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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Always had a sensitivity to subtleties in the aether. Now it feels like it is being drowned out. What is happening out there?


Get used to it. Learn some mantras/prayers for when ur tired, sick of it, or want to sleep.

But get used to their company and learn to play with the energies, ie. with chaos magick

Or you could do banishing rituals and just fucking nuke everything but sometimes that can be counterproductive in the long run, so better stick to the ritual practice advancement if you've already started…

Oh and if you can feel it getting drowned out, well then you can detect the resulting phenomena of the macroscopic/cosmic movements. If you are really actually interested, then the astrology graphing stuff speaks for itself. The movements of the planets and the cosmos always end up as a correlation to what happens here on earth at every level…



It could just be me, I think it's more like a barrier has been removed. Like this thread >>>/x/44868 is legit. They're really summoning entities/succubi in a ritual so trivial that any fool could do so. I doubt that the ritual is even necessary which makes me paranoid to even think about such things.




Thanks for the info. never really dabbled too much into any rituals other than read a lot of books and some transcendental meditation trying to raise kundalini a few years ago. maybe i should get back to that. just seems like either the energy i used to tap into is blocked up or just a lot of quiet clatter now. used to feel more distinct

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