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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c698a101fe375b9⋯.jpg (115.38 KB, 894x1024, 447:512, florida.jpg)


Does anyone know how to get rid of malicious implants placed in the astral body by people for whatever reason?

Picture unrelated.




Can't you just psychically throw them away?



The astral trash can is full.


There's a lot of different ways to answer that but basically you got to dislodge them through force of imagination and also try to create better filters/barriers psychically to prevent further attachments (note: drugs destroy those barriers and so drug-users get lots of attachments)


just fucking imagine your thought pattern manifesting as some shit and then imagine fucking nuking it with bombs, or just chain saw through your thoughts or whatever man. believe it's real because it is because thoughts might as well be the most real shit of all time because everything else is escapable


File: 8609bbc6b8c988f⋯.jpg (315.77 KB, 686x385, 98:55, download.jpg)

i've never really felt this way about Florida…everywhere has problems…who is to say that they require some sort of exceptional shaming with threads like these?

how is this even a /fringe/ appropriate thread and not shilling?

why are the mods not locking this thread and coming down hard on them like they do all of my threads?



>Picture unrelated



picture is not unrelated



OP here, the only bad/"problematic" thing in that picture is illiteracy, the rest are awesome.


Picture is unrelated to the subject of the thread.


These are particularly powerful. Theoretically, yes. But it's hard.


Makes sense.

You seem knowledgable. Do you know anything about time travel, telekinesis, transmutation of physical matter, etc.? To what degree are these things possible?


File: b648b23b34f15ce⋯.jpg (342.41 KB, 1200x1195, 240:239, a2611545982_10.jpg)


Bro, do you even shill?



No. Go the fuck away.



That picture is cool.




Actually, nvm, post more album covers plz. This looks good.


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Sonne: that whosoever beleeveth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."



That guy's a faggot, though. And his mind control cult is probably the one causing half the problems.




(le sigh)



File: 2d41d60e3c85534⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 208x250, 104:125, 1564452065751.jpg)

alright listen here, you little bitch i'm so sick and tired of faggots like you coming on here trying to tell people what you know or what others don't know, and still like your only the size of a single grain of a sand in one hundred thousand seas and yet you somehow think that you're special enough to etheric implants?

fuck off, skinny ass little faggot

go shit up some other board and stop coming around here acting like a know it all like you're seriously some occult wizard or something…i have plenty of friends in florida and they are great people and i even have a really hot smoking gf from fl who's seriously like a 10/10 and who are you you little fake LARP wizard cosplaying little bitch


File: 64a3d8dff8a73f3⋯.jpg (137.57 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, alienufo.jpg)

btw, here's me irl (pic related) and i am a serious fucking wizard of many complex subjects and here's my bod to show you you ain't shit n00b….if you don't even have a six pack don't even bother responding



Where's your nose?




If you aphantasia, you will need help from a friend or pay someone who knows about this.


A cow doesn't feel special by being milked. Rats don't feel special by being vivisected. Humans sure as heck don't feel special when they step into dogshit or when someone steals their soul energy.

Millions of souls were interfered by ayylmaos in one way or another. It doesn't make them special, it makes them terribly unlucky.



Eve Lorgen is pretty legit d00d in my book




Sorry OP I was trying to make it look like I was trying to wiz you by posting that album cover and the scripture….it was disinfo.

I repent of my sin



There's a book called A Vampyre's Guide to Self-Defense. Or similar title.

Best one I've found so far.



sorry got that title wrong. I think it was a vampyre's guide to psychic self defense.

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