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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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How would you make a deal with the devil?

I'm open to all your thoughts.



Or, if you'd prefer: how would you contact God?


File: 8d094f8adf8d577⋯.jpg (69.11 KB, 498x768, 83:128, 79eb8d678edf98a43da2134755….jpg)



The quickest way that I've seen was some Voodoo thing.

At midnight be at a crossroads where no people are likely to come by (so quite rural). There, practice whatever skill you wish to learn until the sun comes up.

Do this every night until a man comes and asks if he can try to do whatever you're doing too. Give him whatever tools he needs to do it, and he will. Then he will leave and so will you.

You will quickly master the skill you saw this man practice. You'll also die fairly early though.

Just be sure to bring rum and hard candies, because the large black hounds sometimes turn up and if this is the case, you need to stay calm, continue practicing your skill, but throw rum and candies as far away from you as you can.


Here's a serious answer

You cannot 'make contact' with God. It would destroy our reality should the creator descend to our physical realm .

You may contact many lesser beings such as a devil. (Demons) Angels, etc.

The framework for contacting your higher self is in the a.a. course work which is freely available online.

The higher self is an angel, which is the sum total of your ultimate evolution, after countless incarnations of your lives. It is closer to God than you could possibly get right now, and since it's you, (contains you) it's easier to contact than God itself. The framework essentially is all about getting yourself closer to a phase lock with the higher self, to allow it to freely communicate with you in its past without altering the (it's) past or interfering with your free will.

Look into Tom montalks realm dynamics, it's a good explanation of our universe.

Demons are a lot easier to contact but much less inclined to be helpful, as they all have agendas.



>aa coursework

whats that?can you provide any links please.



AA = Alcoholics Anonymous.

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