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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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You can't help but wonder, why do (((they))) care so much about abortion?


Abortion is used as a postmodern, surreptitious adaptation of atavistic rituals that require grown children to be sacrificed. By promoting legislation all over the world to legalize abortion, not only do they further their agenda to depopulate and replace whites, they also indirectly pay their due to Moloch without getting their hands dirty (at least not as often).

Now, what's wrong with vaccines?



Look at the dates. As an heuristic, I tend to regard anything censored by (((them))) as good and true.

So, what does it have to do with abortion?


Most government mandated vaccines are derived from aborted fetuses' cell lines. Why would they want to force us to inject vaccines for diseases with a low risk of mortality, made from cells derived from an aborted fetus and irrespective of our religious beliefs? There aren't any pro-life alternatives for many of these. Then it dawned on me. What if… they wanted to make you and your children complicit in ritualistic child sacrifice? Keep in mind, they used to drink the blood of their sacrifices. By incorporating cell lines derived from an aborted fetus into our bodies, we might be doing something similar. But if we were do that, what would happen to us on the esoteric, metaphysical level? Are we unknowingly entering into a pact with demonic entities? What happens to our souls?

Very, VERY powerful people believe in some sort of entities residing on a plane of existence that transcends physical reality and our five senses. You might not believe it, but they do. Don't you think they might know something you don't?

From personal experience, a friend of mine has reported while on a regressive hypnotic trance that there is a soul at the moment of conception. I've also seen an hypnosis video on YT about a broad who wanted to find out what happened to the souls of her own aborted babies. She bore witness to the abduction of the unborn souls by an entity whose head resembled that of a bull. That sounded eerily reminiscent to Baal.



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What needs to be considered more than anything is that the jews who rule over us do not worship their god (((yahweh))) who demands living sacrifices of goyim children FAR, far more than any "pagan demon" does or did.

Their "god" actually demands the foreskins of 200 philistines, the rapes of hundreds of young amonite girls, the enslavement of greeks and the MASS CANNIBALISM of white romans/greeks.

Do we need to bring up the curses and evil the jews wrought on egypt? The most harmonious of kingdoms they faught, how the jews destroyed them from within?

Look at pornography today, how it enslaves YOUNG WHITE GIRLS INTO SEXUAL SLAVERY and rapes them en masse for white men to pay to masturbate to. How the "elite" blackmail of politicians uses little white girls as sex slaves for pedophile white and jewish politicians. Is that not sexual slavery?

How about the pizzagate proven kill rooms, where when they are done with their sex slaves they sacrifice them, drink their blood and harvest their organs/blood to be used in sacrifices. Does that not sound like blood passover? Like the horrible evils of the "god" (((yahweh)))?

The mass cannibalism the jews committed against the cyprus greeks we can see today, in the "Cloned celebrity meat" we find being pushed by kikes and the young girls being used as meat substitutes in kebab takeaways (google it goy).

We see that jews are defiantly using mass rape, cannibalism and pedophilia as a form of human sacrifice to enslave and rape and genocide the aryan race who is their most hated mortal enemy. What does viewing porn involving white girls and jews do to your soul? What does eating the "cloned meat" do to your consciousness?

what about simply worshiping the king of the jews? what does that do to your soul, goy!


This thread is shit and is written by someone who obviously doesn't understand how magic works.

Abortion is promoted because of two reasons, mainly:

1. There's votes in it at the moment, thus money.

2. There is a huge profit to be made from the dead babies for the medical and cosmetic industries.

Maybe in some individual cases there might be people who use them for something, but there is no coordinated effort. And if you understood you would know there can't be.



>What if… they wanted to make you and your children complicit in ritualistic child sacrifice?

You just now figured that out? lmao



Then why the fuck have they pushed for late term abortion? Besides lefties being naturally intolerant of opposing views, what's really preventing Disney from operating in a state where abortion is outlawed? And what votes are you talking about?


Late term abortion gives them an alibi for sacrificing children. I never said there was magic at work. I'm not saying there isn't, I'm just joining the dots.


In the context of vaccination, yes Smarmypants. I've never read of anybody that had made the link between them before.



OP is retarded but you're even more small-minded in this case.



>I never said there was magic at work. I'm not saying there isn't, I'm just joining the dots.

I agree it's shady, but I'm doubtful they have trained magicians in every hospital performing the rituals.




Judging by the video I posted, I'd say that a ritual might not be necessary for the souls to be abducted. It's hard to say whether their souls are at the mercy of these entities due to the sadness (or low frequency) of being rejected by their mothers or if there was any pact beforehand to give these entities free rein to catch them.

There's ample evidence for the veracity of hypnotic regressions, and there's also declassified government documents about experimentation with remote viewing.

My only supernatural experience, which made me go from agnosticism to ietsism, occurred from witnessing a friend entering a self-hypnotic trance while he was on a psychedelic.



I think you misintepreted my posts. I'm not a skeptic about magic. I know full well about magic. What I'm skeptic about is that there's an organized, centralized effort like you describe.

Maybe isolated cases take advantage of abortion to make offerings to their gods, but it's not an international agenda, I don't think so.

>their souls are at the mercy of these entities due to the sadness (or low frequency)

That doesn't work like that.

>there was any pact beforehand

This could be possible, but again, I don't believe a coordinated mass effort is reasonable to consider.



Just like they try to push the Overton window with child trannyism in order to make their pedophilic tendencies socially accepted, they pushed from first semester abortion all the way to late term (that includes killing a nine month infant while still inside) in order to realize, under the guise of a medical procedure and protected by law, covert child sacrifice. That's my theory. Ever since I saw the "temple" picture from Epstein's island, this kind of conspiracy doesn't really sound that far-fetched.

>That doesn't work like that.

How do you know? Lots of people get preyed upon by parasitic entities, but how did they let them in? According to the reported experiences from hypnotized subjects, emotions can serve as a backdoor channel, giving entities "permission" to mess with your soul. For example, males who are hosts of succubi may allow them access due to perceived unrealized sexual potential, or overall frustration with the opposite sex. The succubus will focus on perennially instigating these feelings in order to keep feeding off of you. In short, if you're in a low frequency, you're easy prey.

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