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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 9e2ab53964c7028⋯.jpg (157.72 KB, 832x1079, 64:83, 64713423_10156903795082489….jpg)


What is some of the most insane things out there that might be true? Isn't free energy actually one of them!!?? I mean. NO MORE OIL, NO MORE POLLUTION! Heaven on earth if you ask me! <3

Will anyone want to help fund my project of replicating this "free energy" device from a manual that I bought online? A 125 pages long instruction.

Thank you!!!



Retard or scam artist?

Post the manual, retard, or you will be outed as shyster.


File: 772e4bb7685e19b⋯.png (142.94 KB, 832x1079, 64:83, notice.png)


File: 474b32dcdb5620a⋯.pdf (2.17 MB, - Fuelless Engine 50-350Hp….pdf)


Found it. Looks like bullshit.



Oh hey. Nice. Yeah that is version 1. This is version 2. Sure, I think almost all manuals for free energy will look like bullshit :P



Problem is if someone really has made a working machine, it would mean a contradiction of known physical laws. Which would require manipulation of higher plane laws, as these are able to supersede lower plane laws. But, as this is never taken into account, the result is never reproducible.

Sounds like this guy is a liar given how he could be selling energy and instead makes all his money off of these books. Because for some SECRET SCARY REASON he can't reveal it to anyone who hasn't payed him money for a pdf file.



Yeah. So in the name of science and curiosity - like Mythbusters - let "us" try it out. Maker-mentality. That's where I'm at…



Sorry, you got gipped by a scam. Sad that you actually paid money for this…



I will try to build it nevertheless. A "crazy" hobby project. And one in spirit of science. Actually. Reproducibility to back up or not an extraordinary claim. Not based on feelings.





high frequency coil resonance is all you need for energetic freedom, brah.



Hey. Do you care to elaborate?


File: f9051188a2c3721⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 618x480, 103:80, engine.jpg)


I have solar panels OP. Solar panels are free energy devices. They harvest energy from the sun and keep doing it day after day, indefinitely as far as I know.


I extensively researched free energy before and scam artists behind it. Believed it was real for a little while.

It's bullshit all of it.

If you want to attain energy freedom anyways, you don't need "free energy", you need decentralization of energy production. Stuff like your own personal nuclear reactor, solar panels, wind turbines, river water generators… and you will then have lots of electrical energy which you can use for powering all your stuff and you could work on robotics and whatever else you want.

The only thing I'm excited about is advances in battery technology. Something superior to the lithium ion battery I want to see. When is John Goodenough's crystal batteries going to come out?

What you think of these OP?



Actually OP I think John Goodenough might be exactly who you want to research.



This will actually revolutionize our world more than mere energy production will. It will change computers, cars, and all our electronics. Also, lithium is only found in economically viable quantities in one mine in South Africa, and the world is basically fucked if South Africa falls apart because we won't have lithium then. Moving away from a dependence on lithium for our batteries is very important for the future.


…I recycle every day…I take everything that's recyclable in my house and set it aside and then every couple of days carry it out and toss it in one of the neighbor's recycling bins




>indefinitely as far as I know.

Are you this dumb?


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