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Anybody who allows themselves to be controlled (in spiritual terms) by anything outside of themselves has committed a fault.

What is inside of us is greater than what is outside of us.

Our own will, and our ability to determine our own circumstances is greater than any conception of God. Even if God is real, if He is not doing the right thing then He should not receive any sort of place in our lives.

Do not be deceived, playing around with things greater than ourselves which we do not understand.


For those of you who seek to be controlled by those forces outside of yourself, there is the decision to be submissive to those forces but remember that first it should be you who makes that choice.

Unless you have always been controlled by forces outside of yourself, and that just so happens to be going well for you, then whatever.


What I am saying is that if you really want to do the right thing and make the right decisions then you should be doing so for yourself and not allow anything else (such as a Demiurge construct) to dictate reality to you.

It is better to die with honor than to live with injustice.


The TRUTH! Let it lay bare, before it surely will get sullied

I have to say though, that the mechanisms for rewiring the self-circuitry to allow a greater cultivation of will, self-determination.

These mechanisms really should be explored, but such abstract concepts always were hard to pin down and define to allow any semblance of consistency in language…

It's not words per se (that I myself would use presently), but the metaphors and analogies themselves that show the truth. The macroscopic picture of the mechanisms of metaphysics (conceptualizations of God, like the holy trinity, or even the tree of life) show not only the greatest picture of the ALL but also the backdrop of the smallest picture of any ONE perspective…



Well God (actual God) isn't a created entity outside yourself - he or it is the Absolute, the single principle existence of everything. This is why "idolatery" was a sin in most ancient religions - worship of a created being, even a lesser diety (including the Demiurge) is always wrong. Your innermost will literally IS God manifested, in the ideal sense you aren't serving an entity outside yourself if you're doing it right.

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