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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


!is this footage of a ghost baby in a crib evidence that abortion is a sin? in the video it is said that the mother believes she is being haunted by an infant ghost who died during her miscarriage




Unlocked because this is not "spam" and no rule was properly cited.



>implying this garbage doesn't break 2, 3 & 4



It is garbage but it has to be moderated properly. Rule 3 or Rule 2 (or both) should have been cited.

As for rule 4, abortion is a philosophical matter concerning the value of life, isn't it?




Lord help me, this fucking topic should've been dead and gone since the 2000s.

>the mother believes she is being haunted by an infant ghost who died during her miscarriage

It's a miscarriage, so that alone should tell you, that no, those events are not evidence that abortions are sinful.

The purpose of the abortion agenda is control. It's stupid, it's ridiculous. But it gives dangerous personalities in political positions the brain-high of taking control over the liberties of millions of people.

They really think like that, They are drug addicts who get high off of their own actions.


you guys are butthurt about something irrelevant so you are coming down harsh on this post and on the OP in the form of moderation

your claims against this topic make you sound like you are out of your element

let's keep /fringe/ a decent place and not a place for degenerates to play games online



nice job claiming the topic is irrelevant and then getting a chance to spout your own opinion on the subject lol


Define sin, and then you'll have your answer. Pro tip: read Peter Novak.

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