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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: b988464ea22f6c4⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 293x300, 293:300, kwangmyongsong-4__1.jpg)


but not nearly as bad as the FBI because they rape them in the ass every chance they got i bet half our FBI agents that served between 2003-2009 still have NK rice in their asses

north korean hackers and chinese hackers are the worst they have pozzed everything from your phone to your graphics card thanks to incompetent alphabet boys

There were lots of memes about how the CIA was secretly just literally autistic bronies (and made up the majority of the MLP base themselves explaining the fandom in the process as well as the furry subculture itself) which were true thanks to sassycat and merlian assange but the FBI was the worst because they failed to do anything literally besides provide the inspiration for the X-Files which was entertaining at least

when north korea launched their fifth version of Kwangmyonsongdong (KMS-5) in 2017 there was a media blackout but all of the major online satellite tracking websites showed it clearly flying in the air and you could track it. If you pulled up two browsers simultaneously at the same time and looked at the location of current earthquakes at the same time as the satellite you would see a literal line of earthquakes off the coast of California, up towards Alaska and going far south as Hawaii and all of the islands southeast of it. It should have been common sense to major larp psyops that this has happened but nobody really acknowledged it and for that I blame the incompetent FBI yet again for who else but the pozzed alphabet boys run this very website and allow such lies of omission?

if you dont believe these statements then go try to find information about the satellite KMS-5 (some news reports that it blew up before it could be launched, while others say it made it to orbit, wikipedia does not even acknowledge that it exists which makes me to believe its currently in space launching literal nukes from orbit that explain directed energy weapons technology and also ties into CIA operations (which are literally autistic bronies which makes it even worse that autistic bronies cucked the FBI) this is a literally memory-holed topic but it seems so stupid with other even more absurd news on a daily basis thta this mere chain of events was whitewashed

pozzed cucked alphabet boys lost battles time and time again from who controls the biggest botnet on IRC to program backdoors on backdoors on compilers

please stop being such incompetent faggots thanks

thank u /fringe/

rip malaysian airlines flight MH370



>which makes me to believe its currently in space launching literal nukes from orbit that explain directed energy weapons technology

Launching nukes at what? Obviously not the Earth as I don't see any nuclear explosions happening on Earth.


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perhaps they are simply using phone hacks and gpu hacks for target practice




why is intelsat 21 allowed to broadcast kctv?



northkoreatech shows that the dprk through starnet jv had limited access to the internet at best. dprk affiliated agents in the china sure? but dprk proper. how can you hack seriously with that kind of bullshit bandwidth and ip addresses?

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