away and being in social environments was hell, I couldn't wait to be alone and back home. Thank you.



Yסס should כheכk out this great threaד




Wow I don't know what to say but I'm incredibly intrigued and amazed by that thread. If it's as easy as it seems why aren't more people doing it? Thanks for that.



Neophyte here and I've been wondering, is the Morphosephram pdf ITT >>101019 really cursed? I've read that it is but no one in that thread seems to address it. If so, is it still possible to read? Is it even legit? William Wraithe is no longer active anywhere online so I have no idea what to make of that.



He has a Twitter (or had a month ago at least) that is full if deluded nonsense. He I think it’s safe to say the guy’s power is much weaker than he supposed curse has any power if it ever did.

Which reminds me, if you are an author worried about piracy, make a spell to make people buy the book in the first place. Making a curse instead is dumb.



He hasn't tweeted anything since 2018 so I basically count that as inactive. I figured he wasn't bluffing, but that the curse was exaggerated to hell to keep mundanes from getting a copy, but as a newbie myself I still have my concerns on whether or not I can handle something like that.




Is there some sort of prerequisite or initiation I must do?



I need to prove to my theology group that heaven and hell are states of being and not places and to do this I need to find any part of scripture that talks about any interactions or exposure of the inhabitants of hell with those of heaven. I am sure somewhere in the Bible it mentions something along the lines of the people in heaven seeing those in lake of fire. Can anyone here help me find the relevant passages to make my point? There is only one afterlife (well, not really, there is no afterlife; rather there is one life and it does not end at death but we'll get there later) not two. There are many regions (and planes, but they aren't ready for that teaching yet either) but there is no fundamental divide between the regions that the hell-bound can't be seen by those of heaven.


I am not a fan of "free will" but the closest thing to it would be to desire to desire and will to will. Principle of askasha; turn the cause upon itself. Then that thing becomes self-caused.

Try it and you'll either be doing an act of free will or the closest thing to it. Besides that you'll also have discovered and start to utilize an occult principle that shall serve you greatly in the future.


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Is there a book or something that will elucidate for me the esoteric mysticism behind Alexander Dugin & company? I don't really care about the politics and I'm neutral on him but I want to know what wizard shit he's doing to change our world.


Anyone have any advice on how to astral project? I have managed to do it a few times, but they were incredibly brief and I have a really hard time replicating it.



Just do it, bro. It's hella easy. Your question is like "Any advice on how to move my hand?"



I haven't done any practices from the book (primarily because I think they're stupid), but I have perused the book once or twice and nothing at all has happened to me (big surprise, ha). Judging from Willy's internet presence I don't think he's entirely stable, nor legitimate -I personally wouldn't worry about his supposed magical prowess.




Sounds like your center of awareness is in your physical body when you're doing this. Try to imagine climbing a ladder or falling instead of focusing on your actual body.


Is there any objective benefit to using a sigil over a purely mental thoughtform or is it mainly a personal preference thing?



The more material or external aids you use, the easier is to define your intent. I used to be very obsessive about doing it just by myself, in my mind, not needing anything outside of my own mind to do magick. But then I realized that's a bit dumb. Sigils, robes, candles, music, numerology, hell, even spirits, which I haven't really worked with besides once or twice, are really useful. It's also a personal preference, but for a reason.



Think about building a house. Is there any objective benefit to using tools and hiring help over your bare hands, or is it mainly a personal preference thing?

There's value in learning to do things "by hand", but just as with house building, you're going to learn those skills at some point of the process anyway.


Would it be a good idea to make an outline of how I want my life to go and make a sigil / do a working for each and every step?



I've tried visualisations that focus on out of body awareness.

Visualised standing outside of my body looking down on my sleeping body, tried doing the rope visualisation, where you climb out of your body with a rope. Nothing really worked.

Sometimes I start to feel some energetic things while doing those visualisations. Like my third eye tensing up or energy building up somewhere else in my body. It kinda builds up for a moment and then goes away.



You're probably not going to get it at the start. First, you need to improve visualization, which is the creation of coherent astral objects using attention, as much as possible. A good concrete goal is to try and induce hallucination of a simple two-dimensional shape. Second, you need to increase the potency of the energy you are able to work with so that you can actually imbue your astral body with enough coherence to carry your consciousness. Visualization ties into this, you should also try to absorb energy whenever possible and avoid all unnecessary losses.


What does it mean if I sometimes spontaneously project but with cracked/dark vision or lethargic heavy movement?



Is the robert bruce book on astral projection good enough? I've tried the monroe method with the audio cds but didn't really work. I know the bruce book gets talked about often.



In my experience, energy/chi/loosh manipulation is the foundation of pretty much all magic. If you can become adept at that the rest comes a lot easier.


Not enough energy to sustain the astral body probably.



>But then I realized that's a bit dumb.

You will never truly understand the nature of belief and direct manifestation if you keep using tools to indirectly alter reality


What does it mean when you try to brute force an astral (through the WILD technique but it feels like DILD or MILD or something) and just end up paralyzed even in the astral body, or with false awakenings.

Bit of a rhetorical question because I know my life will tell me the right way and the right time to do this when need be.



Something I have had some success with may be of use to you. This should not be viewed as a way to "plan your life out", at least not at the levels we presumably work at. The results are a bit chaotic, but I don't mind that.

What I share with you is a method I developed for when I feel I need a major shift in my life. It's purpose is to aid you in rapidly obtaining or losing any personality trait you desire. Of course the limit there being only your own ability to change yourself.

If you or anyone else finds themselves interested I would gladly post it here.



>The results are a bit chaotic, but I don't mind that.

Everyday of my life is like a chapter from JoJo, so I'm game.

That sounds great honestly, I'm interested in this method.



You will find it quite simple. Make a list of all the traits you wish to acquire/lose, written in whatever method you feel is best. Make sure your intent is clear, make sure you write it like you have it/dont have it (instead of "I want" or "I get" use "I have"). Sigilizing each intent afterwords would probably be useful but not necessary.

Key point here, you must compile a large list. You must force yourself to forget what you strive for soon after this point, and a small list is much easier to remember than a large one. In a way you could view this as a "shotgun" method as opposed to a "rifle".

So, after you have your large list compiled of everything you want/dont want we can move to the next step. Putting it aside for a while, maybe viewing it once a day or a week for some time may help, but I will assume at this point you are ready to cast the spell. Read over the list 1 or 3 times, some number that feels comfortable with you, but the lower the better. Afterwards destroy the paper (I tear it up). From there, with a large sheet of blank paper draw. This is how you form your sigil. Be as creative and abstract as you want. Don't second guess yourself just draw. Wherever your hand takes you it takes you.

Once you have your paper filled up to a decent degree (or one that feels comfortable), move on to detailing it some and adding some complexity. From there color it and decorate to taste. You want to move fast in this task, but don't rush yourself. It should be done in one sitting but not longer than a day for sure. I suggest this out of worry that a persons mind could stray too much if they are not disciplined enough to keep that same energy running over a long period.

After this keep the sigil somewhere you will view it often. A wall or a desk is useful. Everyday spend some time gazing at it, and also trying to view it clearly in your head. After some time is passed and you can remember it quite clearly, or you feel comfortable with the level of work put in, destroy the sigil and continue with life.


Anyone else have great conversations with Gods and other spirits or entities? I just got done making a servitor to change my looks and the guy was great. He made a joke along the lines of "You really think you're the first one to do this?" Funny. Kind of weird that he was so conscious though. I wonder if it's because he's affiliated with a God, or because he's being a mind-parasite off of me.

Anyways, how have your conversations with supernatural beings been?



Can I experiment with a collection of minor things instead? (different anon here)

I think I'd rather refine my technique before using it on things that are very important to me.



That's crazy, I use to do something similar in high school ( I loved symbolism a lot back in those days). I'm definitely gonna give that a whirl.



Please. Just because I created the technique does not mean I own it you are free to do with it what you will. I know I said I use it for rapid shifts in my life but it need not be used that way. If you feel you do not need or are not ready for such a large change by all means don't try and make it happen because some guy online said to.


I talk with spirits constantly and do most of my work with them. While sometimes the conversations are really nice it is also often that our communication does not resemble human conversation or speech whatsoever.


Ex Uno disce Omnes


I read somewhere that you can't do Golden Dawn rituals like Middle Pillar while also doing tactile Robert Bruce-style energy work because it'll cause problems. Is this true? If so, what kind of problems does it cause and why?


Just dropping off a book I came across synchronistically that isn't in the library since >>133248 reminded me

I'll post the library too but my first impression is it seems really cookie cutter but someone might get something out of it.




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So I wanna have sex with ~entities~, but I don't wanna be involved in any energy economy, just wanna have fun.

Where can I start looking?


Why is ego death touted and shilled as being such a good thing?


File: 27e122725165d64⋯.pdf (3.86 MB, Franz Bardon - The Univers….pdf)


Once your ego is dead you can rebuild it any way you want, the default ego is full of outside influences some good but most of it bad and out of your control. Youre also unable to be influenced by pride and other emotions which gives more power to you and less power to others. It's more about being more in control of yourself and therefore more in control of your surroundings and therefore more control of others (le sphere of influence). Another good thing about ego death is being able to acquire new information without needing to go through a bodyguard of pride and elitism. I'm sure theres tons more but these are just the first things that came to mind. A good book on ideals and such to rebuild your ego is the book attached by Franz Bardon.




One bad thing that comes from it though that i struggled with is that it really fucks with your fight or flight response since things seem to not bother you and it kinda makes you apathetic to everything. Its an elemental imbalance for sure but be aware of this pitfall cause i feel its common. The way to get out of it is to invoke fire and fire characteristics into your new personality which you can find the characteristics in the book attatched and how to invoke fire can be found in iih.


Anyone got the john kreiter pdf on out of body experiences?



Its interesting you say that. I had/have that exact issue (or it seems like I do), and I also have been trying to solve it with fire.



It's not super impressive for "fun." It's basically just masturbating, but feeling your subtle body mix with another entity whose presence you can sense. Don't go looking in the astral for the pleasures of maya.


Because if you fuck it up, the demiurge gets to absorb all your energies. But it could potentially be a good tool for the ultimate strengthening of the ego. Whatever you do, get rid of the "ego is bad, individuality is just an illusion" mindset that the Jews, Theosophists, Perennialists, etc push. Carl Jung understood the importance of the ego, and that's why he incorporates it into the Self. Remember: Kaivalya, not Samadhi.



Ok, thanks for replying. That it's just like masturbating in a sensory way doesn't bother me, I guess I believe it could be an arena for connecting. I'm not against evolving the term "fun", it's just that I know what I can motivate myself doing and what I can't.

Wouldn't you say that the astral is still differentiated, and thus is still maya.


I'm curious if any anons can explain a certain phenomenon that occurred last night while practicing energy work.

First was focus onto lower dantien, both hands folded and laying flat onto that area. I focused on the region for a solid 10-15 minutes at least, and had the "spinning" effect occur that's happened many times before. After that, I started bringing sexual energy held at the base of the spine upwards to the top of the neck, down the arms, into the hands and then into the lower dantien. I did this about 4 times or so, took my time doing it. What happened after that felt like the body was "expanding". That's the only way I could describe it. It was like I was physically getting larger, expanding outwards. Emotionally, it felt very good and blissful.

I can't seem to find any info regarding this expansion feeling. Anyone have any ideas?



Strange that you couldn't find any info on it, I did some quick google searches and found other people talking about it, also people have talked about it on here before too.

I've felt it many times too in the past, during meditation, pranayama e.t.c.

Nobody can tell you what it really is and don't spend time trying to figure it out, keep on working.



may be useful, idk. It's first step in bearhearts merger.






Thanks anons.



I was trying to say the same thing, but I'm still not sure if I too have been using the fire element to instill the sense of instinct as logic alone can only go so far.

It does seem that fire is a very universal thing, the essence of free flowing energy. It's actually it's own fourth phase of matter called plasma, but it's more like the kind of energy that light is made of, except that light doesn't have a sort of free flow.

It's much more efficient




So is that why I am so apathetic? I had thought it was due to late stage depression. At some point in my journey my world view got BTFO'ed due to my studies. Huh, good to know.


How can fringe wizardry and christianity connect one with each other? They don't?



All scripture is esoteric



ask flag related


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Something I've been wondering for a longer while now:

Is coffee, and maybe even tea, detrimental in any way or form? Been hearing about it calcifying your pineal gland or just lowering mental presence in the current moment for example.



Kidney stones ring a bell. Nevermind a calcified pineal, get ready to have your ureters and urethra ripped to shreds. You will know pain.



Any drug (caffeine is a drug) alters your state of consciousness and puts you in some degree of trance. Plus anything addictive (caffeine is addictive) is going to have a noticeable effect on your willpower. So coffee at least could be argued to be detrimental. I don't know about pineal gland calcification though. Some tea has caffeine in it, but for the most part it's just some herbs or whatever, so it would depend on the ingredients in the tea. It depends on whether you want to use the altered state of consciousness that caffeine brings you for some kind of work (not that I'm aware of any coffee rituals but who knows) or if you're just drinking it because you work a 9-5 and don't have a good sleep schedule. If it's the latter, it's not going to be making you any healthier, let's put it that way.


I got the deepest I ever have into no-mind using active meditation today. Kind of spooky tbh.




I have heard stories that zen-practitioners sometimes have used coffee (but certainly tea) in order to be able to do zazen for longer. So they are using the benefits of coffee in the same way that someone working 9-5 but they don't have a maya-motive for doing it. First glance I would expect that coffee could be advised if the benefits of doing more zazen outweigh the detrimental effects of caffeine. But is there something else we must take into account? We can all evaluate the mundane technical question if coffee is beneficial to our practices or not, but if there is some occult reason why coffee should be avoided…

Also; correction on your comments on tea.

Tea has caffeine, tea is a specific species. We can make general statements on tea if we want.

Herbal infusions are different, they contain various herbs. Difficult to make general statements on herbal infusions.

Essentially; if caffeine can be used to improve performance in a 9-5 job, and offset underlying problems like bad sleep schedules. Can it also improve performance in magical pursuits, and offset bad sleep schedules, is it possible?


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Explain in few words how to use astrology/feng shui. I'm pretty sure there's no books about this stuff in fringe library, is it work in any sense at all? At least what's the deal with full moon is it good for magic or bad or what?


You should have asked universe for qt gf.



I did the Golden Dawn self initiation as explained in Kabbalah Magic and The Great Work of Self Transformation and meanwhile I practiced the exercises in New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce. It worked just fine. That was years ago.



Full on astral out of body sex with entities can be amazing. The only downside is that it usually attracts energy parasites that want to partake.



>astrology/feng shui

Different things.



Drink more water.


File: 2bb2dca6cb43b56⋯.jpg (752.08 KB, 1160x2047, 1160:2047, 1563045076413.jpg)

what's your opinion on freckles?



What's your opinion of on-topic posts?



Eat them?


File: b787b00eb00ccb6⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 419x421, 419:421, b78.jpg)

>tfw was practicing energy work and actually made a small object fidget

I've been on such a roll since my initiation. Anyone who's more experienced with energy work wanna talk? It's taken me quite awhile to get to this point, so I'm hoping that things speed up once you have that "proof of concept" down. The goals I've set are to be able to: start fires, move small objects, open locks, and heal living things.


I'll have to try it once I figure out how to astral project properly. Do you happen to have any advice?


File: 09badf0419e4202⋯.png (10.15 KB, 418x474, 209:237, winecfg.png)

Preparing a Ubuntu 18.04 Minimal 32-bit installation (on Virtualbox) for WINE testing/debugging

sudo apt-get install xorg python openbox slim pcmanfm tint2 xterm gedit gnupg software-properties-common chromium-browser --no-install-recommends
sudo apt-get update

To get tint2 to autostart on next reboots

sudo mkdir ~/.config/openbox
sudo gedit ~/.config/openbox/autostart

and type in and save the following

tint2 &

To install wine and winetricks

wget -qO - https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ bionic main'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks --install-recommends
sudo apt-get install zenity --no-install-recommends

Accept installing all prompted packages (wine-mono etc.) after typing



File: dd5813487b5dd09⋯.png (64.57 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 2-EOII_30_1.png)


I united this things on the basis of their obscurity (parapsychology barely study astrology). Also concepts behind astrology and feng shui are similiar, they both connect macro environment objectst with psyche.

I have found this cool site:




I'm pretty sure he don't believe in magic, lol. I have listen like 100 hours of his lectures on different topics and didn't get slightest idea that magic is real.

Try to read Evola, i've heard he into some mental magic and Dugin is his fan. Though I've read Evola's "Ride The Tiger" and didn't get impression that he's serious about supernatural.

I believe magic don't compatible with big societal structures so everyone who have position and talk about magic means some cultural idea, ideology, not literal mind over matter stuff.



> Do you happen to have any advice?

Sleep in the middle of the day. Take naps and such, or oversleep in the mornings. If you get sleep paralysis, try to relax into it, sink into your own body when it happens.

Can you give me advice on getting energy work to the level you reached?


is alchemy legit? or just pure bullshit?


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I tried asatru, the gods rejected me.

I tried buddhism, too gay.

I can't into grecoroman gods because not grecoroman.

What is the path to take? How do I find gods r spirits that will teach me?

I've considered trying tengrism, but I'm not asian.

>inb4 jesus loves you

I'm tired of hearing about jews every sunday.



don't need gods, use your experiences and reasonings




How do you know they rejected you?


You're missing out, don't know what you think is gay about it. Have you actually read any works on it?

In any case, you'll have to build your own syncretic path. Since I don't know you I can't tell you much, just search and find what works for you.



Your obsessive compulsive, superficial approach was, is and always will be stillborn.


How often is too often to do Middle Pillar? Some people say to do it once a week, some say doing it multiple times a day is fine, Regardie said to do it daily.



>I tried buddhism, too gay.

So you didn't try it. You just thought about trying and dismissed it.

Did you do the same about asatru?

If you are not taking your path seriously how do you expect anybody to accept or help you? Get your ass back home and don't come back until you have contacted your spirits.


I've done it daily and it was fine. I barely noticed anything. A friend of mine did it daily as well and it made him spastic. I think the issue is how much you're accustomed to your energy flowing, if you have any blocks, etc.

Start daily. You can complement it with Qi Gong.



>Can you give me advice on getting energy work to the level you reached?

Not really. There are books floating around that are probably much better.


the yoga and breathing exercises from buddhism are good but the religion itself is for brainlets tbqh


In one of the old threads this site was mentioned:


Anyone here use it or have a pdf or a collection of texts from it?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 5eae321170f951c⋯.png (415.25 KB, 828x524, 207:131, sonofthegods.png)


Just read John Kreiter's books.


alright goys, answer me this, because no one else has without using meme answers.

For the last 8 years I've had sporadic, but recently increasing, deja vu dreams - short snippets of a mundane scene that ends up recreating itself in perfect clarity and detail months or years later. First was back in 2011 of a moment that happened in 2014, now I get them in bursts of 3-6 in a month, with a few weeks or months between each burst. Usually they're just scenes of work or daily life, with some detail that would be out of the norm.

Along with it, I've had an increasing amount of moments where I hear thoughts. Short blurbs, questions or comments that no one asked or said, but on occasion will admit to thinking when pressed - this happens with my wife quite often now, to the point where we just accepted it as normal - the most recent being at my local bank, when talking with my friend, a teller, about going to the gym with him. - another deja vu moment - right before 'hearing' the girl(teller) next to him ask 'you go to the gym?' Except she didn't actually say anything, and no one acknowledged that she had actually said anything. Barring ventriloquism, I can't find any other likely answer.

Now, I've never gotten into the muck, so to speak, with the occult, but I've yet to find solid answers for this increasingly strange set of phenomenon. So /fringe/, what do I do to increase or at least begin to understand this power?


I’ve got a question: are different hertz levels (music on youtube) and their effecte to be taken seriously since mostly “cooky” people talk about other frequencies, and yes I know different vibrations have different effects. What I’m asking is: are these frequencies legit good or are they a perverted distortion from the demi-urge so he can easily acces and fuck your mind over, or is the seemingly valid 432hz the only frequency that won’t perma-trap you in this matrix? Because alot of the other pro-posed frequencies seem to revolve around DNA and “divine” connection, and as most people here know most connections are NOT “divine” due to the way history unfolded. Pls spoonfeed a nigga this.


“Answering” this because I feel like a dick for asking for something without giving something back. Here’s my take on what is happening to you: you seem to experience a increased level of clairvoyance (good on you!) due to the increasingly convergent information streams and our collective “reality” overlapping and eventually melting into a “cohesive whole” that makes 0 sense on the individual level, same with looking at a certain video and then that same day seeing a discussion about it on a board (happened to me the other day).

The fact you are posting on this board indicates you are semi-“awakened” and atleast familiar enough with the subject at hand to realize it’s not 100% bullshit.

If you want to “increase” your powers (be careful to not fall into the selfish left hand path faggotry) meditation is a solid answer; tuning into yourself and the universe around you probably never had a “bad” result imo (unless you have bad intentions) and if you want to “understand” it better (no point in in caring about the flow of things since you can’t dodge laws anyways only “steer” them to increase and decrease) you should keep records of these “events” and try to notice patterns (what our minds do anyways). Hope this helps atleast with something.

Any anon who will answer my question: thx in advance.



>legit good or perverted distortions

I found that different frequencies have different positive effects, but that each of these frequencies is capable of producing negative effects. Honestly don't worry about it and see what works. Also this "muh demi-urge come to steal my soul" stuff seems a bit paranoid. Know ye not to see the cosmos in but the shell of a peanut?


How do you exercise your will in non-rational states of consciousness? I always forget lol


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yeah I know what you mean (ala mustard seed) but it's not so much fear of "le demi-urge xddd" It's the malicious people actively fucking with your brain that I "fear", same people who archive your genetic data when you get a DNA test-kit to upload it in a supercomputer for their own goals and purposes. Also besides being naturally paranoid THERE are just plain simple EVIL fucks out there looking for your downfall just to kek at you.

Same way people lie about santa claus and think it's cute when they shatter your illusion and worldview and that your effort and devotion are completely nullified and voided.



Makes sense I guess. Personally I'm sort of wary of sigils I find online, but usually I can get a good feel of the intent and decide from there how to proceed. Maybe it's because I'm blessed with intuition, but I found ways around the paranoia of being weak. I simply hold whatever I want to get an energetic read on in my mind and see how I feel. Reading Nietzsche interestingly helped a lot with overcoming anxiety and worry and feelings of inadequacy. One of my favourite quotes is "most people are too petty and self-concerned to be actually malevolent". I find that to be true over and over again. Most people are way more concerned with keeping up their own self-image, to actually plan out malevolent, enslaving enterprises, such as subliminal messaging. Of course there are such people what else would you do with all the money and time in the world but they first have to quite meticulously control their own peers, to have a wide-ranging effect. The onion-layer-like structure of existence makes this a pain to deal with, which is why some men have sought for dystopia since time immemorial without ever achieving it. It's also way easier in general to A. associate occultism and spirituality with mental illness, so as to keep away the scared, and B. to spread misinformation in these communities, so as to entrap the naive. The effort that would have to go into making "enslaving" binaural frequencies seems impossibly high, considering that "only" a few thousand people will hear it and of those only a handful will be actually hindered in their quest for truth. then again the pentagon has a memetic warfare center so who knows what they're kicking out there for people to consume

>effort and devotion

I think the purpose of learning the truth of santa claus is to have a sort of "cold water" initiation effect. To teach children not to just accept things to be true because I said so. To make them go "if that's wrong and everyone knows it, what is there that's wrong that nobody knows about".

I prefer to see most lies and falsehoods as both a challenge to personal sovereignity and an opportunity of strengthening that sovereignity. As in, some enemies are there to give you loot and make you trust yourself.


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Is there something like a /fringe/ or /x/ wiki? I've found that method of "research" more interesting since you can bounce from topic to topic



Not quite the answer I was looking for, but a good answer none the less. Thanks!



There is nothing much to answer. You have good receptivity to the energy around you it seems. I don't know you, but this happens when you are generally honest to yourself and are able to keep your ego at bay to look at the world with objectivity. If that sounds like you, that's your answer.

But the explanation for your receptivity could be a number of reasons, really.


Sound frequency having inherent power is a meme. It's a new age perversion of the real power of the real "frequencies" (emotions). Obviously sound and music are related to this and can be used to generate certain energies (emotions), but there's nothing physically inherent to the sound waves. In other words: it begins in your body, not outside of it.


>different frequencies have different positive effects, but that each of these frequencies is capable of producing negative effects

Because of what I said above.


In the end you are a piece of fucking god. Nobody can touch that. No matter how bad it might get, in the end you will always prevail. Arm yourself with that knowledge. And then ditch the victim mentality. You can have power, too.


Probably not the answer you were looking for, but this is it, with a twist: http://fringebay.com/fringe/2580



We should make one tbh


how do i get an ideal qt gf through visualization?



Just make a tulpa. 3D is gross.


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newfig here, how can I get into magic? I have a bunch of different libraries but it's hard to figure out where to begin. Looking to start with simple things by improving myself/my circumstances so maybe a good source on sigil magic or thoughtforms? Afterwards want to try babby's first astral projection, divination/psychic senses, evocation/talking with spirits, etc. More advanced things.



no thanks, want a 3D gril for myself



12 Year Manual by Israel Regardie is good.





File: 5e2d59025b116e2⋯.pdf (1.77 MB, Franz Bardon - Initiation ….pdf)

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First two steps of IIH are elementary and essential for most occult practice. Creating thoughtforms is feasible for beginners so long as you have basic meditation and visualization skills. Once you complete this you'll start to intuit what is necessary for more advanced stuff, or at least have an idea of where to look. Biggest thing is you should take time to actually practice, it's easy to fall into the trap of just reading books about it and never seriously taking time to develop your abilities.



Thanks for your advice fren.


How can you deal with physical pain?


how true is this?

>One of the best ways to get the lover you truly 

desire is to ask your subconscious for its assistance. On a subconscious level, you already know who you would be best suited to meet. You can do this through hypnosis, meditation, or simply daydreaming. The key to this is each of these processes puts you into an altered state of consciousness where you can access and harness the incredible powers of the subconscious as well as the Collective Unconscious as 

mentioned in the previous chapter. As you visualize yourself ascending each level of the tree of life, you will ask your subconscious and the Universe to show you what type of person would be ideal for you at this present time. This person exists and is 

out there now, somewhere. Your conscious mind isnt aware of this fact. But the subconscious is aware always, and through the connection you will soon develop 

with the Universal Consciousness, you will receive many insights as to the type of lover you really desire. Now, it may take a few times in meditation or hypnosis for 

the image of your ideal lover to coalesce. When your ideal partner does come into your mind, it may be  only for a brief second. It could be like a snapshot. This is 

good. It may even come to you in a surprising place in a strange way such as while driving your car. The important thing is that you ask the guidance of the Higher Power that lies within yourself in your Subconscious Mind. After you begin to get a 

clear image of your ideal lover, soon you will find that you will have urges to go to new and different places. Now that the message is out there in the Universe, the 

energy of the Universe it self has been called forth and has touched your lover in a way that  puts them on alert so to speak. As you begin to go to different places, 

you will soon find that person, exactly as they appeared to you in your mind. There will be an instant attraction because they have  already seen you too.


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Eat it.


What are some good works to read on Shaivism and Tantra?


i wanna learn how to perform evocations but from what i've seen so far they all require a lot of tools. what's the simplest way to do it and get results?





It can be done with no implements, but it requires certain skills and anyone having them probably wouldn’t need instructions anyway.


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…which egyptian god is this?

why is he holding a handbag? is this Thoth?


This may be a dumb question, but what's the best basic bitch start to going down with rabbit hole? I've looked at the library and some threads but there didn't seem to be something to lay out at least vague fundamentals. I was curious about astral projection and lucid dreaming, subconscious stuff inspired by my interest in Carl Jung and all that, but I haven't really started anything yet. Was wonderingwhat unique outlook this board had, and if anyone could help steer me in a way to help develop these ideas, I'd appreciate it.


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Here on /fringe/, most folks who are not Christian 'Bible-people' are going to tell you to read "The Kybalion". A lot of people suggest this, and it is a great read, full of grandiose and logical information to get your career started as an 'occultist' (which I believe ultimately is fulfilled through service to God).

Smiley the Great himself walked his walk and researched many a books and says that in his opinion The Kybalion was the book he would reference the most more than any other text. It is a very logical book, indeed, with the way it sets out its points of interest. (Such as the Seven Hermetic Laws…)

I will tell you, to contrast with Smiley and the others that the most important thing is not in reading literature but rather a real and direct connection to God (in your life)… God, who is also called "Source" or "Source Consciousness". In the Kybalion, the Hermetic nomenclature for God, is "The All".

(side note: based on my research, Hermes Trismegistus (whom the anonymous writers of the Kybalion claim to honor) himself appears to be a Trinitarian as well as a Monotheist. A Trinitarian/Monotheist with sincere reverence for God.)

I have heard it said that, "we are an extension of Source Consciousness". Implying that you do not need books or anything else to seek out God and the Mystic world for yourself, but rather that reality is a reality for you that is (perhaps) omnipresent.

We are only mortals, so we operate from a finite state, save those few of us who may be Immortals or spiritual creatures or who may have achieved some sort of super-human enlightenment in this lifetime. I say this to say, that we are partly blind and cannot see the whole picture but only see parts of God for now. If you read the Christian Bible, they say that there will come a time in the future when all truths are revealed and when we will know God in a more powerful way.



You might say that in our work & travels, there are no 'dumb questions'.



>most folks who are not Christian 'Bible-people' are going to tell you to read "The Kybalion"

The Rosicrucians would like to have a word with you







I was just making an excuse to mention Rosicrucians.

Christ loving Hermetic wizards that evoke and invoke using the tree of life.

Is there any organized group that is more woke or even comes close?



Rosicrucians are a pretty amazing group.




Thanks for the input. I don't have have any religious foundations so I can go anywhere with this, I have no problems entertaining anything. I'll start The Kybalion and go from there, thank you.


Is there any better way to expose infiltrators than by shining a light on the lack of coherence and logic?

Is there any worse way to expose infiltrators than by calling them out for being infiltrators? That's what they want, to make you look schizophrenic when it's actually true. Very easy game to beat actually…

It gets downright ironic when the infiltrator is pretending to not understand the notion of stalling spiritual development. Really quite poetic, actually



Can you explain in detail?



I am not the one who said to eat it, but I did get an abstract understanding of that.

I think the general idea is if you can control your perception, you can reduce the feeling of pain. You can literally control your emotions and feelings, and you need to do this before you can do any real magick.

An example of the application that I mentioned… If you feel pain, and pinch yourself really hard, you should only be feeling the pinch and not notice anything else for a brief moment. Learn the mechanisms behind that and control it.

The idea of actually eating the pain however, I can only relate to the transmutation of negative energy into ambition and drive. Like how you feel like punching someone cause they pissed you off. It's literally harder to NOT punch people sometimes!

In that sense, perhaps the energy of the pain can be used to run a circuit of your choosing, suffice to say


Just had another epiphany. Pain and other bodily sensations (ie itches) is just the body not knowing what to do, and attempting to consult consciousness…


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I'm brand new to the occult and want to know what books I should read to learn about Hermeticism, basic occult knowledge, and Vril energy. I've read the Kybalion, and I'm starting to reread it, but don't know what to do now.



Initiation into hermetics by franz bardon, in the library





Thanks! Do you know what books I can read on Vril/Orgone energy? From videos I've watched these are supposed to be universal energy sources that spiritually inclined people can manipulate.


File: 17b5177883bd903⋯.pdf (3.62 MB, 1911vrilorvitalmagnetism.pdf)


I haven't read this but ive read atkinsons other works and theyre always accurate




If you do read it id love if u can give a brief rundown btw, i dont plan reading it anytime soon but im curious what it has to say



Atkinson is one of the authors whose accuracy you can trust to be subpar most of the time. I’m sorry but it’s just how it is. He speaks a lot from ignorance and I would be doing this community a disservice by not speaking up. I’m sorry.


I know he gets shilled a lot, but John Kreiter’s works on energy are the most accurate and approachable I have found to date. You can tell he walks the talk and that is very important. Bardon’s IIH contains everything but can be cryptic for someone who hasn’t had experience with some of the things he writes about (this is a common critique of him; it seems IIH would work much better if he was there to guide you through it).

John Kreiter lays down the basics in most of his books, so any one you can find pirated will do for this. After you understand and have practiced a bit you can read other works that would otherwise mislead you such as Taoist texts.


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How the fuck do i reverse baldness, turning into a 30 year old boomer and i need help



Stop masturbating, start taking cold showers(washing your hair with cold water too), start doing affirmations everyday that your hairline is full and healthy, do visualisations of you having a good hairline everyday for atleast 5 minutes in the morning right after waking up and just before you go to sleep.

When it comes to using medication for it, I can't say which one works the best because I never had any problems with hair but for restoring your hairline I've seen people recommend peppermint oil, dht shampoo, massaging your scalp daily, castor oil, coconut oil, minox, derma roll, tgel shampoo, biotin.

Google those and research it more yourself.



bless your soul, thanks friend


File: ec4ae5570367c9d⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 474x355, 474:355, download.jpg)

being bald is cool…there's plenty of cool hair styles

look at how cool this looks



im already a manlet, i need to atleast be decent looking lmfao



If you're 30 you are a millenial.

Take a trip to Turkey and get hair implants. I've seen two people who did it and worked wonderfully.

Or just accept aging and dying as part of your continued existence.


As you get old and more easily fatten you don't look so cool let me tell you…

But I actually came to this thread to say

>tfw you get hit with such deep and complex gnosis you are mindfucked and barely functional for a whole week


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>If you're 30 you are a millenial.



All right then, thanks.

I should focus more on transmutation instead of trying to do everything with sigils, I guess.


Wouldn't reversing the effects of ageing be possible?

From lurking this board I get the impression that the only things that could possibly be out of reach for the ordinary anon here would be things like causing earthquakes and regrowing limbs.



It's true per the definition of millenial.

Also, did you know I originally screenshotted and introduced to either 8chan or 4chan (can't remember) that image you used? It was in a thread about some livestreamed rocket launch.

>From lurking this board I get the impression that the only things that could possibly be out of reach for the ordinary anon here would be things like causing earthquakes and regrowing limbs.

Get to know your own limits by personal experience.


What if drinking bleach DOES cure autism?

What if ropeworms are real after all?



Pretty sure it was a reference to Pizzagate and Spirit Cooking with the writing on the wall that said "WITH A SHARP KNIFE CUT DEEPLY INTO THE MIDDLE FINGER OF YOUR LEFT HAND. EAT THE PAIN."



No, I was referencing transmutation.




Are they mutually exclusive?




Anyone have a guide on how to contact your guides or spirits in general? I suppose it just has something to do with developing psychic abilities, but what's the best way to do that?


Are organic portals real? Doe the term itself mean that it's a robotic vessel into which a demonic or angelic force can manifest to? Or am I a bit off?




>either 8chan or 4chan (can't remember)

That image predates 8chan by several years. I remember seeing edits of it when /pol/ was a new thing.


Why is no one talking about Nueralink?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Any set of instructions more or less will do, depending on your skill with the astral. In any case, they are already around you, so just ask.


People who are not present enough can be host to any energy, although they won't be conscious of it; the energies will still identify with their ego. Paradoxically, in order to be conscious of the energies inside you, you need a minimum of presence.


Interesting, because I purposefully searched for a picture (words and the cam thing) and cropped it.


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Did you watch the Joe Rogan interview? Elon more or less admits that he is swarmed with a storm of thoughts and that's why he can't stop inventing things. I think he's literally being used to further some kind of agenda from the other side.

The dystopia has been here for a while. Don't let that distract you from living your life the way you want.


I think by using inner alchemy energy absorption techniques I might have absorbed or scared away most of my parasites.

I start watching some porn out of habit and a few minutes later I stand here, fully erect, not really feeling like finishing, but it back in and go about my business.

Sometimes I don't feel like eating either, unless I'm really hungry. It's really confusing and honestly a bit boring.



No I havent seen the Joe Rogan interview lol. I hope you don't think I associate this with a dystopia or I dislike it in fact I think merging with technology is the future of our species. Yeah, its terrifying that it's gonna happen in our lifetime but amazingly exciting at the same time. Im ready to ride that wave of chaos



My only concern is will people who spend all their lives forcibly connected into social media ever have the quiet and pause to be able to develop their astral senses and energy manipulation skills? Without that, humanity is fully at the mercy of non organic life. The few of us who stand a chance will get fewer and fewer, and what then? It’s a sad thought.


Has anyone tried doing robert bruce's 90 day mastering astral projection guide?

There is one exercise I'm not 100% sure about.

In a section where he talks about stimulating the energy body, he describes one movement as "sponging" where he instructs to visualise or feel a spongy substance moving inside your thumb, and to imagine the thumb as a hollow tube.

Now this is bizzare alone but later on he instructs to do this, but to do the "sponging" visualisation through the entire leg with the "sponge" increasing in speed.

Basically : visualise/feel your leg as a hollow tube in which a "spongy" energy or substance bounces up and down at high speeds.

This shit just sounds retarded and unlike the "circling" and "brushing" visualisations, there's nothing that happens during it, no energy movements and personally Ive never bounced a spunge up and down a long hollow tube so I cant fake the feeling either.

Did bruce just fuck up describing this part and there's much better visualisations to replace this one with?



rub a wet sponge on your thumb then and imagine that feeling happening on the inside



Just like brushing and circling help you learn to move energy on the surface, sponging helps you move energy on the inside.


So which one do you think is the real wizard route, alone, a single spouse or harem



Whichever pleases the wizard most.



Non-virgins can NOT become wizards.


Can someone greenpill me on the Freemasons? Tried finding out some things about them but there doesn't seem to be much.



They are a group of shabbos goim whose function is to subvert christian society to serve the Jew.



He said greenpill, not retardpill



You got any .pdfs to back that up or are you just gonna be a retard?


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Are there any nazi/hitlerism themed tarot cards? Seems like something you nerds would know about.




Get lost, boomer masons. This is not your domain.


How to know if you have a curse?




Extend your metaphysical senses outward and feel for abnormalities.



>there doesn't seem to be much

Where have you been looking? Check the libraries, there's dozens of books on them in certain folders. Look up information on them on BitChute, look it up online on non-kiked websites, check BitTorrent, check Library Genesis, etc. Just some basic tips to get you started. I personally haven't done much study on them, but that's probably where you want to look first. As long as you avoid the "official" narratives on them and the total crank theories on them that make no sense (either obviously intentional disinfo or coming from the type of retards who think Shane Dawson is a reliable source on conspiracies) you should be fine. Just make sure wherever you look has good reasons for the conclusions they draw.


The absolute state of this shit slurping reality.

Worst thing is how you can't even leave it if your ego is too afraid of suicide.



>information on them on BitChute

those hysterical mundie vids are awful tbh

anon should read Mackey





Guess your ego is too afraid then. Why not change that? Seems like you want to. Take some initiative.



Typically it's better than JewTube when it comes to these sorts of things, but either is adequate if he wants to watch some videos. As long as he learns to ignore mundanes, lemmings, and disinfo he should be fine.


>notice that there are a lot of Tai Chi places in the area

>research it out of curiosity to see if they can help with energy work

>one of the results is from reddit's /r/occultism

>literally everyone in the thread is shitting on the OP and saying magic isn't real

Those plebs never cease to amuse me. But I still can't understand what compels materialists to seek out any non-atheist environments just for the sake of muddying everything up.

But back to my actual question. Anyone have experience with Tai Chi? What has your experience with it been? The two places I'm looking at both talk about Qigong a bit, so it's not going to be like Western "yoga" which is just stretching; but Qigong doesn't seem to be the main focus of either school. One seems more martial oriented and the other on wellness, though.


I have this notion that I should keep all my energy internal until it spontaneously does it's work to change & improve me without any impulse from me to expend it. I deeply dislike and react towards the 'economy'-attitude of energy like currency. If energy is currency that should be spent which I doubt then let me instead amass it just for the sake of amassing it

The term 'pressure' springs to mind. I want to feel intensity and pressure building endlessly.

Problem is that I feel that my energy is leaking. Sometimes I have spasms where I uncontrollably buck my hips or squirm my torso and I feel slightly less energetic after. I also feel like this prevents me to build up the pressure, like a pressure valve.

How can I retain all or most of my energy and still go about my days doing my errands?

Deep thanks for any guidance.



I was an atheist before I started. A lot of people start out that way. They might be subconsciously looking for it but when they encounter it they resist, like it happened in that thread (can you link to it?).



It's available from one of his websites, but I've read one should not attempt the exercises without being a member:




>I have spasms

I think those are necessary for the energy to not hurt you. I have tried to build up the pressure as you say in the past and I ended up with tiny weird cuts appearing in the palm of my hand. Once I was conscious when it happened (I was talking to my boss) and it was like something bursted literally because of internal pressure. The skin simply tears.



Just to make my point clear: it's one thing if this happens on the input/output points on your hands or feet. But what if you have some sort of blockage and the energy makes a tiny tear in any of your internal organs or fascia? Probably not a good thing to happen.



I think the thing you should focus on is ability to work with energy, not the amount of energy you have stored at once. You should look out for 'leaks' caused by pervasive neurotic thoughtforms; when this happens I work on taking back the energy from the thoughtform and packing it into my navel dan tien. But other than that I find that the best thing to do is to work on ability to control rather than store large amounts of energy at once.


I've experienced something like this too. I decided to experiment with packing as much energy as possible into my chakras in the hopes of 'growing' them. I directed energy to my head very intensely, my eyes were moving like REM sleep and it almost felt like I was having a seizure. But the next day I had a very painful coldsore on the inside of my mouth, I think it must have been caused by this.


When I make up my mind to face down death I am able to do so and I am very brace whenever needed but when I lay down and just want to sleep or am too comfy and happy I get scared that I'm going to die and that there's so much uncertainty concerning that. I'm not scared of dying as I know that's amazing but the being dead part. I don't know what shall become of me. Will I lose all my memories? What circumstances will I reincarnate under? Will I be judged by some cosmic judge?

How do I permanently overcome my fear? I want it gone for good.



11faustia11 (on YouTube) said he caused himself a heart attack being careless with energy accumulation. I guess it’s no joke.

Bardon warns against accumulating energy in the heart and the brain and I guess this is why. The problem is we sometimes don’t really believe energy is real, but some metaphor for something else and (even if it is) the effects are very real.


Been there and gave up out of sheer exhaustion. However according to all clues left by the ancients, foster your spiritual wakefulness and you will be fine. There are two books that might help you understand what the fuck I’m talking about: The Lost Secret of Death and The Stellar Man.


how to attain siddhis? Raja yoga?


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Many roads lead to rome, if you feel that is the way go for it. (haven't "achieved" any myself) but before you resolutely head down a path you should try to discern the path most suited for one-self before you get lost. Hope it helps. [/spoiler] also don't do any practice for the goal of "achievement" since you will only feel frustration and work on your downfall instead of ascension [spoiler]

Here's a serious question regarding the rising serpent, the fiery sun snake, "forbidden" knowledge, the demi-urge and something semi-personal/ speculation: What if gnostics were just like everybody not 100% correct in their assumptions and that the demi-urge (snake with lions head) is not a 100% negative entity the same way the true self is most likely not a 100% positive entity (a cope maybe not sure) , what if the demi-urge IS the true self/rising snake of ascension? The rising serpent, the snake in eden, dragons, the sun serpent god (found in all ancient cultures/religions) and the more "recent" demi-urge all seem to share similar traits in the sense beyond their identification with snakes/serpents is that in order to "ascend" (this is what I believe atleast) the serpent (mind/soul) within (/body) must rise in accordance with energy that is both positive and negative (spark of divinity/life) in order to produce something "new" (or that which was always already there). Now based on the "fact" that most truth is mixed with lies and is misunderstood (atleast from my perspective regarding this semi-personal topic) could the snake worshiping Gnostics be completely misunderstood/lied about in their duality of both worshiping the rising sun serpent and speaking about the demi-urge whom is represented by a serpent with a lions head (sun often linked with lion) as the creator/god of this world, or as some would say the "non-god claiming to be god/creator" as visualized in my second image related, but I don't think that is accurate, since if the creator god made "it" and the god creator is "THE ONE AND ONLY" wouldn't that mean the "demi-urge" is a representation of the "ONE AND ONLY" just as we as humans are, and that the struggle for ascension is a struggle against our-self. Wikipedia says the demi-urge was created as a accident by the "ONE TRUE MONAD" as a result of it's vitality being so abundant it reflected back and inverted (positive and negative) but pre-scribes it as "lower" as the original from which it is merely a reflection and as described by plato originally (only later it was changed by others) is benevolent just as it's creator, but being a reflection of the "untouchable" it created the material world which is fundamentally "incompatible" to the behind of the material;which is composed of the divine, which would link the 2 in a dualistic inextricable relation of unity. Just as the monad proclaims "I am the only god" so does it's reflection proclaim the same, and those that contain the divine link to the true self monad (humans)and their reflection) claim the same when attempting to reach gnosis.

The reason I shit out this wall of text is to ask for opinions/ (deep down I know it's me just begging for agreement) regarding ALL that and my zodiac sign being LEO and thus being funnily enough intertwined with a LION-SERPENT and whether the 2 ideas are compatible (rising snake and demi-urge/monad) or if I'm just "fucked" since I can't un-do this mental association

and trying to supress it will only backfire more. Hell even the symbol for gnosis (abraxas) on wikipedia is the "demi-urge"

Here are my "sources":




http://www.mysterium.com/eighthgate.html (snake entwined with lion/leo ignore about 80% of this text if you will read it)


There was a concept of three energy locks in body. One of them in either chin or chest, another one in stomach and other one in genitals. Anybody know what I'm talking about? And any books on this?



I have achieved some. And I'm as clueless as when I started. The only thing I did was to cultivate love, belonging, selflessness, compassion and truth like Montalk says in order to let my spirit channel through me. I have used the siddhis for small selfish purposes and nothing happened, so this is not a moralistic system. It's mechanical and logical.

Please note that people who "work with" demons and praise egoism have no other way to effect change. They have no power of their own.

If you want those siddhis you will have to not reject your ego, but to accept that it is no more nor less important than other people's.





Also the difference between channeling one's spirit's power and demons is that when you begin to uncover your spirit, you realize that's who you really are. It's not an entity different from you, but your true form, and it feels that way.



>I have used the siddhis for small selfish purposes and nothing happened

Doesn't that make it moralistic though?



I meant there were no negative consequences nor I lost the siddhis or anything like that.

The siddhis worked normally.


Thoughts on Odin and Rasputin?


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How do i make my connection to the astral permanent?

pic related



Likewise, shouldn't the spirit helpers already be influencing you without you realizing if your ego happens to be purified and resonates with higher entities that actually want to cultivate consciousness as opposed to predatory behavior…?

Shouldn't the only real goal be simply to purify your soul and align it with spirit?



Missionary position on your wedding night for the sole purpose of procreation to facilitate the incarnation of wholesome new humans that resonate with the vibration of the wizardly matrimony










I've been practicing both the creation of talismans using sigils and the creation of thoughtforms. Is there any way to merge these two practices so as to benefit from the positives of both techniques at once? Like binding a thoughtform to a talisman or creating one from a talisman or some such thing?


What's the best book on how to raise the kundalini?



um, maybe the vedas?


Beginning to make sigils.

I wrote down the desire, crossed out the vowels and repeating lettings (I do cross out every letter right, and not leave the first of the repeating letters?), made a monogram, and now I'm waiting the customary three months to "forget" the desire. I'm shoaling a few and I've added a robofish. I intend to burn the sigils when I do forget them.

Anything I should have done differently?



Oh, I also "activated" the sigils by meditating to them until I saw that they sort of "glowed" in my vision and returned to being a piece of paper I drew on.



>and now I'm waiting the customary three months to "forget" the desire

Personally I've never had the need for this. I've seen mine start working as soon as the next day after making them, and I always put them in plain sight of my desk and charge them every day or so. You might try that before you do it the long way.



This, all of my small sigils work the next day. Plus charging everyday will add more energy to the outcome or at least that's how I think of it.


How do I let go of butthurt? I avoided contact with butthurt and repressed it for a long time but that didn't work so I decided to embrace it, which only lead to more of it. Now I'm in a sort of limbo where I'm detached from it and know it's retarded but it's still present in my subconscious.




Interesting, I've heard that repeated activation is detrimental. But I've also heard that the forgetting process can be skipped by "experienced users" so long as the rest has been done.



Do you mean your butt hurts or hurting others butts? If the former read John Kreiter's stuff on emotional transmutation. If the latter maybe try drawing energy from other sources.


What are some good sources, or something one can say, about the whole STS and STO thing?

Help yourself enough to be able to help others, but what are you to do with broken individuals that seem like they want help but end up very arrogant?


And worst of all, how do you (nicely) deal with people that act like they want to help you even when you literally never asked for help?

Probably a bad idea, but I just ignore the individual's sanctity altogether (I mean their consent has already been abused so whatever) and just make them feel as bad as possible so they regret ever considering trying to impose their "help" on others that want no help, and further the chain of corrupting consent..

There is no nice way to go about it, because I don't want to enable bad behavior. Would be fruitful to explore other opinions and perspectives regarding this!


And before someone laughs, this is a serious problem that I've had with my parents for like 10 years. They act like they know better but they don't. Lo and behold, their arrogance was based on ignorance and now they are fucked. Still they are too ashamed to ask me for help. Sad…



help ur mom nibba





You are still trapped in their child's frame of mind or such petty emotional games wouldn't matter at all. There are severe consequences if a child fails in such games, but, as an adult, it's no big deal. I usually feel bad for these people, they will never know genuine love and affection so long as they cling to such games. I don't mind humoring, playing along, even genuinely loving them back, or ignoring the rules entirely. I don't want to punish them or get even in any way. I wish they'd wake up, but it is what it is. No big deal.

The only time it bothers me is when they do it to children that don't know better, but there's not a whole lot you can do about it but show the children a world without those games.



Yeah they are a symptom of a greater problem plaguing humanity.

All arrogant people act quite similarly as it's due to natural tendencies that are hijacked, they are known as psychological defense mechanisms in western academia.


I have been. She literally wouldn't have had her own bank account if it wasn't for me. Stockholm syndrome man but the culprit is not evil but just lame. But at the same time there is no evil and it's just people that get their emotions hijacked by nefarious forces and such… It would be so easy to just tell someone how to filter their thoughts but people who are able to take advice quickly learn anyways and those that can't take advice… what can be done?

Too ignorant to know they are arrogant…

But it's very strange when some of these arrogantly static people (usually men) are willing and able to talk on and on without hearing anything. Try asking these people the second last sentence or the third last sentence in a real life conversation and they will have no memory of it. Just blindly and brainlessly conversating; it's maddening!

And sometimes they'll actually stop and ask you something inquisitive but when they listen and respond they just go on the counter to some incredible misinterpretation and won't even listen to my attempts at clarification while countering something that literally no one said. My dad was like this but shit hit the fan this year and when push comes to shove it'll make anyone jump… Still got blind spots but at least he doesn't love hearing the sound of his own voice anymore. That's a thing people say about Americans (which we are not), and it does seem true of libtards (and religious fundamentalists, a trait of all bigots it seems). Love their own opinions so much they literally couldn't see anything else no matter how hard they try…


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Is hebrew a useful language to learn?

How hard is it compared to, say, mandarin or romance languages?



Even ignoring the kike factor, no, not really. You're not really going to get anything out of it unless you're a religious Jew or going to visit Israel or something, or unless you're a scholar of the Bible or the ANE I suppose. You'd be better off learning Greek or Latin if you want to read important ancient texts. Unless you're really interested in finding out what Jewish texts say for yourself, learn something else.




I think you did it well.





Forgive. Write letters, forgive in person. Whatever.





After having heard Grant Morrison's method and read some book an anon uploaded, yeah. I wanted to see multiple sources.

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