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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Jews stole magickal ideas and practices from Egyptian wizards and are now using these ideas to rule the world, Jews practice a series of blessings and curses in order to attain wealth and power, they also use curses to retaliate against enemies and blessings to help their own tribe.

The Bible is a book of Egyptian magick. The Bible is a book of spells that were initially practiced by Egyptian Wizards.

Study Torah, it contains the wisdom the Jews stole from ancient Egypt. Animal sacrifice is stupid and does not work, but prayers do work.

But its important to pray every day in order to develop a relationship with God and offer wine libations to empower Gods spirit on earth.

The goal of Americans should be to establish a Christian nation with a Christian ruled media. We should exile the Jews from all positions of power and influence. We should pray for the Jewish community to be cursed.

This is an extreme curse found in the book of psalms, it is a prayer that not many Christians know of. It is a curse prayer.


The Gospel takes the Egyptian identity of The Bible full circle and presents us with Jesus whose life mirrors that of Horus, with Satan being Set. Set is the deity who The Hyksos worshipped, and the Hyksos were the Jewish rulers of ancient Egypt before they were exiled by Egypts true rulers.

We are a Christian nation, Christ is our King. The Jews are the enemies of God. God curse the Jews. God bless America. America is a Christian nation.

Full series on hyksos







Here is a podcast on the Jewish hijacking of ancient Egypt.


The youtube series goes more in depth though


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Fuck off christcuck we arent worshiping the demiurge and giving him our loosh.

Your reverse the name game cant convince the goyim to worship (((yahweh))) the demon just because you say so.

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