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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1418763095436.jpg (65.1 KB, 514x650, 257:325, 1227132612412.jpg)


I recently wrote "The Dynamics of Light and Dark".


I hope that you find it insightful and useful. Tell me what you think about it.(YOU NEED A FLAG!)


what is it about?



It is essentially about the nature of humanity explained through the "Light" and "Dark" duality. There are a lot of Occult references in the fifth chapter.


does it have any practical stuff?


File: 1418769789988.pdf (215.62 KB, The_Dynamics_of_Light_and_….pdf)


Nice double dubs. However the document is a pain to look at. Use a nice font like Garamond or Palatino and reduce the space between lines.

Take a look at the attached document, I did it for you.



I like to think that contains some insight into things that are taken for granted, or are overlooked. I do go into gnosis a bit.


Oh wow, that looks awesome. Thank you for the advice.



Double dubs again. You are just GETting 'em all.

Also, justify the text (ctrl+J in my program). And remember, for bodies of text, use fonts with serifs (like the ones I recommended before), and for titles you may also use fonts "sans serif".

Look at actual books for inspiration, basically.

The first impression matters, if I saw a text like the one you uploaded I would give up reading it pretty soon, I think.


Are you that person who wrote all that other shit and uploaded it to some site where I couldn't download it and read it easily before? I want your writings as actual PDFs that I can easily read.


File: 1418789336742.jpg (58.64 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 1389495775483.jpg)


You must still Eat your Broccoli



I could have been. I think I know better now; the other guy gave some good pointers on how to do it better.


Yeah, I love that picture. But I'd rather have an apple represent my various ideas than broccoli. There is more symbolism in it.


I got lots of time right now. Turn all your other writings into PDFs, send them all to me, I'll add them to the mega, and read them.



Sure. I will work on that soon.(FLAG POLICE GON FIX YOU)


File: 1419193198293-0.pdf (452.03 KB, A Perception of Existence ….pdf)

File: 1419193198293-1.pdf (303.95 KB, Liber Vagus (Reformmated).pdf)

File: 1419193198293-2.pdf (473.19 KB, Threads of The Mind -Refor….pdf)

Here are the three others. The first PDF that someone did here


shall suffice for the original writing linked.

Hopefully these are satisfactory.



>@ 2014, All rights reserved.

>@ 2014

I think you meant ©



Yes, but it does not matter. By this time, anyone can use it and profligate it.

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