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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 748a34cde57003d⋯.jpg (138.49 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, download.jpg)


i am CIA ama


Does the gangster government utilize occult means of surveillance, control, and warfare?


Are you guys monitoring /fringe/ or something?


File: 0077cca7c02baa4⋯.jpg (905.38 KB, 1840x3264, 115:204, SG-DIA-CRV-protocol.jpg)


we do.. as do all professional military organizations around the globe. there are declassified documents on sites like 4chan and 8ch which show the CIA's research into remote viewing which are popular


we monitor all websites, all imageboards. you can probably guess the reasons and subject matter we pay the closest attention to


are you a big guy?


File: 737f26b44cfc535⋯.jpg (969.51 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 782019.jpg)


Everyone likes to larp as CIA, and CIA larps as everyone else.

CIA never says they're CIA. Checkmate.



Wouldn't it then make perfect sense for CIA to larp as CIA?


File: ad4367da7032811⋯.png (667.68 KB, 750x475, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

>CIA likes bloody anime

checks out



How much do you glow in the dark on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is a standart Hiroshima toy glow and 10 is Chernobyl incarnate.



>you can probably guess the reasons and subject matter we pay the closest attention to

I actually can't as I'm really not sure if the CIA is a bunch of politically correct faggots serving their jewish overlords or enlightened wizards with an agenda to uplift and improve the race and create a glorious future according to natural law and god's plan.


File: 0199099270820b4⋯.png (166.11 KB, 1401x531, 467:177, 2019-07-09 (19_20_03).png)


>when you make a CIA related poster and then CIA shows up on /fringe/



Be specific, nigger. Tell us what they're doing now. Those declassified docs are old.


okay mr CIA, why do you think CIA is fringe?


how will esoteric abilities help with exoteric activities?

has it helped you find any terrorists yet? you're amateurs


Dear /fringe/.

My name is Jack Dickson. I am a team manager for my department here with the Central Intelligence Agency. I regret to inform you that the agent you see above is no longer with us. He was a specialist working on his AA Intelligence team in Syria and was unfortunately recently killed in action. His death was not part of a conspiracy but rather by chance died a few days after creating this thread on your imageboard. A really great guy if any of you here knew him personally. He was a great person to work with and he will be missed.

He was posting here on your imageboard just for leisure and entertainment, apparently. We'd figure we'd be nice enough to let you guys know. We don't intend to answer any more questions at this present time, though. Sorry.



File: a092747187988c3⋯.jpeg (246.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, image.jpeg)




>is CIA

>controlled opposition at all levels proven right again

Oh wow what a twist.



>reverse image search this

>something about Melbourne Australia

>click it

>it attempts to download shit onto the computer



what an idiot



imagine actually giving your life for the jew XD



Imagine centering your entire worldview on Jewish people.


so is this the politics thread? the terrorists are getting bombed by syria and russia at the border by turkey in case people don't know



Pretty sure it's option A there. And OP is a larping faggot (whether CIA or not).

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