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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 0f3b4d50cc76548⋯.png (6.21 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 220px-Pentagram4.svg.png)


Do you guys know some Satanic Rituals?


File: 7222cf78c3149f2⋯.jpg (226.14 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, iu.jpg)

Satan was said to be associated with pride.

According to a dogmatic (Greco-Roman) interpretation of the Bible you could say that anything that is not Christianity is "Satanism". I.E… Paul says that things sacrificed to idols are 'devils' and that the gentile worshippers essentially worship 'devils', perhaps masquerading as 'gods'.



no, i do not know any saturnic rituals.



Holy shit you're woke


The only ritual that's intrinsically Satanist is invoking the concept of Satan into yourself. And the entity of Satan is so ill-defined that you'll probably be better off using an actual god like Mars or Pluto. Most Satanist rituals are just regular rituals with Satanism flavoring thrown in to get the operator is a mystic mood.


Yes, Satan isn't really a thing the way it's commonly thought of. Entities exist and one may be called this, but that be the extent of it.

What Satanism is, is basically Christianity. You have to believe in Christianity in order to believe in Satan.

Also the symbols are retarded, they're not unholy or even mean anything other than actual Christianity. I've seen churches here in London with pentagram stained glass windows. Upside down crosses are a sign of humility.


I know that some kill animals and throw them in public streets after with some decoration and corn. It's sad, disgusting and most of all rage inducing walking past one of them, it just makes me want to kill them all.


Here are some Jewish curses which are reflective of the left hand path


They are simple verbal affirmations. Thats all, no rituals. I am not suggesting people be Jewish though. I'm not Jewish.



https://archive.fo/H24Eg an archive of those curses



>Holy trips of truth

St Peter was executed on an inverted cross at his request. It was a sign that he wanted to follow his Lord by dying an even more uncomfortable death as a devotion. And the pentagram as you say (both upright and inverted) aren't specifically Christian or non-Christian - Christians still believed in the older Elements system until recently, so it wasn't some unholy thing.



St. Peter was sanic af. Haven't you read the Gnostic gospels?


Just start practicing Judaism



This tbh, I've learned so much after picking up kabbalah. It has nothing to do with what we know of as judaism today.


Yeah any time you say to god "I wish to walk upon my own strength and ignore your wisdom and power" and then start expending your own mental powers towards some abomination of your own creation that would be black magick / Satanic.



I would say ignoring wisdom and power, but perhaps still being inspired by it is not necessarily Satanic.

However, walking upon your own strength and ignoring all else is truly the essence of adversity, and really is the only way you can manifest an infinite power out of absolutely nothing.


I was thinking of adversarial energy rather



Wasn't all the kaballah stuff cooked up in the mid 1800s



Yep, that's what academia says so it must be true.




Kabbalah just means studying the original Torah as given by God word for word to Moses, using the different approaches of literal, metaphorical, allegorical, and esoteric readings, which by the capital letters in hebrew makes up the word PRDS, the orchard. Studying kabbalah is thus called to enter the orchard.



>Believing the words of random heretics uncritically

Yes, I believe absolutely everything a dusty manuscript tells me



>muh heretics

Ok so you're a heretic. That means I'm right. Ha!


File: a67571e2ff71ba1⋯.png (134.44 KB, 666x868, 333:434, 1455281541252.png)


Yes anon, my not following every random scrap of parchment without any authority behind it makes me the heretic. Brilliant logic there, I'm totally pwned by your facts and logic. I'm immediately converting to Gnosticism when mummy gets home with my tendies.



fuk u demiurge



fuk u demiurge


File: e3ae1e56e32f2af⋯.png (7.28 MB, 6737x2125, 6737:2125, Spooky Religion.png)



Whup tee doo. Theosophists already demonstrated this hundreds of years ago.



When? Where? Please show me?


File: a6d2ad0a85d685c⋯.png (7.26 MB, 6737x2125, 6737:2125, Spooky Religion.png)





Britain. It was Madame Blavatsky and the theosophical society and all those dirty Brits sometime around the late 1800's.



Do you have any good links? What did they say that caught your attention? What conclusions did they arrive at similar to mine?


File: ab0a49910b34998⋯.jpeg (45.38 KB, 342x499, 342:499, Esoteric Christianity.jpeg)


Syncretism is the lynchpin of their entire movement, and they were by no means its forebears. You're touting something very basic as novel, and then you have the gall to condemn it and propose your undeveloped & incredibly infantile personal philosophy as a superior alternative.


Try reading some books. Pic related is a bretty good introduction. Get it for free on gutenberg.org


Secret Teachings of All Ages is also very good.



>gall to condemn it and propose your undeveloped & incredibly infantile personal philosophy as a superior alternative.

Why are you getting mad? Can you point out specifically which parts I'm getting wrong?



esoteric christianity claims that all gods/religion come from human ignorance.

syncretism is defined as an ATTEMPT to try and intentionally combine religions.

These are both wrong. There is no attempt to combine the religions. There is evidence that this has ALREADY been done, or that they all have a common origin. This is what I have noticed.



This isn't me by the way. What is the difference between the update I posted and this other update? I can't find the difference.



This version is not mine, and it's blurry and can't be read when zoomed in.



Don't listen to this shill, it's not me. I found a slight error in the image which distorted the meaning and he doesn't want you to read the better version where I fixed it.



Oh boy… Alright everyone. If you open their "totally legit """better""" version" it's blurred when you zoom in so all the information is lost. Don't save that version or you will be saving no knowledge. Don't know how sinister your trick is intended to be. Should I give a chuckle, perhaps.



Oh and here is the real one again, make sure to save this one.



Read it that fast, eh?

>esoteric christianity claims that all gods/religion come from human ignorance.

It postulates that all religion is descended from universal truth, corrupted at the surface level by puny mundane minds. The kernal of truth is still present in all.

>they all have a common origin.

That's literally what the book says lol

I'm starting to suspect your judgements are based on skimming the wikipedia pages for 'syncretism' and Esoteric Christianity.



You know the moment anyone zooms in they will see how it's all blurry and they can't read anything, and they will know you're just trolling right..?



I tried to find the areas that mattered or were related to specifically what we talked about.

>It postulates that all religion is descended from universal truth, corrupted at the surface level by puny mundane minds. The kernal of truth is still present in all.

That I agree with, but it makes me sad and makes me consider it as untruth because of how corrupted and obfuscated that small piece of truth is. religion demands that you believe but never allows you to Know

>That's literally what the book says lol

I guess I didn't see that part. I found the way it was written to be very roundabout. I didn't want to complain since you were nice enough to help me find it so I could read it. I wonder why, like the bible, and many other written words of special knowledge are almost always written in a very uncomfortable to read way, almost always guaranteed throughout history. Do you also notice this?



>I'm starting to suspect your judgements are based on skimming the wikipedia pages for 'syncretism' and Esoteric Christianity.

Your mention of these things are my first ever time hearing of them. I slowly put my ideas together from little pieces of things I noticed and what others noticed. Slowly more and more things connected in ways that were undeniably not a coincidence, and then my belief in coincidence was eventually shattered.


based BO


Satanism is for queers



Kinda? But the devil is in the details. And there's better and worse ways to get there.

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