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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


I'm being offered to join freemasonry but I'm very skeptical about it

I think they will throw me some surface occultism books and join a ponzi scheme of power and corruption, but honestly I'm kind of curious and part of me wants to know if there's power to be gained from it.

All I want is to be a good public servant and help my country, but I think that's at odds with joining lodges and shit.

what do you guys think? Should I join in just to see what's it all about?

I'll admit I'm sort of ignorant about it.


I'm not a member but I've read a lot of Freemason literature. Seems the real esoteric shit is hidden within the organization. Like, you have to do your own research and display an interest in such things before you're allowed in the 'inner circle'. You sound like a mundie so you'd probably like it regardless.


Liar. You werwnet offered as nobody can offer it to you that isnt how the organization works or purpose. The ONLY way to join is to ask and then it has to be unanimous. Stop lying. Source: mason




I don't know dude, I was surprised actually.

I had to have a meeting with a teacher about my internship, we talked a lot about random stuff and then he told me he was inside an 'organization', but I had to guess what it was, so Freemasonry was the obvious choice.

I then asked why he would let me know that, so he responded with saying that I was 'mature and knew a lot for my age'.

I don't know if each lodge works differently, but I'm not American, so there's that.


File: 3073deef73d0241⋯.webm (7.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, oaths voided.webm)

File: ec80f6b36372443⋯.png (9.56 KB, 474x459, 158:153, oathbreaker.png)

File: b4e63272f1e71e5⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 474x459, 158:153, ifyoucansee.jpg)

File: ec1241ef49a3c53⋯.png (19.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1509581323763.png)


I'm pretty sure most of their secret knowledge and books has been accidentally or by former masons; i.e. Morals and Dogmas. And anything that hasn't been leaked probably isn't worth selling your soul for. Study own your own, don't get rapped up in the games of others and if you do, remember these images.



would you care to explain what this oathbreaking thing is about?

what was the oath?



>I totally know their secrets aren't worth it despite having no idea what they are


>what was the oath?

Try reading about freemasonry for like 10 minutes lol

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