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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: cc0bdcbe55465eb⋯.jpg (82.45 KB, 975x1423, 975:1423, D-M4DnIXYAEJZBD.jpg)


Do you guys know some rituals that actually work? I don't care if satanic, occult or whatever.

Pic unrelated


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Sigilization is pretty easy:

1. Write down your desire. Use positive rather than negative terms (i.e. no "not") and write as though your desire is already achieved. Example: "I am healthy"

2. Remove all vowels and repeating letters. Convert to all caps. "M L T H Y"

3. Merge the characters together into one to create a sigil. Just keep experimenting until you come to something that feels 'right' to you. You should do this by hand, with a pen and paper. Feel free to add other things too it or use a lowercase letter instead if it feels right. It's important you do this yourself instead of using a pre-made sigil. Pic related is previous example

4. Personally I like to keep my sigils in plain view so that I can look at them and charge them. When you do this look at the picture and without thinking of its purpose just imagine moving energy into the shape. Other people like to destroy them to signify releasing the intent into the universe. If you do this you should try and forget about the sigil as much as possible to prevent from interfering with it, since you already 'released' it from you.

Make the desire realistic and it should materialize. You still have to put in some work to get it, this mainly affects probability of things happening or not.


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try the rosary….i bet you feel what we see



How do I use the rosary in ritual, how do I wear it if I wear it at all and where can I get a decent one?


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it's easy…if you ever go to church before they do mass they will teach you how to do it

technically you aren't supposed to wear it…it is just like prayer beads to help you keep track of prayers



>90% of the rosary (every brown bead) is dedicated to Mary

>other 10% are half-hearted token prayers to God, written by a materialistic cesspool of a church

Just say your own prayers and leave Mary out of it, you'll get better results from expressing your own personal thoughts than just mindlessly reciting words on a piece of paper. Especially words written by a political pseudo-church, doubly so for a church that ended up that way due to a hostile spiritual takeover.


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eh? of course this is /fringe/, not /christian/



>discern the eternal truth in christianity and point it out

>this triggers the christcuck


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I am not a theologian, and all i really have to know right from wrong is my own subjective experiences…however, i will say…

here's what i believe: (as a Christian-gnostic) the eternal truth is Mary and the virgin birth of the Messiah, and this probably is that "truth" that the ALL (God) chooses to emphasize, perhaps due for his intention or his love for His Son (i don't deny those Bible facts that are just as possible as any other religion)

…however that is not to say that, for instance…those people who experienced the "Divine Feminine" in past times through Goddesses like Isis/Ishtar/etc… were not experiencing the same entity that is the Christian Mary, who to me represents the "Divine Feminine" as we know Her in the modern times (especially seeing the prevalence and popularity of Mary)

it is a mystery left to God, at least as a mortal I have never been given "secret evidence" but rather I am a mortal before God

the Jews believed that anything that was not Jewish was Satanic or whatever…they might be right, but they are only one civilization out of so many who believed otherwise so….

Even if Jesus and Mary and the Apostles in their day believed that all other religion was evil and that Jews were the only people who had any real spiritual truth…even so, based on all of my experiences I have to still side with logic to the best of my ability and all of my personal experiences


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Dangle yourself by your foot from an oak tree for three days. You'll become way smarter than everyone you know.


Y’all need some Peter Novak

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