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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 37c1003c63e465f⋯.jpg (110.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download (2).jpg)


What are some conspiracies you unironically believe in, /fringe/?

>CIA killed JFK

>Bush did 9/11

>Holocaust never happened

>Bohemian Grove

>Hitler killed himself and moved to Argentina

>Jim Morrison still alive

>Moon landing faked

>Blood Libels

>Counter Intelligence Against Activists in the 1960’s

>Operation Northwoods


Get a fucking life you godamned glowinthedarks CIANIGGERS

In case you are a naive anon, why are you polling other random anons about what conspiracies they believe in.

Yeah guys, let's all talk about all the shit that gets us on all the lists we aren't already on! What fun



Fun fact: According to a recent survey, 57% of russians don't believe americans ever went to the moon.

Because the soviets were so far ahead it just seemed unlikely to them that americans would catch up. They still celebrate the first dogs to visit space and come back alive, the first woman in space etc, all russian achivements that no one in the west knows about.

Aren't media bubbles fun?



>>Hitler killed himself and moved to Argentina

Who would fail to believe such logic?



>Morrison fakes death


>9/11 inside job

>Kurt Cobain being murdered

>LV shooting was a false flag



>Counter Intelligence Against Activists in the 1960’s


Not even a poltard and I cringed



Cointelpro? Playing both sides is kind of their thing.

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