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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What are some sorcerous sounds that I can experiment with? I'm seeking "words" or "sounds" that cause sorcerous vibrations.. I have tried to discover them on my own.. They are always on the tip of my tongue, but don't come out.

There is a forbidden language.. It's on the tip of my tongue..


Power comes from the top, not the bottom. Words are only powerful in that they provide concrete structure for will-working. They do nothing in a vacuum.



Surely there are sounds and words that cause reality to hum and ring and contort and recoil… in other words, what are the forbidden vibrations?





>forbidden vibrations

Forbidden only by those who seek to enslave you bloodanon. Any sound can cause reality to hum and ring and contort with enough power behind it.

Personally I found that the chanting enns of spirits can be supremely powerful in all kinds of situation. I've also heard and read about the fact that there is a universal language of consciousness, of which wildly varying dialects (angelic, demonic, djinnic, etc) exist. Not sure as I don't speak any such language or dialect but it is said to be very complex and ancient.

I like the phrase "Yid Ches Nag Mun Lam Sat An" which roughly translates to an affirmation to be firmly on the path of Satan. There are other ones that I use like "zodamran, manifestos, anoki adamas ater", which all basically serve to manifest power. The last one means "I am the black diamond", which is sort of the philosopher's stone of the dark side of life.

I once read somewhere that "abrahadabra" is a mantra used to contact one's inner daemon.

What are "sorcerous vibrations" btw OP? I'm really curious what you imagine by that.



Everything matters from tone, meter, beat pattern, frequency. Play a loud enough music often enough and you leave a "signature" on a place. No different than a graffiti trough time. Either an entropic or a holy/ordering influence.


Look at this thread: >>130587


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