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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wu Wei is the ideal of learning, doing, being; when one attains this to this state they accomplish very much with no effort. Remember also this; that for God there is no effort. All things are possible in him. So to be like God is not to struggle at all but to be in perfect harmony.


When your body is not aligned [形不正],
The inner power will not come.
When you are not tranquil within [中不靜],
Your mind will not be well ordered.
Align your body, assist the inner power [正形攝德],
Then it will gradually come on its own.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Taoists don't worship "God"



>for God there is no effort. All things are possible in him. So to be like God is not to struggle at all but to be in perfect harmony

Neophytes will get hung up on the use of the term “god” here. If you instead read “spirit” or “higher self” it has meaning again.

Nice thread.



Triggered mundane lol


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No, the OP is a known Judeo-Christian recent convert. He literally worships a kike on a stick while claiming to be a national socialist. Taoism has nothing to do with any of that Abrahamic garbage.



OP here.

I'm not a Taoist nor a Christian.

The stuff about God is my own personal opinion and God does not imply for me what you think it does.

I should have, like the other anon suggested, just wrote spirit or higher self as to not trigger the likes of you.

I think a Taoist would both believe in god and not believe in god anyways. The Dao is free of any restrictions and all apparent contradictions are resolved in it.



What do I care about what OP is or isn’t? What he said is true. Divinity is within you and you can access it any time to do magic or just to go with the flow.

Not that you would know anything about that judging by your comments… Now go write a thread about the evils of women or something and stop shitting on good threads before they are even started. Preferably on some other board.





I always assumed Daoism was shit tier. I prefer Legalism


Do or not do, there is no try.

A tree does not try to grow, nor does a planet try to orbit.

Reality is something that simply happens. There is only the now; the only constant is change.

Everything that happens is meant to happen.


God is not merely the path of least resistance. At the end of this path, is the end of existence; it is also where we begun. It is about the journey not the destination. It all began with God, and it all ended with God. There is no effort for God because all existence is by virtue of God.

Perfect harmony is the path towards God. But God itself is not perfect harmony per se. Existence in harmony with itself/God/Source/Destination/Awareness is more like perfect harmony.

But if there was no existence and only God, then is that also perfect harmony? Perhaps God needs us for that perfect harmony.


I don't know what the best term is, I would prefer spirit or awareness. The Higher self still exists somewhere in-between I would think. Semantics can be pretty important though

All that matters is this

be one with the present moment


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No no no, he has a point, taoism and confucianism are sort of contradictory. Buuut according to Chinese onthology, the two create a pair which essentially makes them one, a certain spectrum with Confucius on one end and Lao Tzi on the other.

Besides, both philosophies take root in I-Ching and Tao Te Ching, both supposedly have comments made by Confucius himself. The real question is not "which one?", but "how much of each?". Remember that according to I-Ching, things are becoming other things and strong things are sure to become their opposites. Both philosophies are interconnected.



Besides, this meme is actually spot on. But what few people understand is that Confucius should stay a virgin and Laozi should stay a chad, because this is the virtue, the de of both, the place in the universe both should be in and the correct relationship of the two. In fact I do believe that Laozi would prefer to be the virgin, while Confucius would prefer to be a chad- simply because Confucius values the strength of character and Laozi values weakness and inaction.

Confucius achieves progress through repetition, practice and self cultivation, and Laozi achieves nothing by doing nothing and letting things happen around him.

Still, this is merely the surface. In Tao Te Ching there is a whole bunch of very shrewd, even machiavellian passages which when interpreted in a certain way will bring a whole new picture. My favorite goes something in the lines of "if you want to govern people, fill in their bellies and empty their heads". Now this is something a hardcore, hair painting taoist would not say. But here it is.



>"But what few people understand is that Confucius should stay a virgin and Laozi should stay a chad, because this is the virtue, the de of both, the place in the universe both should be in and the correct relationship of the two."

…wow, so no social mobility?



>not being a virgin chad

>Laozi values weakness and inaction.

More like wisdom, patience, letting it flow.

Both are about being one with the flow, but one is passive and indirect.

Everything is about feedback; either you wait for the feedback to move on, or you provide the feedback yourself to lead the flow or create your own concurrent flow to compliment the Tao



It's as above so below, not as below so above. The good things you do are a reflection of good things happening upstairs first. You became healthy above to make good choices and lose weight down stairs, you don't realize it.



Dude, we're talking about China. Confucianism in its primary form is all about social immobility- the universal hierarchy of the universe. If you are in your place, you should be happy. Otherwise you'll just upset the balance and become sad.


No no no, in the book itself Laozi many times mentions forefeiting one's intellect and wisdom and moving into a state of no intellect of our own and being guided only by the universe, like the insane. This message is later on strengthened by Zhuangzi and some stories of both overlap.

That part about being water is true in itself, but it's not the whole picture.



That's not true. As above, so below, but as you make changes below, they reflect above as well. The process is bidirectional.

Source: my own experience.


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>It's as above so below, not as below so above.



That's bullshit. If it's true then it's wrong.

I wouldn't trust what you say even if you did know Cantonese and read the iching



The translations you have been reading must be horrendous. Knowledge is only dangerous when the limitations are not understood. Wisdom is not knowledge. Having the wise understanding of knowing, or rather witnessing, your 'true self' will allow you to operate from a higher state of being, with consultations of tao


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You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” - Bruce Lee


File: ffbce89c7a38bda⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 440x360, 11:9, download.jpg)



Those changes you made below only appear to change the above




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