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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


The assertion that he had eyes of fire ( or smoldering coal like Buddha in some texts) is referring to ancient ( and still held) beliefs that the Genesis 1:27 people made prior to Adam and Eve or the un-gendered/ un-split persons ( as Isis/ Shosho or Anunaki) in all other creation myths; that humanoid deities made man. All are depicted with grey outside/ red heterochromia iridis and wool hair, not curls or straight. This indeed is a find-able race in genetics. The genes are all very rare, higher in lineage priest families and those with IQs over 189 familialy and root to a pre- neanderthal man.Neanderthals also had frizzy hair from some reports.The "gods" are the ones before the split ones. As with all other names for the gods: Dios,Netjeru, Bon they are pan Atlantic sailing metal trading peoples who's DNA roots in the United States. All the lineage priest families' DNA roots to R1 and a few other haplotypes all in the US pre-Siberian population. It does refer to Jesus being the image of God in Acts as well. ( keep you as the apple of my eye. A phrase God says to Jacob them David more than six times is a reference to this same eye color. Seraph a clan of Shela/Sela/Chela Judah means only ancient fire.


bruh can you try and make your threads less shit? it's hard for me to take you seriously, regardless of actual content.

link pls


File: 7112791ada8a342⋯.jpg (120.55 KB, 762x785, 762:785, D7wxaDdVUAA_2rb.jpg)


Do not slander the board owner's threads.


BREAKING! Codemonkey has once again fucked around with global CSS and turned subjects into clickable links with a huge gap on the left side



Pretty great tbh, now we can just read it without having mandated replies for each opened thread.



What does that have to do with anything?


File: 143e5612b0b6270⋯.webm (2.3 MB, 854x480, 427:240, hello¿ africa¿.webm)


File: 9c772639c43796e⋯.jpg (627.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, zombie-hunting-cs-source.jpg)

Smil[redacted] is dat u? heh



That thing is your friend?

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