Delusion: This one's pretty obvious it's just people by default. We choose certain things to obsess over, allow ourselves to relatively be influenced/dictated by circumstances, poverty, pain, disease, romance, chemicals, drugs, media, etcetera. We all by default are here. Important things to note however about true delusion: you are not sure if you're immortal, or if you say you are you only say so because of being strongly influenced by something that should not reasonably lead you to that conclusion with 100% definitiveness. For instance "I read it in the Bible," "I felt a strong divine warmth," "after a long peaceful meditation I felt-" would not be knowing with 100% certainty. If you actually know you're immortal you become nothing or become evil. You believe it's possible or probably not true that you are going to live on in some fashion once your body is dead.
Illuisonation: I had to invent this one but I can assure you of its legitimacy from firsthand experience. This is what you ACTUALLY want I promise unless you are genuinely seeking to ruin yourself via your soul's death through enlightenment or your soul's not literally but demonic, transformation through illumination. I was originally pursuing illumination thinking it would preserve my free will unlike enlightenment, while still providing me the peace of mind of knowing I am immortal. I do not 100% know I or anyone is immortal, and am glad not to know because it's necessary I do not know that with 100% certainty. Illusionation means you have reasonably concluded in a lasting manner that you are probably immortal, meaning you probably will live on after your death, though you are not certain. Why 'probably'? If you believed you are possibly or not likely immortal, you are still in a normal state of delusion which is not desirable because you lack both confidence and positivity when you actually have to stress over the strong possibility you are not going to live past your death. Meanwhile, if you know with 100% certainty you are immortal then you're either bullshitting, improperly concluded that like a retard, or you achieved illumination which means you are destined to become a horrible product of knowing this truth. On top of this if you believed you're probably immortal but did not conclude as much in a lasting manner logically, your belief is weakly founded and you are going to on some level reflect that weakness in foundation and may even toss the belief due to its weak conclusion. But if you reasonably conclude in a lasting manner you are probably immortal, you do away with the anxiety of thinking you'll be perma-dead upon your body's death, and simultaneously ward off in a fair and proper manner the competing logic that can sway you otherwise. This is the ideal endgame -you don't want to know you're immortal, you just want to logically conclude that you probably are without knowing 100% or thinking it's unlikely. This preserves your free will unlike enlightenment, preserves your ability to be righteous unlike illumination, and preserves for you an enjoyable lasting foundation in life unlike delusion.
As a result of achieving Illusionation, I no longer suffer the normal delusions of logically concluding an unlikely or nonexistent immortality, do not suffer the struggle for an illumination that would have otherwise ruined who I am, and do not have to feel as if I should have destroyed my soul just to achieve the enlightened truth of whatever this shitty universe was built by our stupid administrative God on. I don't need to be an overly humble ego-less animal like enlightenment prescribes, nor an over-confident psychopath as illumination would cause, nor a suffering child as delusion causes. I have achieved an acceptance that absolute truth is and will always be in direct opposition to free will, because our consciousness and existence is inherently built on an abstract imagined centralized categorical combination of thoughts we at times call our mind or soul. If you know absolute truth, then there is only 1 path for you predetermined and dictated to you by the 'truth,' and you become the ultimate NPC -that's not even an insult that's just how it is if you truly become nothing more than a product of exacting absolute code like a literal non-player character. Or in Illumination's case I suppose that would be a Boss NPC? Don't be an enlightened NPC, an illuminated NPC boss, or a delusional player character, -be the gamer.
(Part 2)