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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So last year I met this guy from Senegal. He told me he is a rasta and that he is muslim, and we were friends of each other. He talked me about spirits and that we are surrounded by them I started talking with a spirit around that time. His family are a family of mages, at least his father. I have seen him surrounded by a dark aura with horns.

Okay so yesterday I ate some mushrooms and I started watching a black man and like he was trying to make me submit to him, and I saw the black who was my friend like laughing being bad and I remembered all the times I was with him that he was not a real friend and that he always had a bad intention in mind. He wants me to suffer that fucking piece of shit. The shrooms showed me.

Okay so I was under the influence of his magic and then I put a mantram of Kali to remove black magic and I was fine then. Original aryan magic is more powerful than the magic of blacks and you cant get harmed by them if you are on the protection of the aryan gods.

What can I do to fuck up this motherfucker? I would just kill him if but I would go to jail so I wont. I am waiting to see him for telling him he is a coward, he is paltry and a literal piece of shit.

He acted like a friend just to end up betraying me and trying to harm me. Thank god I believe in the true aryan religion and his wicked magic cant afect me.

Thanks Kali and Shiva and Hanuman and Wotan for your protection.

I was not racist in the way I respected and I admired every races, and I didnt mind blacks coming to my country, but I saw this is a spiritual conquest from the part of the blacks. They want to substitute our original aryan gods with their black spirits.

5 months ago he suddenly stopped talking with me for some reason, like he got angry at me at that time. Now I see he had made black magic to me and I want to punish the motherucker

He acted like he was my friend but all the time his intentions were bad, the shooms showed me.

What can I do to punish him?

What can I do for putting a real curse on him?

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