Do or not do, there is no try.
A tree does not try to grow, nor does a planet try to orbit.
Reality is something that simply happens. There is only the now; the only constant is change.
Everything that happens is meant to happen.
God is not merely the path of least resistance. At the end of this path, is the end of existence; it is also where we begun. It is about the journey not the destination. It all began with God, and it all ended with God. There is no effort for God because all existence is by virtue of God.
Perfect harmony is the path towards God. But God itself is not perfect harmony per se. Existence in harmony with itself/God/Source/Destination/Awareness is more like perfect harmony.
But if there was no existence and only God, then is that also perfect harmony? Perhaps God needs us for that perfect harmony.
I don't know what the best term is, I would prefer spirit or awareness. The Higher self still exists somewhere in-between I would think. Semantics can be pretty important though
All that matters is this
be one with the present moment