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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 35128cb94a53452⋯.jpg (139.13 KB, 500x420, 25:21, 6a97ca51e45df30f6077806ea2….jpg)


Why in the hell is it that we are all fighting race wars right now when clearly our enemies are the global corrupt corporation-matrix structure?

Do you not see how much the reptilians and the draconian and the corporations profit by us being divided by "race war"?

We are fighting imagined and perceived "racial enemies" when the reality of the corporation is right before our faces working all forms of evil and iniquity.


Just because one contingent or one group of former slaves are duped or cajoled and mobilized into civilian harassment divisions does not mean that we need to replace a revolutionary or a libertarian ideology with a 'race war' ideology.

The majority of Earth's pollution does not come from the continent of Africa, but rather from the U.S. Military which employs Africans like slaves.



Don't you mean jews?



>clearly our enemies are the global corrupt corporation-matrix structure?

Clearly our enemy is not the structure or system itself but those who occupy it at the top. The jews when given power simply abuse it and use it to unworthy ends. Put the same power into the hands of aryans and you get a better world.



>The majority of Earth's pollution does not come from the continent of Africa, but rather from the U.S. Military which employs Africans like slaves.

I'm against the ownership of non-white slaves. Non-whites do not deserve to be slaves. They deserve only to be deported or killed. Whites should be enslaved. It will be to their benefit. Traditionally, slavery means you have to provide housing and keep your slaves in good working condition so they aren't useless, and slaves even earned a wage and could buy their freedom. Slaves had better lives than people do today. A slave is valuable property. A free man is something to be exploited and thrown away.



hilarious cop out, based


File: 8eade97b822f0d7⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 708x575, 708:575, 12670264_10153369779766658….jpg)


Who's at the top of the chain?


File: 402d41c8fa3fce3⋯.png (299.33 KB, 500x475, 20:19, blame-ascended-the-rich-je….png)



>dubs of truth


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