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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


I think that Joseph is Jesus's Earthly Father.

I brought this up in a theology group and was rather condemned for it so I want to search out this matter more as to arrive to a more definite conclusion.

I don't think "virgin" meant what it does now, back then.

Here are some random articles that talk about it:




http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1908-09mysticchristianity.pdf (see chapter 2 "The Mystery of the Virgin Birth")

What is the truth about the lineage of Jesus and the manner in which he was born into this world?


File: 9d3f10b534e1bc6⋯.jpg (263.3 KB, 851x555, 23:15, Bethlehem-market-Ancient-p….jpg)

I have heard it said (in my Catholic Study Bible) that Jesus was of the lineage of David by both Mary and by Joseph….that is to say that both Mary and Joseph were of the lineage of David, even though technically Jesus was only physically born of Mary (the Virgin Birth)

pretty sure if I am not mistaken, both Mary and Joseph were both from Bethlehem? the same place David and Jesse came from when Samuel found David and his family


they say that Jesus had brothers, such as James the Just (James from the Book of James and the Gospel of Thomas)…. I'm guessing these brothers would have been biological sons of Mary and Joseph to be called brothers, right?


….seems like there's a lot of controversy and yet unknown information concerning Jesus and the early Christians….A LOT of early Christians like Origen and Athanasius have written about things like this….i think there's more 'hidden' and 'removed' writings from early Church Fathers from the days of the Roman Empire than I could ever read or fathom

here is some scripture from the gospel:

>Matthew 13

>54 And when hee was come into his owne countrey, he taught them in their Synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisedome, and these mighty works?

>55 Is not this the Carpenters sonne? Is not his mother called Marie? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

>56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? whence then hath this man all these things?

>57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A Prophet is not without honour, save in his owne countrey, and in his owne house.

>58 And hee did not many mighty workes there, because of their unbeliefe.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caesars Messiah Debunked - Covert Messiah Refuted - Joe Artwill Critque



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>comments disabled on what is supposed to be a debate video



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


implying the modern Bible existed during the time of Christ



Did any bible exist during that time at all?

If so did any of the NT exist then? When was the NT written?

Also what is the relevance to the matter of Jesus lineage?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Paul was sick, prayed a lot for his sickness to be cured, but was never cured



It is kind of hilarious how many of you guys believe in dark magic but cant accept the fact that God created a virgin birth. Enjoy hell and being baited by your own appetites, you guys sure did make it easy with all the porn and delusion



I myself can easily believe in dark magick and the virgin birth and god and every miracle.

Doesn't mean Christ couldn't be a fiction based on a true and more ancient story OR that words and their meaning don't change over time and your interpretation can be all wrong.



Jesus' father was said in a channeling work to be an Aryan. In the same work Jesus was described as having had strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. Taking into account the depictions that were made of him, I'm inclined to believe it.

The whole immaculate conception makes no sense whatsoever. What would be the purpose of sending humanity a savior that would use his own life as an example of the new way he would pave if he were to be an exception to the rule that all men must abide in order to be born? What would be the sense in the Son of Man not being the Son of Man? The whole point, was to have a man, born to man, show to all that the path to redemption is available to and lies in every one of us. A man, made of the same basic materials, from the bonds of a mother, and a father. Take this away, and the whole premise falls apart. Jesus then becomes nothing more than another idol. Disconnected from mankind, not having to suffer the same hardships nor follow the same rules.


While miracles do happen, the flesh follows the laws of the flesh. You can perform acts that defy conventions, but you cannot produce anything that goes against the principles of life. Each density possesses its own layer of laws, and possesses them for a reason.

Why would God design a whole system of reproduction, if it were to ultimately be circumvented? And what would be the use in that, when all that's required to give rise to a new life is already available? What's the point of having Jesus born to no father? To grant him the status of a special snowflake? Or was it purposeful obfuscation?

There is more meaning in Jesus being born the standard way, than otherwise. That's why I can't think seriously of the virgin birth for even a moment.






























I'm pretty drunk rn, here's your hahahahaah





>the supernatural must obey natural rules


What is omnipotence?

I dont think it matters either way if you believe Jesus was who he was



>filthy christcucks think they can be wizards

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